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  2. Ekstraklasa
  3. Rakow Czestochowa vs Gornik Zabrze

How to watch Rakow Czestochowa vs Gornik Zabrze online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:
  • Match Started
  • 84'
    Yellow Card
    • Hellebrand, Patrik

    Patrik Hellebrand is booked for the away team.

  • 84'
    Yellow Card
    • Hellebrand, Patrik

    Patrik Hellebrand is booked for the away team.

  • 84'
    Yellow Card
    • Hellebrand, Patrik

    Patrik Hellebrand is booked for the away team.

  • 81'
    • Mosor, Ariel
    • Rodin, Matej

    Matej Rodin is on a sub for Ariel Mosor for Czestochowa.

  • 77'
    • Brunes, Jonatan Braut
    • Rocha, Leonardo

    Marek Papszun (Czestochowa) is making a third substitution, with Leonardo Rocha replacing Jonatan Braut Brunes.

  • 77'
    • Brunes, Jonatan Braut
    • Rocha, Leonardo

    Marek Papszun (Czestochowa) is making a third substitution, with Leonardo Rocha replacing Jonatan Braut Brunes.

  • 71'
    • Ambros, Lukas
    • Sow, Ousmane

    The away team replace Lukas Ambros with Ousmane Sow.

  • 71'
    • Amorim Santos, Adriano Luis
    • Diaz, Jesus

    Jesus Diaz is replacing Adriano Luis Amorim Santos for Czestochowa at Miejski Stadion Pitkarski Rakow.

  • 71'
    • Ambros, Lukas
    • Sow, Ousmane

    The away team replace Lukas Ambros with Ousmane Sow.

  • 58'
    • Ismaheel, Taofeek
    • Liseth, Sondre

    Sondre Liseth is replacing Taofeek Ismaheel for the away team.

  • 50'
    Yellow Card
    • Berggren, Gustav

    Gustav Berggren (Czestochowa) gets a yellow card.

  • 46'
    • Ouma, Eric
    • Plavsic, Srdan

    The home team have replaced Eric Ouma with Srdan Plavsic. This is the first substitution made today by Marek Papszun.

  • 45'
    Goal !
    • Kochergin, Vladyslav (Scorer)
    • Arsenic, Zoran (Assist)

    Goal! Vladyslav Kochergin gives Czestochowa a 1-0 lead in Czestochowa.

    Zoran Arsenic with an assist there.

  • Match Started


Rakow Czestochowa Rakow Czestochowa
Gornik Zabrze Gornik Zabrze
1Trelowski2Mosor24Arsenic4Svarnas20Silva5Berggren30Kochergin26Ouma10Ivi84Amorim Santos18Brunes25Szromnik27Szala5Szczesniak26Janicki20Josema11Ismaheel8Hellebrand21Sarapata88Furukawa18Ambros44Buksa
1Trelowski2Mosor24Arsenic4Svarnas20Silva5Berggren30Kochergin26Ouma10Ivi84Amorim Santos18Brunes
Rakow Czestochowa Rakow Czestochowa
Gornik Zabrze Gornik Zabrze
Rakow Czestochowa Rakow Czestochowa
Papszun, Marek
Srdan Plavsic 14
46' Out: Eric Ouma

Jesus Diaz 15
71' Out: Adriano Luis Amorim Santos

Leonardo Rocha 17
77' Out: Jonatan Braut Brunes

Patryk Makuch 9
77' Out: Ivi

Matej Rodin 88
81' Out: Ariel Mosor
Gornik Zabrze Gornik Zabrze
Urban, Jan
Sondre Liseth 23
58' Out: Taofeek Ismaheel

