Istanbul Basaksehir have a winning streak of 3 matches.
Istanbul Basaksehir haven't lost in their last 4 games.
Istanbul Basaksehir haven't won any of their last 5 away matches.
Kevin Denkey is Cercle Brugge's top scorer with 4 goals. Krzysztof Piatek has scored 4 times for Istanbul Basaksehir.
Cercle Brugge wins 1st half in 34% of their matches, Istanbul Basaksehir in 36% of their matches.
Cercle Brugge wins 34% of halftimes, Istanbul Basaksehir wins 36%.
When Cercle Brugge leads 1-0 at home, they win in 73% of their matches.
When Istanbul Basaksehir leads 0-1 away, they win in 69% of their matches.
When Cercle Brugge is down 0-1 home, they win 10% of their matches.
When Istanbul Basaksehir is down 1-0 away, they win 20% of their matches.
In UEFA Conference League, Cercle Brugge has better performance than Istanbul Basaksehir.
Istanbul Basaksehir's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Cercle Brugge's.
Cercle Brugge scores 1.78 goals when playing at home and Istanbul Basaksehir scores 1.54 goals when playing away (on average).
Istanbul Basaksehir haven't won any of their last 6 away matches.
Cercle Brugge wins 1st half in 34% of their matches, Istanbul Basaksehir in 35% of their matches.
Cercle Brugge wins 34% of halftimes, Istanbul Basaksehir wins 35%.
When Istanbul Basaksehir is down 1-0 away, they win 18% of their matches.
Cercle Brugge scores 1.78 goals when playing at home and Istanbul Basaksehir scores 1.52 goals when playing away (on average).
Did you know that Cercle Brugge scores 23% of their goals between the minutes 16-30?
Istanbul Basaksehir have scored at least one goal for 5 consecutive matches.
Cercle Brugge wins 1st half in 33% of their matches, Istanbul Basaksehir in 35% of their matches.
Cercle Brugge wins 33% of halftimes, Istanbul Basaksehir wins 35%.
If Krzysztof Piatek scores against Cercle Brugge it will be his 5th goal for Istanbul Basaksehir this season.
This was Krzysztof Piatek's 5th goal for the season.