Boca Juniors haven't lost in their last 6 games.
Boca Juniors haven't lost in any of their last 8 home matches.
Dario Benedetto is Boca Juniors's top scorer with 3 goals. Jhon Vasquez has scored 3 times for AD Cali.
Boca Juniors wins 1st half in 35% of their matches, AD Cali in 28% of their matches.
Boca Juniors wins 35% of halftimes, AD Cali wins 28%.
The winner of their last meeting was AD Cali.
On their last meeting AD Cali won by 2 goals.
When Boca Juniors leads 1-0 at home, they win in 78% of their matches.
When AD Cali leads 0-1 away, they win in 50% of their matches.
When Boca Juniors is down 0-1 home, they win 44% of their matches.
When AD Cali is down 1-0 away, they win 25% of their matches.
Boca Juniors's performance of the last 5 matches is better than AD Cali's.
In the last 3 meetings Boca Juniors won 1, AD Cali won 1, 1 draws.
Boca Juniors scores 2 goals in a match against AD Cali and AD Cali scores 1.33 goals against Boca Juniors (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between Boca Juniors and AD Cali is 3.33.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Boca Juniors and AD Cali is 1.33.
Boca Juniors scores 1.47 goals when playing at home and AD Cali scores 1.13 goals when playing away (on average).
In Copa Libertadores, AD Cali has better performance than Boca Juniors.
Boca Juniors haven't lost in their last 7 games.
Boca Juniors wins 1st half in 36% of their matches, AD Cali in 28% of their matches.
Boca Juniors wins 36% of halftimes, AD Cali wins 28%.
When Boca Juniors leads 1-0 at home, they win in 80% of their matches.
Boca Juniors scores 1.52 goals when playing at home and AD Cali scores 1.13 goals when playing away (on average).
Both teams didn't concede on their last match.
If Aldair Gutierrez receives a yellow card in today's match, he will be suspended after collecting 3 yellow cards so far this season.