1. Football streams
  2. 1st Division
  3. Omonia Nicosia vs Pafos FC

Stepinski (85') Helander (31')
Correia (10')

How to watch Omonia Nicosia vs Pafos FC online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:


Omonia Nicosia Omonia Nicosia
Pafos FC Pafos FC
40Fabiano2Diounkou3Kitsos4Helander5Coulibaly11Costa20Maric31Kousoulos9Kakoullis7Semedo99Moubarak1Ivusic7Bruno10Da Silva17Orsic21Sarlija19Silva23Luckassen77Correia26Sunjic88Pepe30Dragomir
Omonia Nicosia Omonia Nicosia
1Ivusic7Bruno10Da Silva17Orsic21Sarlija19Silva23Luckassen77Correia26Sunjic88Pepe30Dragomir
Pafos FC Pafos FC
Omonia Nicosia Omonia Nicosia
Anastasiou, Giannis
Loizos Loizou 75
68' Out: Willy Semedo

Mariusz Stepinski 14
74' Out: Andronikos Kakoullis

Novica Erakovic 80
88' Out: Mateo Maric

Mikael Ingebrigtsen 19
88' Out: Saidou Alioum Moubarak

Stefan Simic 27
88' Out: Ewandro Costa
Pafos FC Pafos FC
Carcedo, Juan Carlos
Muamer Tankovic 22
46' Out: Joao Correia

