Did you know that ACF Fiorentina scores 35% of their goals between the minutes 61-75?
Vitoria SC Guimaraes have won 4 home matches in a row.
Vitoria SC Guimaraes haven't lost in any of their last 6 home matches.
Tiago Silva is Vitoria SC Guimaraes's top scorer with 2 goals. Jonathan Ikone has scored 4 times for ACF Fiorentina.
ACF Fiorentina have scored at least one goal for 14 consecutive matches.
Vitoria SC Guimaraes wins 1st half in 31% of their matches, ACF Fiorentina in 37% of their matches.
Vitoria SC Guimaraes wins 31% of halftimes, ACF Fiorentina wins 37%.
When Vitoria SC Guimaraes leads 1-0 at home, they win in 85% of their matches.
When ACF Fiorentina leads 0-1 away, they win in 78% of their matches.
When Vitoria SC Guimaraes is down 0-1 home, they win 20% of their matches.
When ACF Fiorentina is down 1-0 away, they win 7% of their matches.
In UEFA Conference League, Vitoria SC Guimaraes has better performance than ACF Fiorentina.
ACF Fiorentina's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Vitoria SC Guimaraes's.
Vitoria SC Guimaraes scores 1.77 goals when playing at home and ACF Fiorentina scores 1.58 goals when playing away (on average).
Vitoria SC Guimaraes wins 1st half in 32% of their matches, ACF Fiorentina in 37% of their matches.
Vitoria SC Guimaraes wins 32% of halftimes, ACF Fiorentina wins 37%.
Did you know that Vitoria SC Guimaraes scores 33% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
Nuno Valente Santos has assisted the most goals for Vitoria SC Guimaraes with 3. Christian Kouame is ACF Fiorentina's biggest assister (3).
Vitoria SC Guimaraes scores 1.77 goals when playing at home and ACF Fiorentina scores 1.53 goals when playing away (on average).
Vitoria SC Guimaraes's performance of the last 5 matches is better than ACF Fiorentina's.
If Jonathan Ikone scores against Vitoria SC Guimaraes it will be his 5th goal for ACF Fiorentina this season.