FBC Melgar have a winning streak of 5 matches.
FBC Melgar have won 14 home matches in a row.
The result of the first leg: AD Cali - FBC Melgar 0-0.
FBC Melgar have kept a clean sheet in 4 matches in a row.
FBC Melgar have scored at least one goal for 5 consecutive matches.
FBC Melgar wins 1st half in 51% of their matches, AD Cali in 26% of their matches.
FBC Melgar wins 51% of halftimes, AD Cali wins 26%.
When FBC Melgar leads 1-0 at home, they win in 88% of their matches.
When AD Cali leads 0-1 away, they win in 50% of their matches.
When FBC Melgar is down 0-1 home, they win 0% of their matches.
When AD Cali is down 1-0 away, they win 23% of their matches.
FBC Melgar's performance of the last 5 matches is better than AD Cali's.
FBC Melgar scores 1.76 goals when playing at home and AD Cali scores 1.09 goals when playing away (on average).
FBC Melgar haven't lost in their last 6 games.
Their last meeting was a draw. (0-0)
AD Cali has streak of 2 matches with 0 scored goals.
Both teams haven't won their last match in Copa Sudamericana.
Both teams didn't concede on their last match.
Both teams didn't score on their last match.
FBC Melgar have kept a clean sheet in 5 matches in a row.
FBC Melgar wins 1st half in 50% of their matches, AD Cali in 26% of their matches.
FBC Melgar wins 50% of halftimes, AD Cali wins 26%.
FBC Melgar haven't lost in their last 7 games.
If Bernardo Cuesta scores against AD Cali it will be his 5th goal for FBC Melgar this season.
This was Bernardo Cuesta's 5th goal for the season.
2-1 in today's game is enough for FBC Melgar to go through to the next round, by leading 2-1 on aggregate.
FBC Melgar goes through to the next round by winning 2-1 on aggregate.