Ken Sema 12
56' Out: Mislav Orsic

Anderson 33
65' Out: Jairo Da Silva

David Goldar 5
65' Out: Derrick Luckassen


Ball possession

Yellow cards
Red cards

Omonia Nicosia vs Pafos FC Betting tips

The most common result of matches between AC Omonia Nicosia and Pafos FC when AC Omonia Nicosia is playing at home is 1-1. 3 matches have ended with this result.
The most common result of matches between AC Omonia Nicosia and Pafos FC is 1-1. 6 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 13 meetings with AC Omonia Nicosia playing at home, AC Omonia Nicosia have won 6 times, there have been 5 draws while Pafos FC have won 2 times. The goal difference is 26-11 in favour of AC Omonia Nicosia.
During the last 28 meetings, AC Omonia Nicosia have won 10 times, there have been 9 draws while Pafos FC have won 9 times. The goal difference is 43-31 in favour of AC Omonia Nicosia.
Last season's matches: 1-2 (AC Omonia Nicosia at home) and 0-2 (Pafos FC at home).
AC Omonia Nicosia have a winning streak of 4 matches in 1st Division.
Pafos FC have a winning streak of 5 matches in 1st Division.
Did you know that AC Omonia Nicosia scores 37% of their goals between the minutes 76-90? This is the highest percentage in the league.
Did you know that Pafos FC scores 28% of their goals between the minutes 46-60?
AC Omonia Nicosia haven't lost in any of their last 6 home matches.
Pafos FC haven't lost in their last 9 games.
Pafos FC have lost none of their last 4 away matches.
AC Omonia Nicosia haven't scored in 3 of their 12 home matches in 1st Division this season.
Pafos FC haven't scored in 1 of their 11 away matches in 1st Division this season.
Pafos FC's away record this season: 10-0-1.
Saidou Alioum is AC Omonia Nicosia's top scorer with 9 goals. Anderson Silva has scored 10 times for Pafos FC.
Ioannis Kousoulos has more yellow cards (5) than any other player at AC Omonia Nicosia. Derrick Luckassen has collected 7 for Pafos FC.
A year ago, Pafos FC were number 5 in the table with 43 points. Now they are number 1 with 58 points.
AC Omonia Nicosia have scored at least one goal for 7 consecutive matches.
Pafos FC have scored at least one goal for 9 consecutive matches.
AC Omonia Nicosia wins 1st half in 37% of their matches, Pafos FC in 36% of their matches.
AC Omonia Nicosia wins 37% of halftimes, Pafos FC wins 36%.
The winner of their last meeting was Pafos FC.
On their last meeting Pafos FC won by 1 goals.
When AC Omonia Nicosia leads 1-0 at home, they win in 78% of their matches.
When Pafos FC leads 0-1 away, they win in 81% of their matches.
When AC Omonia Nicosia is down 0-1 home, they win 25% of their matches.
When Pafos FC is down 1-0 away, they win 33% of their matches.
In 1st Division, Pafos FC has better performance than AC Omonia Nicosia.
Pafos FC's performance of the last 5 matches is better than AC Omonia Nicosia's.
Pafos FC have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against AC Omonia Nicosia (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings AC Omonia Nicosia won 1, Pafos FC won 2, 2 draws.
AC Omonia Nicosia scores 0.8 goals in a match against Pafos FC and Pafos FC scores 1.4 goals against AC Omonia Nicosia (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between AC Omonia Nicosia and Pafos FC is 2.2.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between AC Omonia Nicosia and Pafos FC is 1.
AC Omonia Nicosia scores 2 goals when playing at home and Pafos FC scores 1.48 goals when playing away (on average).
Pafos FC have a winning streak of 6 matches in 1st Division.
Pafos FC haven't lost in their last 10 games.
Pafos FC have lost none of their last 5 away matches.
Pafos FC haven't scored in 1 of their 12 away matches in 1st Division this season.
AC Omonia Nicosia have scored at least one goal for 8 consecutive matches.
Pafos FC have scored at least one goal for 10 consecutive matches.
AC Omonia Nicosia wins 1st half in 36% of their matches, Pafos FC in 36% of their matches.
AC Omonia Nicosia wins 36% of halftimes, Pafos FC wins 36%.
When Pafos FC leads 0-1 away, they win in 83% of their matches.
AC Omonia Nicosia scores 2 goals when playing at home and Pafos FC scores 1.5 goals when playing away (on average).
Pafos FC have a winning streak of 3 matches.
AC Omonia Nicosia have conceded a goal in each of their last 5 matches.
If Vlad Dragomir scores against AC Omonia Nicosia it will be his 5th goal for Pafos FC this season.
If Derrick Luckassen receives a yellow card in today's match, he will be suspended after collecting 8 yellow cards so far this season.
The most common end-result when Pafos FC leads 1-0 away this season is 1-0.
Pafos FC is undefeated this season when playing at home and taking the lead 1-0.
This was Loizos Loizou's 5th yellow card for the season.

Head to head

Omonia Nicosia
Pafos FC
Wins: 7
Draws: 9
Wins: 5
Recent meetings
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    1 Dec 2024
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    0 : 3
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Omonia NicosiaOmonia Nicosia
  1. Flag CYP1st Division
    7 Mar 2025
    Apoel Nicosia
    2 : 1
    Omonia Nicosia
  2. Flag CYP1st Division
    28 Feb 2025
    Omonia Nicosia
    2 : 1
    Pafos FC
  3. Flag CYP1st Division
    23 Feb 2025
    Apollon Limassol
    1 : 1
    Omonia Nicosia
  4. Flag nullUefa Europa Conference League
    19 Feb 2025
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    Omonia Nicosia
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Pafos FCPafos FC
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  2. Flag CYP1st Division
    28 Feb 2025
    Omonia Nicosia
    2 : 1
    Pafos FC
  3. Flag CYP1st Division
    23 Feb 2025
    Apoel Nicosia
    0 : 2
    Pafos FC
  4. Flag nullUefa Europa Conference League
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    Pafos FC
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    Omonia Nicosia
  5. Flag CYP1st Division
    15 Feb 2025
    Pafos FC
    1 : 0
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Omonia Nicosia vs Pafos FC Standings

1Pafos FC20242662
2Aris Limassol18712661
3AEK Larnaca16642654
4Omonia Nicosia16462652
5Apoel Nicosia12772643

Match information