Club Brugge have a winning streak of 3 matches.
Club Brugge haven't lost in their last 16 games.
Club Brugge have won 9 home matches in a row.
Club Brugge haven't lost in any of their last 10 home matches.
Juventus Turin have lost none of their last 12 away matches.
Club Brugge haven't scored in 1 of their 3 home matches in UEFA Champions League this season.
Juventus Turin haven't scored in 1 of their 3 away matches in UEFA Champions League this season.
Juventus Turin's away record this season: 1-2-0.
Club Brugge have scored at least one goal for 22 consecutive matches.
Juventus Turin have scored at least one goal for 9 consecutive matches.
Club Brugge wins 1st half in 53% of their matches, Juventus Turin in 27% of their matches.
Club Brugge wins 53% of halftimes, Juventus Turin wins 27%.
The winner of their last meeting was Juventus Turin.
On their last meeting Juventus Turin won by 1 goals.
When Club Brugge leads 1-0 at home, they win in 81% of their matches.
When Juventus Turin leads 0-1 away, they win in 71% of their matches.
When Club Brugge is down 0-1 home, they win 37% of their matches.
When Juventus Turin is down 1-0 away, they win 7% of their matches.
In UEFA Champions League, Club Brugge has better performance than Juventus Turin.
Club Brugge's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Juventus Turin's.
Club Brugge scores 2.41 goals when playing at home and Juventus Turin scores 1.29 goals when playing away (on average).
Club Brugge have a winning streak of 4 matches.
Club Brugge haven't lost in their last 17 games.
Club Brugge have won 10 home matches in a row.
Club Brugge haven't lost in any of their last 11 home matches.
Juventus Turin have lost none of their last 13 away matches.
Club Brugge have scored at least one goal for 23 consecutive matches.
Juventus Turin have scored at least one goal for 10 consecutive matches.
Club Brugge wins 1st half in 53% of their matches, Juventus Turin in 26% of their matches.
Club Brugge wins 53% of halftimes, Juventus Turin wins 26%.
When Juventus Turin leads 0-1 away, they win in 62% of their matches.
When Club Brugge is down 0-1 home, they win 44% of their matches.
Club Brugge scores 2.39 goals when playing at home and Juventus Turin scores 1.28 goals when playing away (on average).
Juventus Turin haven't won in their last 4 games.
Juventus Turin have conceded a goal in each of their last 5 matches.
Juventus Turin have scored at least one goal for 11 consecutive matches.