1. Football streams
  2. Bundesliga
  3. SK Sturm Graz vs Rapid Vienna

How to watch SK Sturm Graz vs Rapid Vienna online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:
  • Match Started
  • 90'
    Yellow Card
    • Chukwuani, Tochi Phil

    Tochi Phil Chukwuani (Sturm Graz) has received a yellow card from Walter Altmann.

  • 90'
    Goal !
    • Beljo, Dion (Scorer)

    Goal! The away team is awarded a penalty in Graz. Dion Beljo converts to level the scoring at 1-1.

  • 90'
    Goal !
    • Beljo, Dion (Scorer)

    Goal! The away team is awarded a penalty in Graz. Dion Beljo converts to level the scoring at 1-1.

  • 88'
    • Kiteishvili, Otar
    • Hierlander, Stefan

    Christian Ilzer is making the team's fourth substitution at Merkur Arena with Stefan Hierlander replacing Otar Kiteishvili.

  • 88'
    • Kiteishvili, Otar
    • Hierlander, Stefan

    Christian Ilzer is making the team's fourth substitution at Merkur Arena with Stefan Hierlander replacing Otar Kiteishvili.

  • 87'
    • Seidl, Matthias
    • Wurmbrand, Nikolaus

    Robert Klauss (SK Rapid) is making a third substitution, with Nikolaus Wurmbrand replacing Matthias Seidl.

  • 87'
    • Seidl, Matthias
    • Wurmbrand, Nikolaus

    Robert Klauss (SK Rapid) is making a third substitution, with Nikolaus Wurmbrand replacing Matthias Seidl.

  • 82'
    Goal !
    • Yardimci, Erencan (Scorer)
    • Johnston, Max (Assist)

    Sturm Graz take a 1-0 lead thanks to Erencan Yardimci.

    That's a fine assist from Max Johnston.

  • 79'
    Yellow Card
    • Aiwu, Emanuel

    Emanuel Aiwu (Sturm Graz) gets a yellow card.

  • 75'
    • Boving Vick, William
    • Yardimci, Erencan

    Erencan Yardimci is replacing William Boving Vick for Sturm Graz at Merkur Arena.

  • 75'
    • Boving Vick, William
    • Yardimci, Erencan

    Erencan Yardimci is replacing William Boving Vick for Sturm Graz at Merkur Arena.

  • 64'
    • Jatta, Seedy
    • Zvonarek, Lovro

    Christian Ilzer is making the team's first substitution at Merkur Arena with Lovro Zvonarek replacing Seedy Jatta.

  • 62'
    • Schaub, Louis
    • Kaygin, Dennis

    The away team replace Louis Schaub with Dennis Kaygin.

  • 62'
    • Schaub, Louis
    • Kaygin, Dennis

    The away team replace Louis Schaub with Dennis Kaygin.

  • 39'
    Red Card
    • Sangare, Mamadou

    Mamadou Sangare (SK Rapid) is red-carded and dismissed.

  • Match Started


SK Sturm Graz SK Sturm Graz
Rapid Vienna Rapid Vienna
1Scherpen22Gazibegovic47Aiwu35Geyrhofer24Lavalee10Kiteishvili21Chukwuani8Yalcouye15Boving Vick18Biereth20Jatta45Hedl77Bolla55Cvetkovic6Raux Yao23Auer21Schaub17Sangare8Grgic18Seidl9Burgstaller7Beljo
1Scherpen22Gazibegovic47Aiwu35Geyrhofer24Lavalee10Kiteishvili21Chukwuani8Yalcouye15Boving Vick18Biereth20Jatta
SK Sturm Graz SK Sturm Graz
45Hedl77Bolla55Cvetkovic6Raux Yao23Auer21Schaub17Sangare8Grgic18Seidl9Burgstaller7Beljo
Rapid Vienna Rapid Vienna
SK Sturm Graz SK Sturm Graz
Ilzer, Christian
Lovro Zvonarek 14
64' Out: Seedy Jatta

Erencan Yardimci 9
75' Out: William Boving Vick

Max Johnston 2
75' Out: Dimitri Lavalee

Stefan Hierlander 25
88' Out: Otar Kiteishvili

Tomi Horvat 19
88' Out: Mika Biereth
Rapid Vienna Rapid Vienna
Klauss, Robert
Dennis Kaygin 24
62' Out: Louis Schaub

