How to watch Eupen vs Antwerp online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:


Eupen Eupen
Antwerp Antwerp
24Slonina28Paeshuyse4Palsson35Lambert15Magnee8Mohwald6Baiye3Davidson14Deom7Nuhu27Finnbogason1Butez33Van Den Bosch23Alderweireld5Wijndal11Muja46Smits27Keita19Ejuke24Ekkelenkamp18Janssen9Ilenikhena
Eupen Eupen
1Butez33Van Den Bosch23Alderweireld5Wijndal11Muja46Smits27Keita19Ejuke24Ekkelenkamp18Janssen9Ilenikhena
Antwerp Antwerp
Eupen Eupen
Kohfeldt, Florian
Renaud Emond 9
67' Out: Alfred Finnbogason

Milos Pantovic 19
67' Out: Jerome Deom

Regan Charles-Cook 10
67' Out: Isaac Nuhu

Amadou Keita 18
81' Out: Gary Magnee

Jan Kral 21
90' Out: Kevin Mohwald
Antwerp Antwerp
Van Bommel, Mark
Jelle Bataille 34
46' Out: Milan Smits

Mahamadou Doumbia 84
46' Out: Owen Wijndal

Jacob Ondrejka 17
79' Out: Arbnor Muja

Kobe Corbanie 52
79' Out: Jurgen Ekkelenkamp

Gyrano Kerk 7
80' Out: Chidera Ejuke


Ball possession
67% Antwerp
5Off goal83On goal3

Shots blocked
Corner kicks
Yellow cards
Red cards

Eupen vs Antwerp Betting tips

The most common result of matches between KAS Eupen and Royal Antwerp FC when KAS Eupen is playing at home is 0-1. 5 matches have ended with this result.
The most common result of matches between KAS Eupen and Royal Antwerp FC is 0-1. 7 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 18 meetings with KAS Eupen playing at home, KAS Eupen have won 4 times, there have been 5 draws while Royal Antwerp FC have won 9 times. The goal difference is 23-22 in favour of Royal Antwerp FC.
During the last 37 meetings, KAS Eupen have won 7 times, there have been 9 draws while Royal Antwerp FC have won 21 times. The goal difference is 58-41 in favour of Royal Antwerp FC.
KAS Eupen's last home win against Royal Antwerp FC was in 2015.
Last season Royal Antwerp FC won both games against KAS Eupen (2-0 at home and 1-0 away).
KAS Eupen have a losing streak of 4 matches in Pro League.
Did you know that KAS Eupen scores 24% of their goals between the minutes 46-60?
Did you know that Royal Antwerp FC scores 29% of their goals between the minutes 31-45?
KAS Eupen have lost 5 matches in a row.
KAS Eupen haven't won in their last 10 games.
KAS Eupen have played 5 home matches in a row without winning.
KAS Eupen haven't won any of their last 6 games against Royal Antwerp FC.
KAS Eupen haven't scored in 1 of their 10 home matches in Pro League this season.
Royal Antwerp FC haven't scored in 3 of their 10 away matches in Pro League this season.
Isaac Nuhu is KAS Eupen's top scorer with 4 goals. Vincent Janssen has scored 9 times for Royal Antwerp FC.
Jan Kral has more yellow cards (5) than any other player at KAS Eupen. Vincent Janssen has collected 4 for Royal Antwerp FC.
KAS Eupen have conceded a goal in each of their last 10 matches.
Royal Antwerp FC have conceded a goal in each of their last 7 matches.
KAS Eupen wins 1st half in 15% of their matches, Royal Antwerp FC in 41% of their matches.
KAS Eupen wins 15% of halftimes, Royal Antwerp FC wins 41%.
The winner of their last meeting was Royal Antwerp FC.
On their last meeting Royal Antwerp FC won by 3 goals.
When KAS Eupen leads 1-0 at home, they win in 42% of their matches.
When Royal Antwerp FC leads 0-1 away, they win in 90% of their matches.
When KAS Eupen is down 0-1 home, they win 7% of their matches.
When Royal Antwerp FC is down 1-0 away, they win 0% of their matches.
In Pro League, Royal Antwerp FC has better performance than KAS Eupen.
Royal Antwerp FC's performance of the last 5 matches is better than KAS Eupen's.
Royal Antwerp FC have lost just 0 of their last 5 games against KAS Eupen (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings KAS Eupen won 0, Royal Antwerp FC won 5, 0 draws.
Royal Antwerp FC have lost just 0 of their last 5 Pro League games against KAS Eupen.
KAS Eupen have won just 0 of their last 5 Pro League games against Royal Antwerp FC.
KAS Eupen scores 0.6 goals in a match against Royal Antwerp FC and Royal Antwerp FC scores 2.4 goals against KAS Eupen (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between KAS Eupen and Royal Antwerp FC is 3.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between KAS Eupen and Royal Antwerp FC is 1.6.
KAS Eupen scores 1.4 goals when playing at home and Royal Antwerp FC scores 1.23 goals when playing away (on average).
Did you know that KAS Eupen scores 27% of their goals between the minutes 46-60? This is the highest percentage in the league.
Gary Magnee has assisted the most goals for KAS Eupen with 4. Michel Ange Balikwisha is Royal Antwerp FC's biggest assister (4).
Royal Antwerp FC have conceded a goal in each of their last 8 matches.
KAS Eupen wins 1st half in 15% of their matches, Royal Antwerp FC in 42% of their matches.
KAS Eupen wins 15% of halftimes, Royal Antwerp FC wins 42%.
When Royal Antwerp FC is down 1-0 away, they win 7% of their matches.
KAS Eupen scores 1.4 goals when playing at home and Royal Antwerp FC scores 1.3 goals when playing away (on average).
If Vincent Janssen scores against KAS Eupen it will be his 10th goal for Royal Antwerp FC this season.
This was Vincent Janssen's 5th yellow card for the season.


