1. Football streams
  2. 2. Liga
  3. SV Lafnitz vs SK Vorwärts Steyr

How to watch SV Lafnitz vs SK Vorwärts Steyr online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:
  • Match Started
  • 90'
    • Gunes, Tolga
    • Zdichynec, Nicolas

    Nicolas Zdichynec is replacing Tolga Gunes for Vorwarts Steyr at Fußballarena Lafnitz.

  • 90'
    • Gunes, Tolga
    • Zdichynec, Nicolas

    Nicolas Zdichynec is replacing Tolga Gunes for Vorwarts Steyr at Fußballarena Lafnitz.

  • 89'
    • Gremsl, Daniel
    • Scheucher, Philipp

    The home team have replaced Daniel Gremsl with Philipp Scheucher. This is the third substitution made today by Philipp Semlic.

  • 85'
    • Filip, Oliver
    • Voglmaier, Sebastian

    Vorwarts Steyr make their second substitution with Sebastian Voglmaier replacing Oliver Filip.

  • 82'
    • Trummer, Vincent
    • Grasser, Georg

    Philipp Semlic is making the team's second substitution at Fußballarena Lafnitz with Georg Grasser replacing Vincent Trummer.

  • 81'
    • Sulzer, Stefan
    • Duvnjak, Luka

    Luka Duvnjak is on a sub for Stefan Sulzer for Lafnitz.

  • 79'
    • Pellegrini, Tobias
    • Dombaxi, Gerhard

    Daniel Madlener (Vorwarts Steyr) is making a first substitution, with Gerhard Dombaxi replacing Tobias Pellegrini.

  • 76'
    Yellow Card
    • Satin, Murat

    Murat Satin for Vorwarts Steyr has been booked by Alan Kijas and receives a first yellow card.

  • 39'
    Goal !
    • Filip, Oliver (Scorer)
    • Marceta, Dragan (Assist)

    Goal! Vorwarts Steyr go level at 1-1 through Oliver Filip in Lafnitz.

    Great play from Dragan Marceta to set up the goal.

  • 36'
    Yellow Card
    • Trummer, Vincent

    Vincent Trummer (Lafnitz) has received a first yellow card.

  • 8'
    Goal !
    • Sulzer, Stefan (Scorer)

    Goal! The home team take a 1-0 lead through Stefan Sulzer.

  • Match Started


SV Lafnitz SV Lafnitz
SK Vorwärts Steyr SK Vorwärts Steyr
SV Lafnitz SV Lafnitz
SK Vorwärts Steyr SK Vorwärts Steyr
SV Lafnitz SV Lafnitz
Semlic, Philipp
Luka Duvnjak 71
81' Out: Stefan Sulzer

Georg Grasser 15
82' Out: Vincent Trummer

Philipp Scheucher 8
89' Out: Daniel Gremsl
SK Vorwärts Steyr SK Vorwärts Steyr
Madlener, Daniel
Gerhard Dombaxi 37
79' Out: Tobias Pellegrini

