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  2. Segunda Liga
  3. Varzim vs Sporting Covilha

Triana Fragozo (90') Dias Costa (55')

How to watch Varzim vs Sporting Covilha online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:


Sporting Covilha
13Nunes3Micael17Reis26Silva41Scheid8Leao20Natario Ferreira82Silva10Almeida Martins18Freitas33Menezes4Lopes Almeida5Tito Dos Santos12Jean Felipe20Lopes Moreira26Barros Da Cunha8Pereira da Silva11da Cruz Pires18Abenego19Dias Costa23Gomes22Navacchio
Sporting Covilha


Ball possession
34% Sporting Covilha
7Off goal22On goal2

Shots blocked
Corner kicks
Yellow cards
Red cards

Varzim vs Sporting Covilha Betting tips

The most common result of matches between Varzim SC and SC Covilha is 1-1. 5 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 12 meetings with Varzim SC playing at home, Varzim SC have won 4 times, there have been 4 draws while SC Covilha have won 4 times.
During the last 25 meetings, Varzim SC have won 6 times, there have been 9 draws while SC Covilha have won 10 times.
Last season SC Covilha won both games against Varzim SC (2-1 at home and 2-1 away).
In Liga Portugal 2, Varzim SC have 3 successive home wins.
Did you know that Varzim SC scores 23% of their goals between the minutes 16-30?
Did you know that SC Covilha scores 42% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
Varzim SC have won 3 home matches in a row.
SC Covilha haven't won any of their last 14 away matches.
Varzim SC haven't won any of their last 3 games against SC Covilha.
Varzim SC haven't scored in 7 of their 15 home matches in Liga Portugal 2 this season.
SC Covilha haven't scored in 6 of their 15 away matches in Liga Portugal 2 this season.
SC Covilha's away record this season: 1-6-8.
Bruno Tavares has assisted the most goals for Varzim SC with 3. Jean Felipe is SC Covilha's biggest assister (5).
Andre Leao has more yellow cards (12) than any other player at Varzim SC. Lucas Barros has collected 9 for SC Covilha.
Varzim SC wins 1st half in 17% of their matches, SC Covilha in 19% of their matches.
Varzim SC wins 17% of halftimes, SC Covilha wins 19%.
The winner of their last meeting was SC Covilha.
On their last meeting SC Covilha won by 1 goals.
When Varzim SC leads 1-0 at home, they win in 71% of their matches.
When SC Covilha leads 0-1 away, they win in 60% of their matches.
When Varzim SC is down 0-1 home, they win 20% of their matches.
When SC Covilha is down 1-0 away, they win 0% of their matches.
In Liga Portugal 2, Varzim SC has better performance than SC Covilha.
Varzim SC's performance of the last 5 matches is better than SC Covilha's.
SC Covilha have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against Varzim SC (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings Varzim SC won 1, SC Covilha won 4, 0 draws.
SC Covilha have lost just 1 of their last 5 Liga Portugal 2 games against Varzim SC.
Varzim SC have won just 1 of their last 5 Liga Portugal 2 games against SC Covilha.
Varzim SC scores 0.6 goals in a match against SC Covilha and SC Covilha scores 1 goals against Varzim SC (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between Varzim SC and SC Covilha is 1.6.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Varzim SC and SC Covilha is 0.8.
Varzim SC scores 0.89 goals when playing at home and SC Covilha scores 0.86 goals when playing away (on average).
Varzim SC wins 1st half in 17% of their matches, SC Covilha in 21% of their matches.
Varzim SC wins 17% of halftimes, SC Covilha wins 21%.
Did you know that SC Covilha scores 41% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
A year ago, SC Covilha were number 12 in the table with 33 points. Now they are number 16 with 30 points.
Both teams haven't won their last match in Liga Portugal 2.
Did you know that Varzim SC scores 23% of their goals between the minutes 16-30? This is the highest percentage in the league.
If Ze Tiago scores against SC Covilha it will be his 5th goal for Varzim SC this season.
If Andre Micael receives a yellow card in today's match, he will be suspended after collecting 9 yellow cards so far this season.
The most common end-result when Varzim SC are down 0-1 at home this season is 1-1.
SC Covilha is undefeated this season when playing at home and taking the lead 1-0.
This was Lucas Barros's 10th yellow card for the season.

Head to head

Sporting Covilha
Wins: 1
Draws: 1
Wins: 4
Recent meetings
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    1 : 0
  3. Flag PRTSegunda Liga
    22 Feb 2021
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  4. Flag PRTSegunda Liga
    26 Sep 2020
    Sporting CovilhaSporting Covilha
    2 : 1
  5. Flag PRTSegunda Liga
    8 Dec 2019
    1 : 0
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    2 : 2
  2. Flag nullClub Friendly Games
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    2 : 2
  4. Flag nullClub Friendly Games
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  5. Flag nullClub Friendly Games
    19 Jul 2023
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Sporting CovilhaSporting Covilha
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Varzim vs Sporting Covilha Standings

1Santa Clara18933063

Match information