Head to head

Wins: 1
Draws: 1
Wins: 8
Recent meetings
  1. Flag BELFirst Division A
    27 Jan 2024
    1 : 0
  2. Flag BELFirst Division A
    7 Oct 2023
    4 : 1
  3. Flag BELFirst Division A
    17 Feb 2023
    2 : 0
  4. Flag BELFirst Division A
    13 Aug 2022
    0 : 1
  5. Flag BELFirst Division A
    15 Dec 2021
    4 : 2


  1. Flag BELFirst Division B
    7 Mar 2025
    3 : 1
    Francs Borains
  2. Flag BELFirst Division B
    27 Feb 2025
    Raal La Louviere
    2 : 0
  3. Flag BELFirst Division B
    21 Feb 2025
    2 : 2
    RSC Anderlecht Futures U23
  4. Flag BELFirst Division B
    15 Feb 2025
    Jong KRC Genk U23
    0 : 0
  5. Flag BELFirst Division B
    8 Feb 2025
    1 : 3
    Lierse Kempenzonen
  1. Flag BELFirst Division A
    8 Mar 2025
    0 : 1
  2. Flag BELFirst Division A
    28 Feb 2025
    Cercle Brugge
    0 : 0
  3. Flag BELFirst Division A
    21 Feb 2025
    2 : 2
    Oud-Heverlee Leuven
  4. Flag BELFirst Division A
    14 Feb 2025
    2 : 1
    KV Kortrijk
  5. Flag BELFirst Division A
    8 Feb 2025
    2 : 0

Eupen vs Antwerp Standings


Match information

An upcoming football match in the First Division A will be a contest between KAS Eupen and Royal Antwerp FC. This match is scheduled to take place on Sunday, 28 January 2024, at 15:00 UTC at the Kehrweg Stadium.

In the league standings, KAS Eupen is positioned at 14th while Royal Antwerp FC holds the 6th spot. They last faced each other on 8th October 2023, where Royal Antwerp FC emerged victorious with a 4-1 scoreline. Historically, from their nine meetings, Royal Antwerp FC has dominated with eight wins, KAS Eupen has not secured any wins, and there has been one draw.

The head-to-head statistics reinforce Royal Antwerp FC's dominance, with them taking wins both at home and as guests with four victories each, while KAS Eupen has not yet managed to win against Royal Antwerp FC in their previous encounters.

For those interested in watching the match in the United Kingdom, the game will be streamed online by bet365, which is classified under bookmaker-type streaming services.

Betting odds and predictions suggest that Royal Antwerp FC has a higher chance to win the match with a probability of 58.94%, while the odds for a KAS Eupen victory are much lower at 19.61%. The draw has been set at a 21.45% chance. In terms of betting odds provided by bet365, they have placed KAS Eupen at 7.5, a draw at 4.75, and Royal Antwerp FC as the favorites at 1.36.