Noah Bischof 27
62' Out: Guido Burgstaller

Nikolaus Wurmbrand 48
87' Out: Matthias Seidl

Jakob Scholler 4
87' Out: Lukas Grgic


Ball possession
SK Sturm Graz55%
45% Rapid Vienna
5Off goal23On goal1

Shots blocked
Corner kicks
Yellow cards
Red cards

SK Sturm Graz vs Rapid Vienna Betting tips

The most common result of matches between SK Sturm Graz and SK Rapid when SK Sturm Graz is playing at home is 1-0. 11 matches have ended with this result.
The most common result of matches between SK Sturm Graz and SK Rapid is 1-1. 18 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 64 meetings with SK Sturm Graz playing at home, SK Sturm Graz have won 26 times, there have been 21 draws while SK Rapid have won 17 times. The goal difference is 82-71 in favour of SK Sturm Graz.
During the last 129 meetings, SK Sturm Graz have won 46 times, there have been 34 draws while SK Rapid have won 49 times. The goal difference is 178-161 in favour of SK Rapid.
Last season's matches: 1-1 (SK Sturm Graz at home) and 1-1 (SK Rapid at home).
SK Sturm Graz have a winning streak of 3 matches in Bundesliga.
Did you know that SK Sturm Graz scores 29% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
Did you know that SK Sturm Graz scores 4% of their goals between the minutes 0-15? This is the lowest percentage in the league.
Did you know that SK Rapid scores 43% of their goals between the minutes 16-30?
SK Rapid have a winning streak of 5 matches.
SK Rapid haven't lost in their last 11 games.
SK Rapid have a winning streak of 3 matches away from home.
SK Rapid have lost none of their last 4 away matches.
When playing at home, SK Sturm Graz have not lost to SK Rapid in their last 9 encounters.
SK Sturm Graz haven't scored in 1 of their 6 home matches in Bundesliga this season.
SK Rapid haven't scored in 1 of their 4 away matches in Bundesliga this season.
Mika Biereth is SK Sturm Graz's top scorer with 8 goals. Dion Beljo has scored 5 times for SK Rapid.
Jusuf Gazibegovic has more yellow cards (5) than any other player at SK Sturm Graz. Mamadou Sangare has collected 4 for SK Rapid.
A year ago, SK Rapid were number 6 in the table with 14 points. Now they are number 2 with 21 points.
SK Rapid have scored at least one goal for 11 consecutive matches.
SK Sturm Graz wins 1st half in 36% of their matches, SK Rapid in 38% of their matches.
SK Sturm Graz wins 36% of halftimes, SK Rapid wins 38%.
The winner of their last meeting was SK Rapid.
On their last meeting SK Rapid won by 1 goals.
When SK Sturm Graz leads 1-0 at home, they win in 86% of their matches.
When SK Rapid leads 0-1 away, they win in 73% of their matches.
When SK Sturm Graz is down 0-1 home, they win 16% of their matches.
When SK Rapid is down 1-0 away, they win 10% of their matches.
In Bundesliga, SK Rapid has better performance than SK Sturm Graz.
SK Rapid's performance of the last 5 matches is better than SK Sturm Graz's.
SK Sturm Graz have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against SK Rapid (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings SK Sturm Graz won 3, SK Rapid won 1, 1 draws.
SK Sturm Graz have lost just 1 of their last 5 Bundesliga games against SK Rapid.
SK Rapid have won just 1 of their last 5 Bundesliga games against SK Sturm Graz.
SK Sturm Graz scores 1.4 goals in a match against SK Rapid and SK Rapid scores 0.8 goals against SK Sturm Graz (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between SK Sturm Graz and SK Rapid is 2.2.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between SK Sturm Graz and SK Rapid is 1.6.
SK Sturm Graz scores 1.56 goals when playing at home and SK Rapid scores 1.65 goals when playing away (on average).
SK Sturm Graz have a winning streak of 4 matches in Bundesliga.
Did you know that SK Sturm Graz scores 31% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
Did you know that SK Rapid scores 40% of their goals between the minutes 16-30?
SK Rapid haven't lost in their last 12 games.
SK Rapid have lost none of their last 5 away matches.
SK Rapid haven't scored in 1 of their 5 away matches in Bundesliga this season.
Mika Biereth is SK Sturm Graz's top scorer with 8 goals. Dion Beljo has scored 6 times for SK Rapid.
A year ago, SK Rapid were number 6 in the table with 14 points. Now they are number 2 with 22 points.
SK Rapid have scored at least one goal for 12 consecutive matches.
SK Sturm Graz wins 1st half in 37% of their matches, SK Rapid in 38% of their matches.
SK Sturm Graz wins 37% of halftimes, SK Rapid wins 38%.
When SK Rapid is down 1-0 away, they win 9% of their matches.
SK Sturm Graz scores 1.56 goals when playing at home and SK Rapid scores 1.63 goals when playing away (on average).
In Bundesliga, SK Sturm Graz has better performance than SK Rapid.
SK Rapid have scored at least one goal for 13 consecutive matches.
SK Sturm Graz wins 1st half in 37% of their matches, SK Rapid in 39% of their matches.
SK Sturm Graz wins 37% of halftimes, SK Rapid wins 39%.
When SK Rapid leads 0-1 away, they win in 68% of their matches.
SK Sturm Graz scores 1.56 goals when playing at home and SK Rapid scores 1.61 goals when playing away (on average).
SK Sturm Graz wins 1st half in 38% of their matches, SK Rapid in 39% of their matches.
SK Sturm Graz wins 38% of halftimes, SK Rapid wins 39%.
When SK Sturm Graz leads 1-0 at home, they win in 87% of their matches.
SK Sturm Graz scores 1.57 goals when playing at home and SK Rapid scores 1.61 goals when playing away (on average).
SK Sturm Graz's performance of the last 5 matches is better than SK Rapid's.
If Mamadou Sangare receives a yellow card in today's match, he will be suspended after collecting 5 yellow cards so far this season.
The most common end-result when SK Rapid are down 0-1 away this season is 1-1.
SK Sturm Graz is undefeated this season when playing at home and taking the lead 1-0.


