Jaime Andres Ortiz Contreras 27 58' Out: Bruno Leonel Vides
Bruno Caicedo 54 73' Out: Ariel Almagro
Kevin Rivera 29 81' Out: Melvin Diaz
Independiente del Valle
Gandolfi, Javier
Justin Lerma 53 58' Out: Emerson Pata
Kendry Paez 16 65' Out: Cristian Zabala
Keny Arroyo 50 65' Out: Junior Sornoza
Michael Hoyos 11 86' Out: Jeison Medina
Bryan Garcia 20 86' Out: Renato Ibarra
Ball possession
Yellow cards
Red cards
Cumbaya FC vs Independiente del Valle Betting tips
During the last 5 meetings, Cumbaya FC have won 1 times, there have been 0 draws while CSD Independiente del Valle have won 4 times.
Kevin Hurtado has more yellow cards (10) than any other player at Cumbaya FC. Mateo Carabajal has collected 10 for CSD Independiente del Valle.
Cumbaya FC wins 1st half in 10% of their matches, CSD Independiente del Valle in 31% of their matches.
Cumbaya FC wins 10% of halftimes, CSD Independiente del Valle wins 31%.
The winner of their last meeting was CSD Independiente del Valle.
On their last meeting CSD Independiente del Valle won by 3 goals.
When Cumbaya FC leads 1-0 at home, they win in 66% of their matches.
When CSD Independiente del Valle leads 0-1 away, they win in 41% of their matches.
When Cumbaya FC is down 0-1 home, they win 0% of their matches.
When CSD Independiente del Valle is down 1-0 away, they win 14% of their matches.
In LigaPro Primera A, CSD Independiente del Valle has better performance than Cumbaya FC.
CSD Independiente del Valle's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Cumbaya FC's.
CSD Independiente del Valle have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against Cumbaya FC (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings Cumbaya FC won 1, CSD Independiente del Valle won 4, 0 draws.
Cumbaya FC scores 0.2 goals in a match against CSD Independiente del Valle and CSD Independiente del Valle scores 1.6 goals against Cumbaya FC (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between Cumbaya FC and CSD Independiente del Valle is 1.8.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Cumbaya FC and CSD Independiente del Valle is 0.6.
Both teams haven't won their last match in LigaPro Primera A.
Both teams lost their last match.
Cumbaya FC scores 0.86 goals when playing at home and CSD Independiente del Valle scores 0.9 goals when playing away (on average).
Cumbaya FC wins 1st half in 13% of their matches, CSD Independiente del Valle in 30% of their matches.
Cumbaya FC wins 13% of halftimes, CSD Independiente del Valle wins 30%.
When CSD Independiente del Valle is down 1-0 away, they win 12% of their matches.
Cumbaya FC scores 0.86 goals when playing at home and CSD Independiente del Valle scores 0.95 goals when playing away (on average).
Cumbaya FC wins 1st half in 12% of their matches, CSD Independiente del Valle in 30% of their matches.
Cumbaya FC wins 12% of halftimes, CSD Independiente del Valle wins 30%.
Cumbaya FC have lost 3 matches in a row.
If Luis Gustavino receives a yellow card in today's match, he will be suspended after collecting 5 yellow cards so far this season.
This was Gorman Estacio's 5th yellow card for the season.