1. Football streams
  2. Ligue 2
  3. AC Ajaccio vs Guingamp

Labeau (56') Le Bris (42') Le Bris (14')

How to watch AC Ajaccio vs Guingamp online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:


AC Ajaccio
5Vidal12Huard23Strata43Kouassi88Bamba16Sollacaro22Soumano27Kante25Anziani26Jabol Folcarelli4Barreto22Sissoko18Nair7Gomis31Ourega9Labeau4Louiserre8Sidibe10Picard13Hemia28Le Bris16Basilio
AC Ajaccio AC Ajaccio
Debes, Thierry
Benjamin Santelli 9
60' Out: Matthieu Huard

Everson 17
60' Out: Julien Anziani

Ivane Chegra 21
70' Out: Mickael Barreto

Thomas Mangani 6
84' Out: Tim Jabol Folcarelli
Guingamp Guingamp
Ripoll, Sylvain
Taylor Luvambo 23
57' Out: Brighton Labeau

Lebogang Phiri 5
72' Out: Amine Hemia

Rayan Ghrieb 21
72' Out: Dylan Ourega

Mathis Riou 26
72' Out: Kalidou Sidibe

Sabri Guendouz 19
77' Out: Hugo Picard


Ball possession

Yellow cards
Red cards

AC Ajaccio vs Guingamp Betting tips

The most common result of matches between AC Ajaccio and EA Guingamp is 1-1. 5 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 10 meetings with AC Ajaccio playing at home, AC Ajaccio have won 2 times, there have been 3 draws while EA Guingamp have won 5 times. The goal difference is 10-7 in favour of EA Guingamp.
During the last 22 meetings, AC Ajaccio have won 2 times, there have been 9 draws while EA Guingamp have won 11 times. The goal difference is 29-16 in favour of EA Guingamp.
Last season's matches: 3-0 (AC Ajaccio at home) and 3-0 (EA Guingamp at home).
AC Ajaccio have a winning streak of 3 matches in Ligue 2.
EA Guingamp have a winning streak of 3 matches in Ligue 2.
Did you know that AC Ajaccio scores 25% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
Did you know that EA Guingamp scores 31% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
AC Ajaccio have a winning streak of 3 matches.
EA Guingamp have a winning streak of 4 matches.
EA Guingamp haven't lost in their last 6 games.
AC Ajaccio have received 7 red cards this season. This is the highest number in Ligue 2.
AC Ajaccio haven't scored in 3 of their 9 home matches in Ligue 2 this season.
EA Guingamp haven't scored in 2 of their 10 away matches in Ligue 2 this season.
EA Guingamp's away record this season: 5-0-5.
Moussa Soumano is AC Ajaccio's top scorer with 4 goals. Jacques Siwe has scored 8 times for EA Guingamp.
EA Guingamp have scored at least one goal for 14 consecutive matches.
AC Ajaccio wins 1st half in 14% of their matches, EA Guingamp in 43% of their matches.
AC Ajaccio wins 14% of halftimes, EA Guingamp wins 43%.
The winner of their last meeting was EA Guingamp.
On their last meeting EA Guingamp won by 1 goals.
When AC Ajaccio leads 1-0 at home, they win in 80% of their matches.
When EA Guingamp leads 0-1 away, they win in 91% of their matches.
When AC Ajaccio is down 0-1 home, they win 25% of their matches.
When EA Guingamp is down 1-0 away, they win 0% of their matches.
In Ligue 2, EA Guingamp has better performance than AC Ajaccio.
EA Guingamp's performance of the last 5 matches is better than AC Ajaccio's.
EA Guingamp have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against AC Ajaccio (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings AC Ajaccio won 1, EA Guingamp won 3, 1 draws.
EA Guingamp have lost just 1 of their last 5 Ligue 2 games against AC Ajaccio.
AC Ajaccio have won just 1 of their last 5 Ligue 2 games against EA Guingamp.
AC Ajaccio scores 0.8 goals in a match against EA Guingamp and EA Guingamp scores 1.2 goals against AC Ajaccio (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between AC Ajaccio and EA Guingamp is 2.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between AC Ajaccio and EA Guingamp is 0.8.
Both teams didn't concede on their last match.
AC Ajaccio scores 1.15 goals when playing at home and EA Guingamp scores 1.71 goals when playing away (on average).
AC Ajaccio wins 1st half in 14% of their matches, EA Guingamp in 42% of their matches.
AC Ajaccio wins 14% of halftimes, EA Guingamp wins 42%.
When EA Guingamp leads 0-1 away, they win in 92% of their matches.
AC Ajaccio scores 1.15 goals when playing at home and EA Guingamp scores 1.73 goals when playing away (on average).
EA Guingamp have a winning streak of 3 matches away from home.
If Moussa Soumano scores against EA Guingamp it will be his 5th goal for AC Ajaccio this season.
The most common end-result when EA Guingamp leads 1-0 away this season is 1-0.


Head to head

AC Ajaccio
Wins: 1
Draws: 3
Wins: 5
Recent meetings
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    8 Feb 2025
    AC AjaccioAC Ajaccio
    0 : 3
  2. Flag FRALigue 2
    29 Oct 2024
    1 : 0
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  3. Flag FRALigue 2
    10 Feb 2024
    AC AjaccioAC Ajaccio
    3 : 0
  4. Flag FRALigue 2
    18 Sep 2023
    3 : 0
    AC AjaccioAC Ajaccio
  5. Flag FRALigue 2
    12 Feb 2022
    AC AjaccioAC Ajaccio
    0 : 1


AC AjaccioAC Ajaccio
  1. Flag FRALigue 2
    8 Feb 2025
    AC Ajaccio
    0 : 3
  2. Flag FRALigue 2
    31 Jan 2025
    Clermont Foot
    0 : 1
    AC Ajaccio
  3. Flag FRALigue 2
    24 Jan 2025
    1 : 2
    AC Ajaccio
  4. Flag FRALigue 2
    17 Jan 2025
    AC Ajaccio
    2 : 1
  5. Flag FRALigue 2
    11 Jan 2025
    4 : 0
    AC Ajaccio
  1. Flag FRALigue 2
    8 Feb 2025
    AC Ajaccio
    0 : 3
  2. Flag FRACoupe de France
    5 Feb 2025
    0 : 2
  3. Flag FRALigue 2
    1 Feb 2025
    0 : 1
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  4. Flag FRALigue 2
    24 Jan 2025
    0 : 1
  5. Flag FRALigue 2
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    3 : 0

AC Ajaccio vs Guingamp Standings

6FC Annecy10662236
13Clermont Foot66102224
14AC Ajaccio73122224

Match information