Sebastian Voglmaier 8
85' Out: Oliver Filip

Nicolas Zdichynec 16
90' Out: Tolga Gunes

Oguzhan Sivrikaya 9
90' Out: Kevin Sostarits


Ball possession
SV Lafnitz51%
49% SK Vorwärts Steyr
2Off goal42On goal2

Shots blocked
Corner kicks
Yellow cards
Red cards

SV Lafnitz vs SK Vorwärts Steyr Betting tips

The most common result of matches between SV Lafnitz and Vorwarts Steyr when SV Lafnitz is playing at home is 1-0. 3 matches have ended with this result.
The most common result of matches between SV Lafnitz and Vorwarts Steyr is 1-0. 3 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 9 meetings with SV Lafnitz playing at home, SV Lafnitz have won 6 times, there have been 2 draws while Vorwarts Steyr have won 1 times. The goal difference is 15-3 in favour of SV Lafnitz.
During the last 19 meetings, SV Lafnitz have won 12 times, there have been 4 draws while Vorwarts Steyr have won 3 times. The goal difference is 34-14 in favour of SV Lafnitz.
Vorwarts Steyr's last away win against SV Lafnitz was in 2015.
Last season SV Lafnitz won both games against Vorwarts Steyr (1-0 at home and 3-1 away).
Did you know that SV Lafnitz scores 27% of their goals between the minutes 31-45?
Did you know that Vorwarts Steyr scores 30% of their goals between the minutes 46-60?
SV Lafnitz haven't lost in their last 6 games.
When playing at home, SV Lafnitz have not lost to Vorwarts Steyr in their last 7 encounters.
SV Lafnitz haven't scored in 2 of their 8 home matches in 2. Liga this season.
Vorwarts Steyr haven't scored in 2 of their 8 away matches in 2. Liga this season.
Vorwarts Steyr's away record this season: 1-2-5.
Christian Lichtenberger has assisted the most goals for SV Lafnitz with 3. Tolga Gunes is Vorwarts Steyr's biggest assister (5).
SV Lafnitz wins 1st half in 36% of their matches, Vorwarts Steyr in 19% of their matches.
SV Lafnitz wins 36% of halftimes, Vorwarts Steyr wins 19%.
The winner of their last meeting was Vorwarts Steyr.
On their last meeting Vorwarts Steyr won by 1 goals.
When SV Lafnitz leads 1-0 at home, they win in 64% of their matches.
When Vorwarts Steyr leads 0-1 away, they win in 50% of their matches.
When SV Lafnitz is down 0-1 home, they win 0% of their matches.
When Vorwarts Steyr is down 1-0 away, they win 9% of their matches.
In 2. Liga, Vorwarts Steyr has better performance than SV Lafnitz.
SV Lafnitz's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Vorwarts Steyr's.
SV Lafnitz have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against Vorwarts Steyr (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings SV Lafnitz won 4, Vorwarts Steyr won 1, 0 draws.
SV Lafnitz have lost just 1 of their last 5 2. Liga games against Vorwarts Steyr.
Vorwarts Steyr have won just 1 of their last 5 2. Liga games against SV Lafnitz.
SV Lafnitz scores 2 goals in a match against Vorwarts Steyr and Vorwarts Steyr scores 0.6 goals against SV Lafnitz (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between SV Lafnitz and Vorwarts Steyr is 2.6.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between SV Lafnitz and Vorwarts Steyr is 1.6.
SV Lafnitz scores 1.5 goals when playing at home and Vorwarts Steyr scores 1.12 goals when playing away (on average).
In 2. Liga, SV Lafnitz has better performance than Vorwarts Steyr.
If Tobias Pellegrini scores against SV Lafnitz it will be his 5th goal for Vorwarts Steyr this season.
If Fabian Wohlmuth receives a yellow card in today's match, he will be suspended after collecting 5 yellow cards so far this season.
The most common end-result when SV Lafnitz leads 1-0 at home this season is 1-1.
SV Lafnitz is undefeated this season when playing at home and taking the lead 1-0.


Head to head

SV Lafnitz
SK Vorwärts Steyr
Wins: 5
Draws: 2
Wins: 1
Recent meetings
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    SV LafnitzSV Lafnitz
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    2 : 1
    SV LafnitzSV Lafnitz
  3. Flag AUT2. Liga
    28 Apr 2022
    SV LafnitzSV Lafnitz
    1 : 0
    SK Vorwärts SteyrSK Vorwärts Steyr
  4. Flag AUT2. Liga
    21 Oct 2021
    SK Vorwärts SteyrSK Vorwärts Steyr
    1 : 3
    SV LafnitzSV Lafnitz
  5. Flag AUT2. Liga
    24 Apr 2021
    SK Vorwärts SteyrSK Vorwärts Steyr
    0 : 2
    SV LafnitzSV Lafnitz


SV LafnitzSV Lafnitz
  1. Flag AUT2. Liga
    6 Mar 2025
    SV Stripfing
    1 : 1
    SV Lafnitz
  2. Flag AUT2. Liga
    27 Feb 2025
    SV Lafnitz
    1 : 1
    Admira Wacker Modling
  3. Flag AUT2. Liga
    21 Feb 2025
    USK Anif
    4 : 1
    SV Lafnitz
  4. Flag nullClub Friendly Games
    13 Feb 2025
    SV Lafnitz
    1 : 1
    SC Weiz
  5. Flag nullClub Friendly Games
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    0 : 5
    SV Lafnitz
SK Vorwärts SteyrSK Vorwärts Steyr
  1. Flag AUTOFB Cup
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    0 : 3
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  2. Flag nullClub Friendly Games
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    SK Vorwärts Steyr
    1 : 2
  3. Flag nullClub Friendly Games
    29 Jun 2023
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    2 : 1
    SK Vorwärts Steyr
  4. Flag AUT2. Liga
    3 Jun 2023
    Admira Wacker Modling
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    SK Vorwärts Steyr
  5. Flag AUT2. Liga
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    1 : 0
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SV Lafnitz vs SK Vorwärts Steyr Standings

1Admira Wacker Modling14321945
15SV Horn33131912
16SV Lafnitz25121911

Match information