Vilnius FK Zalgiris have a winning streak of 3 matches.
Vilnius FK Zalgiris haven't lost in their last 8 games.
Vilnius FK Zalgiris have won 4 home matches in a row.
Bodoe/Glimt have a winning streak of 3 matches.
The result of the first leg: Bodoe/Glimt - Vilnius FK Zalgiris 0-0.
Vilnius FK Zalgiris have kept a clean sheet in 3 matches in a row.
Vilnius FK Zalgiris have scored at least one goal for 16 consecutive matches.
Vilnius FK Zalgiris wins 1st half in 45% of their matches, Bodoe/Glimt in 40% of their matches.
Vilnius FK Zalgiris wins 45% of halftimes, Bodoe/Glimt wins 40%.
The winner of their last meeting was Bodoe/Glimt.
On their last meeting Bodoe/Glimt won by 1 goals.
When Vilnius FK Zalgiris leads 1-0 at home, they win in 83% of their matches.
When Bodoe/Glimt leads 0-1 away, they win in 87% of their matches.
When Vilnius FK Zalgiris is down 0-1 home, they win 33% of their matches.
When Bodoe/Glimt is down 1-0 away, they win 15% of their matches.
In UEFA Champions League, Vilnius FK Zalgiris has better performance than Bodoe/Glimt.
Vilnius FK Zalgiris's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Bodoe/Glimt's.
Bodoe/Glimt have lost just 0 of their last 3 games against Vilnius FK Zalgiris (in all competitions).
In the last 3 meetings Vilnius FK Zalgiris won 0, Bodoe/Glimt won 2, 1 draws.
Vilnius FK Zalgiris scores 1 goals in a match against Bodoe/Glimt and Bodoe/Glimt scores 2 goals against Vilnius FK Zalgiris (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between Vilnius FK Zalgiris and Bodoe/Glimt is 3.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Vilnius FK Zalgiris and Bodoe/Glimt is 1.33.
Vilnius FK Zalgiris scores 2.04 goals when playing at home and Bodoe/Glimt scores 1.88 goals when playing away (on average).
Bodoe/Glimt have a winning streak of 4 matches.
The result of the first leg: Bodoe/Glimt - Vilnius FK Zalgiris 5-0.
Vilnius FK Zalgiris wins 1st half in 44% of their matches, Bodoe/Glimt in 41% of their matches.
Vilnius FK Zalgiris wins 44% of halftimes, Bodoe/Glimt wins 41%.
On their last meeting Bodoe/Glimt won by 5 goals.
Bodoe/Glimt have lost just 0 of their last 4 games against Vilnius FK Zalgiris (in all competitions).
In the last 4 meetings Vilnius FK Zalgiris won 0, Bodoe/Glimt won 3, 1 draws.
Vilnius FK Zalgiris scores 0.75 goals in a match against Bodoe/Glimt and Bodoe/Glimt scores 2.75 goals against Vilnius FK Zalgiris (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between Vilnius FK Zalgiris and Bodoe/Glimt is 3.5.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Vilnius FK Zalgiris and Bodoe/Glimt is 1.5.
Bodoe/Glimt's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Vilnius FK Zalgiris's.
Vilnius FK Zalgiris have won 5 home matches in a row.
Bodoe/Glimt have a winning streak of 5 matches.
Vilnius FK Zalgiris wins 1st half in 44% of their matches, Bodoe/Glimt in 42% of their matches.
Vilnius FK Zalgiris wins 44% of halftimes, Bodoe/Glimt wins 42%.
When Vilnius FK Zalgiris leads 1-0 at home, they win in 84% of their matches.
Bodoe/Glimt have scored at least one goal for 5 consecutive matches.
1-1 in today's game is enough for Bodoe/Glimt to go through to the next round, by leading 6-1 on aggregate.
Bodoe/Glimt goes through to the next round by winning 6-1 on aggregate.