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  3. Renaissance Zemamra vs AS Far Rabat

How to watch Renaissance Zemamra vs AS Far Rabat online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Renaissance Zemamra vs AS Far Rabat

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Renaissance Zemamra vs AS Far Rabat Betting tips

The most common result of matches between Renaissance Zemamra and AS Far Rabat is 1-2. 3 matches have ended with this result.
AS Far Rabat have previously won 5 of 8 matches against Renaissance Zemamra.
During the last 8 meetings, Renaissance Zemamra have won 0 times, there have been 0 draws while AS Far Rabat have won 8 times. The goal difference is 18-6 in favour of AS Far Rabat.
Last season AS Far Rabat won both games against Renaissance Zemamra (3-1 at home and 1-0 away).
Did you know that Renaissance Zemamra scores 29% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
Did you know that AS Far Rabat scores 24% of their goals between the minutes 31-45?
AS Far Rabat haven't won any of their last 5 away matches.
Renaissance Zemamra haven't won any of their last 8 games against AS Far Rabat.
Renaissance Zemamra haven't scored in 2 of their 12 home matches in Botola Pro D1 this season.
AS Far Rabat haven't scored in 4 of their 11 away matches in Botola Pro D1 this season.
A year ago, Renaissance Zemamra were number 8 in the table with 29 points. Now they are number 3 with 40 points.
A year ago, AS Far Rabat were number 1 in the table with 55 points. Now they are number 5 with 39 points.
Renaissance Zemamra wins 1st half in 30% of their matches, AS Far Rabat in 32% of their matches.
Renaissance Zemamra wins 30% of halftimes, AS Far Rabat wins 32%.
The winner of their last meeting was AS Far Rabat.
On their last meeting AS Far Rabat won by 1 goals.
When Renaissance Zemamra leads 1-0 at home, they win in 87% of their matches.
When AS Far Rabat leads 0-1 away, they win in 80% of their matches.
When Renaissance Zemamra is down 0-1 home, they win 20% of their matches.
When AS Far Rabat is down 1-0 away, they win 10% of their matches.
In Botola Pro D1, Renaissance Zemamra has better performance than AS Far Rabat.
Renaissance Zemamra's performance of the last 5 matches is better than AS Far Rabat's.
AS Far Rabat have lost just 0 of their last 5 games against Renaissance Zemamra (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings Renaissance Zemamra won 0, AS Far Rabat won 5, 0 draws.
AS Far Rabat have lost just 0 of their last 5 Botola Pro D1 games against Renaissance Zemamra.
Renaissance Zemamra have won just 0 of their last 5 Botola Pro D1 games against AS Far Rabat.
Renaissance Zemamra scores 0.6 goals in a match against AS Far Rabat and AS Far Rabat scores 1.8 goals against Renaissance Zemamra (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between Renaissance Zemamra and AS Far Rabat is 2.4.
Both teams haven't won their last match in Botola Pro D1.
Renaissance Zemamra scores 1.38 goals when playing at home and AS Far Rabat scores 1.48 goals when playing away (on average).


Head to head

Renaissance Zemamra
AS Far Rabat
Wins: 0
Draws: 0
Wins: 6
Recent meetings
  1. Flag MARBotola
    2 Nov 2024
    AS Far RabatAS Far Rabat
    1 : 0
    Renaissance ZemamraRenaissance Zemamra
  2. Flag MARMorocco Cup
    7 May 2024
    AS Far RabatAS Far Rabat
    2 : 1
    Renaissance ZemamraRenaissance Zemamra
  3. Flag MARBotola
    13 Feb 2024
    Renaissance ZemamraRenaissance Zemamra
    0 : 1
    AS Far RabatAS Far Rabat
  4. Flag MARBotola
    19 Sep 2023
    AS Far RabatAS Far Rabat
    3 : 1
    Renaissance ZemamraRenaissance Zemamra
  5. Flag MARBotola
    19 May 2021
    AS Far RabatAS Far Rabat
    2 : 1
    Renaissance ZemamraRenaissance Zemamra


Renaissance ZemamraRenaissance Zemamra
  1. Flag MARBotola
    27 Feb 2025
    FUS Rabat
    3 : 0
    Renaissance Zemamra
  2. Flag MARBotola
    22 Feb 2025
    Renaissance Zemamra
    2 : 0
    Ittihad Tanger
  3. Flag MARBotola
    15 Feb 2025
    RSB Berkane
    1 : 0
    Renaissance Zemamra
  4. Flag MARBotola
    8 Feb 2025
    Renaissance Zemamra
    1 : 2
    Raja Casablanca
  5. Flag MARBotola
    17 Jan 2025
    SCC Mohammedia
    0 : 1
    Renaissance Zemamra
AS Far RabatAS Far Rabat
  1. Flag MARBotola
    27 Feb 2025
    OCS Olympique de Safi
    1 : 1
    AS Far Rabat
  2. Flag MARBotola
    22 Feb 2025
    AS Far Rabat
    0 : 0
    Raja Casablanca
  3. Flag MARBotola
    14 Feb 2025
    FUS Rabat
    2 : 1
    AS Far Rabat
  4. Flag MARBotola
    7 Feb 2025
    AS Far Rabat
    3 : 2
    Ittihad Tanger
  5. Flag MARBotola
    29 Jan 2025
    RSB Berkane
    2 : 0
    AS Far Rabat

Renaissance Zemamra vs AS Far Rabat Standings

2Wydad Casablanca11842341
3Renaissance Zemamra12472340
4FUS Rabat11662339
5AS Far Rabat10942339
6Maghreb AS de Fes10762337

Match information