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  2. 1. Liga
  3. Fastav Zlin vs Slavia Prague

How to watch Fastav Zlin vs Slavia Prague online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:


Fastav Zlin Fastav Zlin
Slavia Prague Slavia Prague
3Celustka14Cedidla28Kolar31Bartosak6Didiba Moudoumbou10Tom68Janetzky17Dostal21Buzek77Vukadinovic99Ikugar4Zima5Igoh18Boril29Tomic6Wallem17Provod19Dorley23Sevcik13Chytil15Jurecka28Mandous
3Celustka14Cedidla28Kolar31Bartosak6Didiba Moudoumbou10Tom68Janetzky17Dostal21Buzek77Vukadinovic99Ikugar
Fastav Zlin Fastav Zlin
Slavia Prague Slavia Prague
Fastav Zlin Fastav Zlin
Cervenka, Bronislav
Pablo Gonzalez Juarez 8
78' Out: Sloncik Tom

Tomas Schanelec 36
78' Out: Lukas Bartosak

Jakub Cernin 24
90' Out: Jakub Janetzky
Slavia Prague Slavia Prague
Trpisovsky, Jindrich
Ivan Schranz 26
46' Out: Conrad Wallem

Mick Van Buren 14
68' Out: Mojmir Chytil

Boluwatife Victor Ogungbayi 24
77' Out: Lukas Provod

Lukas Masopust 8
77' Out: Michal Tomic

Tomas Holes 3
90' Out: Petr Sevcik


Ball possession
Fastav Zlin44%
56% Slavia Prague
5Off goal33On goal4

Corner kicks
Yellow cards
Red cards

Fastav Zlin vs Slavia Prague Betting tips

The most common result of matches between FC Zlin and Slavia Prague when FC Zlin is playing at home is 0-1. 3 matches have ended with this result.
The most common result of matches between FC Zlin and Slavia Prague is 0-1. 8 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 16 meetings with FC Zlin playing at home, FC Zlin have won 2 times, there have been 4 draws while Slavia Prague have won 10 times. The goal difference is 30-10 in favour of Slavia Prague.
During the last 34 meetings, FC Zlin have won 4 times, there have been 5 draws while Slavia Prague have won 25 times. The goal difference is 69-22 in favour of Slavia Prague.
FC Zlin's last home win against Slavia Prague was in 2019.
Last season Slavia Prague won both games against FC Zlin (4-1 at home and 4-0 away).
Slavia Prague have a winning streak of 4 matches in 1. Liga.
Did you know that FC Zlin scores 27% of their goals between the minutes 31-45? This is the highest percentage in the league.
Did you know that Slavia Prague scores 31% of their goals between the minutes 46-60?
Slavia Prague have a winning streak of 11 matches.
Slavia Prague have a winning streak of 5 matches away from home.
FC Zlin haven't won any of their last 10 games against Slavia Prague.
FC Zlin haven't scored in 1 of their 8 home matches in 1. Liga this season.
Slavia Prague haven't scored in 1 of their 9 away matches in 1. Liga this season.
Slavia Prague's away record this season: 7-2-0.
FC Zlin have kept a clean sheet in 3 matches in a row.
Slavia Prague have scored at least one goal for 13 consecutive matches.
FC Zlin wins 1st half in 22% of their matches, Slavia Prague in 42% of their matches.
FC Zlin wins 22% of halftimes, Slavia Prague wins 42%.
The winner of their last meeting was Slavia Prague.
On their last meeting Slavia Prague won by 1 goals.
When FC Zlin leads 1-0 at home, they win in 72% of their matches.
When Slavia Prague leads 0-1 away, they win in 93% of their matches.
When FC Zlin is down 0-1 home, they win 18% of their matches.
When Slavia Prague is down 1-0 away, they win 25% of their matches.
In 1. Liga, Slavia Prague has better performance than FC Zlin.
Slavia Prague's performance of the last 5 matches is better than FC Zlin's.
Slavia Prague have lost just 0 of their last 5 games against FC Zlin (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings FC Zlin won 0, Slavia Prague won 5, 0 draws.
Slavia Prague have lost just 0 of their last 5 1. Liga games against FC Zlin.
FC Zlin have won just 0 of their last 5 1. Liga games against Slavia Prague.
FC Zlin scores 0.6 goals in a match against Slavia Prague and Slavia Prague scores 3.2 goals against FC Zlin (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between FC Zlin and Slavia Prague is 3.8.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between FC Zlin and Slavia Prague is 1.8.
FC Zlin scores 1.8 goals when playing at home and Slavia Prague scores 1.82 goals when playing away (on average).
Slavia Prague have a winning streak of 5 matches in 1. Liga.
Slavia Prague have a winning streak of 12 matches.
Slavia Prague have scored at least one goal for 14 consecutive matches.
FC Zlin wins 1st half in 21% of their matches, Slavia Prague in 43% of their matches.
FC Zlin wins 21% of halftimes, Slavia Prague wins 43%.
Did you know that FC Zlin scores 26% of their goals between the minutes 31-45?
Did you know that Slavia Prague scores 28% of their goals between the minutes 46-60?
If Conrad Wallem scores against FC Zlin it will be his 5th goal for Slavia Prague this season.
Slavia Prague is undefeated this season when playing at home and taking the lead 1-0.
This was Sloncik Tom's 5th yellow card for the season.