Ousmane Sow 30
71' Out: Lukas Ambros

Matus Kmet 81
71' Out: Dominik Szala

Sinan Bakis 9
84' Out: Patrik Hellebrand

Filip Prebsl 38
84' Out: Dominik Sarapata


Ball possession
Rakow Czestochowa50%
50% Gornik Zabrze
3Off goal03On goal0

Shots blocked
Corner kicks
Yellow cards
Red cards

Rakow Czestochowa vs Gornik Zabrze Betting tips

The most common result of matches between RKS Rakow Czestochowa and Gornik Zabrze is 0-1. 3 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 6 meetings with RKS Rakow Czestochowa playing at home, RKS Rakow Czestochowa have won 3 times, there have been 1 draws while Gornik Zabrze have won 2 times. The goal difference is 9-6 in favour of RKS Rakow Czestochowa.
During the last 13 meetings, RKS Rakow Czestochowa have won 4 times, there have been 3 draws while Gornik Zabrze have won 6 times. The goal difference is 16-15 in favour of Gornik Zabrze.
Last season Gornik Zabrze won both games against RKS Rakow Czestochowa (2-1 at home and 1-0 away).
Did you know that RKS Rakow Czestochowa scores 46% of their goals between the minutes 76-90? This is the highest percentage in the league.
Did you know that Gornik Zabrze scores 26% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
RKS Rakow Czestochowa have played 4 home matches in a row without winning.
RKS Rakow Czestochowa haven't scored in 3 of their 10 home matches in Ekstraklasa this season.
Gornik Zabrze haven't scored in 3 of their 10 away matches in Ekstraklasa this season.
Gornik Zabrze have conceded a goal in each of their last 5 matches.
RKS Rakow Czestochowa wins 1st half in 42% of their matches, Gornik Zabrze in 38% of their matches.
RKS Rakow Czestochowa wins 42% of halftimes, Gornik Zabrze wins 38%.
Their last meeting was a draw. (0-0)
When RKS Rakow Czestochowa leads 1-0 at home, they win in 63% of their matches.
When Gornik Zabrze leads 0-1 away, they win in 62% of their matches.
When RKS Rakow Czestochowa is down 0-1 home, they win 12% of their matches.
When Gornik Zabrze is down 1-0 away, they win 22% of their matches.
In Ekstraklasa, Gornik Zabrze has better performance than RKS Rakow Czestochowa.
Gornik Zabrze's performance of the last 5 matches is better than RKS Rakow Czestochowa's.
Gornik Zabrze have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against RKS Rakow Czestochowa (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings RKS Rakow Czestochowa won 1, Gornik Zabrze won 3, 1 draws.
Gornik Zabrze have lost just 1 of their last 5 Ekstraklasa games against RKS Rakow Czestochowa.
RKS Rakow Czestochowa have won just 1 of their last 5 Ekstraklasa games against Gornik Zabrze.
RKS Rakow Czestochowa scores 0.6 goals in a match against Gornik Zabrze and Gornik Zabrze scores 0.8 goals against RKS Rakow Czestochowa (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between RKS Rakow Czestochowa and Gornik Zabrze is 1.4.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between RKS Rakow Czestochowa and Gornik Zabrze is 0.8.
RKS Rakow Czestochowa scores 1.5 goals when playing at home and Gornik Zabrze scores 1.24 goals when playing away (on average).
Gornik Zabrze have conceded a goal in each of their last 6 matches.
RKS Rakow Czestochowa wins 1st half in 42% of their matches, Gornik Zabrze in 37% of their matches.
RKS Rakow Czestochowa wins 42% of halftimes, Gornik Zabrze wins 37%.
Did you know that RKS Rakow Czestochowa scores 44% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
If Wladyslaw Kocherhin scores against Gornik Zabrze it will be his 5th goal for RKS Rakow Czestochowa this season.
If Taofeek Ismaheel receives a yellow card in today's match, he will be suspended after collecting 4 yellow cards so far this season.
The most common end-result when RKS Rakow Czestochowa leads 1-0 at home this season is 1-0.
RKS Rakow Czestochowa is undefeated this season when playing at home and taking the lead 1-0.
This was Wladyslaw Kocherhin's 5th goal for the season.


Head to head

Rakow Czestochowa
Gornik Zabrze
Wins: 5
Draws: 3
Wins: 6
Recent meetings
  1. Flag POLEkstraklasa
    20 Feb 2025
    Rakow CzestochowaRakow Czestochowa
    1 : 0
    Gornik ZabrzeGornik Zabrze
  2. Flag POLEkstraklasa
    17 Aug 2024
    Gornik ZabrzeGornik Zabrze
    0 : 0
    Rakow CzestochowaRakow Czestochowa
  3. Flag POLEkstraklasa
    18 Apr 2024
    Rakow CzestochowaRakow Czestochowa
    0 : 1
    Gornik ZabrzeGornik Zabrze
  4. Flag POLEkstraklasa
    21 Oct 2023
    Gornik ZabrzeGornik Zabrze
    2 : 1
    Rakow CzestochowaRakow Czestochowa
  5. Flag POLEkstraklasa
    17 Feb 2023
    Rakow CzestochowaRakow Czestochowa
    2 : 0
    Gornik ZabrzeGornik Zabrze


Rakow CzestochowaRakow Czestochowa
  1. Flag POLEkstraklasa
    7 Mar 2025
    Piast Gliwice
    0 : 3
    Rakow Czestochowa
  2. Flag POLEkstraklasa
    2 Mar 2025
    Rakow Czestochowa
    3 : 1
    Lechia Gdansk
  3. Flag POLEkstraklasa
    20 Feb 2025
    Rakow Czestochowa
    1 : 0
    Gornik Zabrze
  4. Flag POLEkstraklasa
    13 Feb 2025
    Lech Poznan
    0 : 1
    Rakow Czestochowa
  5. Flag POLEkstraklasa
    7 Feb 2025
    Rakow Czestochowa
    1 : 2
    GKS Katowice
Gornik ZabrzeGornik Zabrze
  1. Flag POLEkstraklasa
    8 Mar 2025
    Lechia Gdansk
    1 : 2
    Gornik Zabrze
  2. Flag POLEkstraklasa
    27 Feb 2025
    Gornik Zabrze
    0 : 1
    Cracovia Krakow
  3. Flag POLEkstraklasa
    20 Feb 2025
    Rakow Czestochowa
    1 : 0
    Gornik Zabrze
  4. Flag POLEkstraklasa
    14 Feb 2025
    Gornik Zabrze
    3 : 2
    Radomiak Radom
  5. Flag POLEkstraklasa
    6 Feb 2025
    Pogon Szczecin
    3 : 0
    Gornik Zabrze

Rakow Czestochowa vs Gornik Zabrze Standings

1Lech Poznan16262450
2Rakow Czestochowa14732449
3Jagiellonia Bialystok14642448
6Cracovia Krakow10862438
7Gornik Zabrze11492437
8LKP Motor Lublin10682436

Match information