Did you know that Fatih Karagumruk Istanbul scores 26% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
Did you know that Corum FK scores 24% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
Corum FK have lost none of their last 5 away matches.
Fatih Karagumruk Istanbul haven't scored in 3 of their 10 home matches in 1. Lig this season.
Corum FK haven't scored in 4 of their 9 away matches in 1. Lig this season.
Fatih Karagumruk Istanbul wins 1st half in 37% of their matches, Corum FK in 35% of their matches.
Fatih Karagumruk Istanbul wins 37% of halftimes, Corum FK wins 35%.
Their last meeting was a draw. (2-2)
When Fatih Karagumruk Istanbul leads 1-0 at home, they win in 81% of their matches.
When Corum FK leads 0-1 away, they win in 87% of their matches.
When Fatih Karagumruk Istanbul is down 0-1 home, they win 16% of their matches.
When Corum FK is down 1-0 away, they win 14% of their matches.
In 1. Lig, Corum FK has better performance than Fatih Karagumruk Istanbul.
Fatih Karagumruk Istanbul's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Corum FK's.
Fatih Karagumruk Istanbul scores 2 goals when playing at home and Corum FK scores 1.5 goals when playing away (on average).
If Suat Kaya scores against Fatih Karagumruk Istanbul it will be his 5th goal for Corum FK this season.
The most common end-result when Fatih Karagumruk Istanbul leads 1-0 at home this season is 4-0.
Fatih Karagumruk Istanbul is undefeated this season when playing at home and taking the lead 1-0.
This was Daniel Johnson's 5th yellow card for the season.
This was Atakan Cankaya's 5th yellow card for the season.