Head to head

SK Sturm Graz
Rapid Vienna
Wins: 10
Draws: 8
Wins: 6
Recent meetings
  1. Flag AUTBundesliga
    1 Nov 2024
    SK Sturm GrazSK Sturm Graz
    1 : 1
    Rapid ViennaRapid Vienna
  2. Flag AUTBundesliga
    3 Aug 2024
    Rapid ViennaRapid Vienna
    1 : 0
    SK Sturm GrazSK Sturm Graz
  3. Flag AUTOFB Cup
    30 Apr 2024
    SK Sturm GrazSK Sturm Graz
    2 : 1
    Rapid ViennaRapid Vienna
  4. Flag AUTBundesliga
    23 Apr 2024
    Rapid ViennaRapid Vienna
    1 : 3
    SK Sturm GrazSK Sturm Graz
  5. Flag AUTBundesliga
    18 Apr 2024
    SK Sturm GrazSK Sturm Graz
    1 : 0
    Rapid ViennaRapid Vienna


SK Sturm GrazSK Sturm Graz
  1. Flag AUTBundesliga
    8 Mar 2025
    Grazer AK 1902
    1 : 2
    SK Sturm Graz
  2. Flag AUTBundesliga
    1 Mar 2025
    FC Salzburg
    3 : 1
    SK Sturm Graz
  3. Flag AUTBundesliga
    22 Feb 2025
    SK Sturm Graz
    2 : 1
    FC Blau Weiss Linz
  4. Flag AUTBundesliga
    14 Feb 2025
    Wolfsberger AC
    3 : 0
    SK Sturm Graz
  5. Flag nullClub Friendly Games
    7 Feb 2025
    SK Sturm Graz
    0 : 3
    FC Rukh Lviv
Rapid ViennaRapid Vienna
  1. Flag nullUefa Europa Conference League
    12 Mar 2025
    Rapid Vienna
    2 : 1
    Borac Banja Luka
  2. Flag AUTBundesliga
    8 Mar 2025
    2 : 1
    Rapid Vienna
  3. Flag nullUefa Europa Conference League
    5 Mar 2025
    Borac Banja Luka
    1 : 1
    Rapid Vienna
  4. Flag AUTBundesliga
    28 Feb 2025
    Rapid Vienna
    5 : 0
    SCR Altach
  5. Flag AUTBundesliga
    22 Feb 2025
    LASK Linz
    2 : 1
    Rapid Vienna

SK Sturm Graz vs Rapid Vienna Standings

1SK Sturm Graz13442143
2FK Austria Vienna13442143
5LASK Linz9482131
6Rapid Vienna8762131
7FC Blau Weiss Linz9392130

Match information