The most common result of matches between SK Sigma Olomouc B and SFC Opava when SK Sigma Olomouc B is playing at home is 1-0. 3 matches have ended with this result.
The most common result of matches between SK Sigma Olomouc B and SFC Opava is 1-0. 3 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 6 meetings with SK Sigma Olomouc B playing at home, SK Sigma Olomouc B have won 4 times, there have been 2 draws while SFC Opava have won 0 times. The goal difference is 9-4 in favour of SK Sigma Olomouc B.
During the last 12 meetings, SK Sigma Olomouc B have won 6 times, there have been 4 draws while SFC Opava have won 2 times. The goal difference is 16-14 in favour of SK Sigma Olomouc B.
Last season SK Sigma Olomouc B won both games against SFC Opava (1-0 at home and 2-1 away).
Did you know that SK Sigma Olomouc B scores 42% of their goals between the minutes 61-75? This is the highest percentage in the league.
Did you know that SFC Opava scores 38% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
SK Sigma Olomouc B haven't lost in any of their last 14 home matches.
SFC Opava have a winning streak of 4 matches away from home.
When playing at home, SK Sigma Olomouc B have not lost to SFC Opava in their last 6 encounters.
SK Sigma Olomouc B haven't scored in 1 of their 4 home matches in FNL this season.
SFC Opava haven't scored in 0 of their 3 away matches in FNL this season.
SK Sigma Olomouc B's home record this season: 2-2-0.
Amasi Moses Emmanuel is SK Sigma Olomouc B's top scorer with 3 goals. Felix Cejka has scored 4 times for SFC Opava.
Amasi Moses Emmanuel has more yellow cards (3) than any other player at SK Sigma Olomouc B. Libor Kozak has collected 4 for SFC Opava.
SFC Opava have scored at least one goal for 11 consecutive matches.
SK Sigma Olomouc B wins 1st half in 29% of their matches, SFC Opava in 31% of their matches.
SK Sigma Olomouc B wins 29% of halftimes, SFC Opava wins 31%.
Their last meeting was a draw. (1-1)
When SK Sigma Olomouc B leads 1-0 at home, they win in 100% of their matches.
When SFC Opava leads 0-1 away, they win in 80% of their matches.
When SK Sigma Olomouc B is down 0-1 home, they win 25% of their matches.
When SFC Opava is down 1-0 away, they win 0% of their matches.
In FNL, SFC Opava has better performance than SK Sigma Olomouc B.
SFC Opava's performance of the last 5 matches is better than SK Sigma Olomouc B's.
SK Sigma Olomouc B have lost just 0 of their last 5 games against SFC Opava (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings SK Sigma Olomouc B won 3, SFC Opava won 0, 2 draws.
SK Sigma Olomouc B have lost just 0 of their last 5 FNL games against SFC Opava.
SFC Opava have won just 0 of their last 5 FNL games against SK Sigma Olomouc B.
SK Sigma Olomouc B scores 1.6 goals in a match against SFC Opava and SFC Opava scores 0.8 goals against SK Sigma Olomouc B (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between SK Sigma Olomouc B and SFC Opava is 2.4.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between SK Sigma Olomouc B and SFC Opava is 1.
SK Sigma Olomouc B scores 1.89 goals when playing at home and SFC Opava scores 1.14 goals when playing away (on average).
SFC Opava haven't scored in 0 of their 4 away matches in FNL this season.
SFC Opava have scored at least one goal for 12 consecutive matches.
SK Sigma Olomouc B wins 1st half in 29% of their matches, SFC Opava in 30% of their matches.
SK Sigma Olomouc B wins 29% of halftimes, SFC Opava wins 30%.
Did you know that SFC Opava scores 36% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
SK Sigma Olomouc B haven't lost in any of their last 15 home matches.
SK Sigma Olomouc B haven't scored in 1 of their 5 home matches in FNL this season.
SK Sigma Olomouc B wins 1st half in 31% of their matches, SFC Opava in 30% of their matches.
SK Sigma Olomouc B wins 31% of halftimes, SFC Opava wins 30%.
SK Sigma Olomouc B scores 2 goals when playing at home and SFC Opava scores 1.14 goals when playing away (on average).
In FNL, SK Sigma Olomouc B have 3 successive home wins.
SK Sigma Olomouc B have won 3 home matches in a row.