1. Football streams
  2. 1. Lig
  3. Yeni Malatyaspor vs Erzurumspor FK

Roshi (89') Roshi (80') Karakas (65') Mamba (46') Roshi (30') Tozlu (20') Giorbelidze (1')

How to watch Yeni Malatyaspor vs Erzurumspor FK online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:


Yeni Malatyaspor Yeni Malatyaspor
Erzurumspor FK Erzurumspor FK
Yeni Malatyaspor Yeni Malatyaspor
Erzurumspor FK Erzurumspor FK
Yeni Malatyaspor Yeni Malatyaspor
Uckun, Murat
Osman Katipoglu 99
46' Out: Eray Sisman

Metehan Unal 98
69' Out: Enes Savucu

Omer Cagri Atas 27
69' Out: Furkan Soyler

Kursat Selamoglu 33
80' Out: Umut Tanis

Cinar Yildizli 13
82' Out: Muhammed Enes Salik
Erzurumspor FK Erzurumspor FK
Kutlu, Hakan
Sefa Akgun 8
46' Out: Okechukwu Azubuike

Celal Hanalp 77
46' Out: Guram Giorbelidze

Salih Sarikaya 17
46' Out: Orhan Ovacikli

Muhammed Furkan Ozhan 20
72' Out: Cheikne Sylla

Omer Arda Kara 42
79' Out: Mustafa Akbas


Ball possession

Yellow cards
Red cards

Yeni Malatyaspor vs Erzurumspor FK Betting tips

During the last 7 meetings, Yeni Malatyaspor have won 2 times, there have been 0 draws while Erzurumspor FK have won 5 times. The goal difference is 13-7 in favour of Erzurumspor FK.
Yeni Malatyaspor have a losing streak of 22 matches in 1. Lig.
Did you know that Yeni Malatyaspor scores 60% of their goals between the minutes 76-90? This is the highest percentage in the league.
Did you know that Erzurumspor FK scores 35% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
Yeni Malatyaspor have lost 38 matches in a row.
Yeni Malatyaspor have a losing streak of 18 matches at home.
Yeni Malatyaspor haven't won any of their last 5 games against Erzurumspor FK.
Yeni Malatyaspor haven't scored in 6 of their 10 home matches in 1. Lig this season.
Erzurumspor FK haven't scored in 5 of their 10 away matches in 1. Lig this season.
Yeni Malatyaspor's home record this season: 0-0-10.
Mert Mirac Altintas is Yeni Malatyaspor's top scorer with 4 goals. Eren Tozlu has scored 8 times for Erzurumspor FK.
Yeni Malatyaspor have not managed to score in their last 4 matches.
Yeni Malatyaspor have conceded a goal in each of their last 42 matches.
Yeni Malatyaspor wins 1st half in 4% of their matches, Erzurumspor FK in 31% of their matches.
Yeni Malatyaspor wins 4% of halftimes, Erzurumspor FK wins 31%.
The winner of their last meeting was Erzurumspor FK.
On their last meeting Erzurumspor FK won by 3 goals.
When Erzurumspor FK leads 0-1 away, they win in 80% of their matches.
When Yeni Malatyaspor is down 0-1 home, they win 0% of their matches.
When Erzurumspor FK is down 1-0 away, they win 0% of their matches.
In 1. Lig, Erzurumspor FK has better performance than Yeni Malatyaspor.
Erzurumspor FK's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Yeni Malatyaspor's.
Yeni Malatyaspor has streak of 4 matches with 0 scored goals.
Erzurumspor FK have lost just 0 of their last 5 games against Yeni Malatyaspor (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings Yeni Malatyaspor won 0, Erzurumspor FK won 5, 0 draws.
Erzurumspor FK have lost just 0 of their last 3 1. Lig games against Yeni Malatyaspor.
Yeni Malatyaspor have won just 0 of their last 3 1. Lig games against Erzurumspor FK.
Yeni Malatyaspor scores 0.2 goals in a match against Erzurumspor FK and Erzurumspor FK scores 2.2 goals against Yeni Malatyaspor (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between Yeni Malatyaspor and Erzurumspor FK is 2.4.
Yeni Malatyaspor scores 0.6 goals when playing at home and Erzurumspor FK scores 0.69 goals when playing away (on average).
A year ago, Erzurumspor FK were number 10 in the table with 27 points. Now they are number 3 with 37 points.
Both teams haven't won their last match in 1. Lig.
Did you know that Erzurumspor FK scores 33% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
Yeni Malatyaspor wins 1st half in 4% of their matches, Erzurumspor FK in 30% of their matches.
Yeni Malatyaspor wins 4% of halftimes, Erzurumspor FK wins 30%.
Yeni Malatyaspor scores 0.6 goals when playing at home and Erzurumspor FK scores 0.65 goals when playing away (on average).
Both teams lost their last match.
Both teams didn't score on their last match.
If Streli Mamba scores against Yeni Malatyaspor it will be his 5th goal for Erzurumspor FK this season.
This was Streli Mamba's 5th goal for the season.
This was Yigit Ulas's 5th yellow card for the season.
This was Odise Roshi's 5th goal for the season.


Head to head

Yeni Malatyaspor
Erzurumspor FK
Wins: 0
Draws: 0
Wins: 6
Recent meetings
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    Yeni MalatyasporYeni Malatyaspor
  4. Flag TUR1. Lig
    8 Oct 2022
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    1 : 0
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Yeni MalatyasporYeni Malatyaspor
  1. Flag TUR1. Lig
    8 Mar 2025
    Yeni Malatyaspor
    0 : 5
  2. Flag TUR1. Lig
    5 Mar 2025
    MKE Ankaragucu
    3 : 0
    Yeni Malatyaspor
  3. Flag TUR1. Lig
    28 Feb 2025
    Yeni Malatyaspor
    1 : 4
  4. Flag TUR1. Lig
    22 Feb 2025
    4 : 0
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Erzurumspor FKErzurumspor FK
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  3. Flag TUR1. Lig
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    0 : 0
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Yeni Malatyaspor vs Erzurumspor FK Standings

2Fatih Karagumruk15772952
3Erzurumspor FK14692948
20Yeni Malatyaspor002929-21

Match information