Head to head

Fastav Zlin
Slavia Prague
Wins: 0
Draws: 1
Wins: 10
Recent meetings
  1. Flag CZE1. Liga
    13 Feb 2024
    Fastav ZlinFastav Zlin
    1 : 1
    Slavia PragueSlavia Prague
  2. Flag CZE1. Liga
    5 Aug 2023
    Slavia PragueSlavia Prague
    2 : 1
    Fastav ZlinFastav Zlin
  3. Flag CZE1. Liga
    12 Nov 2022
    Fastav ZlinFastav Zlin
    0 : 4
    Slavia PragueSlavia Prague
  4. Flag CZE1. Liga
    6 Aug 2022
    Slavia PragueSlavia Prague
    4 : 1
    Fastav ZlinFastav Zlin
  5. Flag CZE1. Liga
    19 Apr 2022
    Slavia PragueSlavia Prague
    3 : 0
    Fastav ZlinFastav Zlin


Fastav ZlinFastav Zlin
  1. Flag CZEFNL
    2 Mar 2025
    Fastav Zlin
    3 : 0
    1.SK Prostejov
  2. Flag CZECup
    26 Feb 2025
    Viktoria Plzen
    4 : 1
    Fastav Zlin
  3. Flag nullClub Friendly Games
    20 Feb 2025
    Fastav Zlin
    1 : 0
    Slavia Kromeriz
  4. Flag nullClub Friendly Games
    12 Feb 2025
    Fastav Zlin
    2 : 0
    FC Andijon
  5. Flag nullClub Friendly Games
    6 Feb 2025
    Fastav Zlin
    0 : 1
    FC Obolon Kyiv
Slavia PragueSlavia Prague
  1. Flag CZE1. Liga
    1 Mar 2025
    Slavia Prague
    2 : 0
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  2. Flag CZECup
    25 Feb 2025
    Slavia Prague
    1 : 0
    FK MAS Taborsko
  3. Flag CZE1. Liga
    22 Feb 2025
    Viktoria Plzen
    1 : 3
    Slavia Prague
  4. Flag CZE1. Liga
    15 Feb 2025
    Slavia Prague
    1 : 0
    Banik Ostrava
  5. Flag CZE1. Liga
    7 Feb 2025
    0 : 2
    Slavia Prague

Fastav Zlin vs Slavia Prague Standings

1Slavia Prague21212465
2Viktoria Plzen16442452

Match information