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  2. 1. HNL
  3. HNK Sibenik vs NK Lokomotiva Zagreb

Peric (59')
Gorican (71') Gorican (52')

How to watch HNK Sibenik vs NK Lokomotiva Zagreb online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:


HNK Sibenik HNK Sibenik
NK Lokomotiva Zagreb NK Lokomotiva Zagreb
HNK Sibenik HNK Sibenik
NK Lokomotiva Zagreb NK Lokomotiva Zagreb
HNK Sibenik HNK Sibenik
Vidovic, Rajko
Ivan Laca 11
46' Out: Marin Prekodravac

Stefan Peric 55
59' Out: Elvir Durakovic

Josip Majic 7
59' Out: Iker Pozo

Ognjen Bakic 8
68' Out: Zoran Nizic

Lovre Kulusic 27
78' Out: Ivan Bozic
NK Lokomotiva Zagreb NK Lokomotiva Zagreb
Cabraja, Silvijo
Luka Vrbancic 21
81' Out: Robert Mudrazija

Marko Vranjkovic 27
90' Out: Komnen Andric

Denis Busnja 11
90' Out: Dusan Vukovic


Ball possession

Yellow cards
Red cards

HNK Sibenik vs NK Lokomotiva Zagreb Betting tips

The most common result of matches between HNK Sibenik and NK Lokomotiva Zagreb when HNK Sibenik is playing at home is 0-0. 3 matches have ended with this result.
The most common result of matches between HNK Sibenik and NK Lokomotiva Zagreb is 0-0. 5 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 11 meetings with HNK Sibenik playing at home, HNK Sibenik have won 3 times, there have been 3 draws while NK Lokomotiva Zagreb have won 5 times. The goal difference is 20-8 in favour of NK Lokomotiva Zagreb.
During the last 21 meetings, HNK Sibenik have won 5 times, there have been 7 draws while NK Lokomotiva Zagreb have won 9 times. The goal difference is 28-16 in favour of NK Lokomotiva Zagreb.
Did you know that HNK Sibenik scores 28% of their goals between the minutes 16-30? This is the highest percentage in the league.
Did you know that NK Lokomotiva Zagreb scores 33% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
HNK Sibenik haven't won in their last 7 games.
HNK Sibenik have received 3 red cards this season. This is the highest number in HNL.
HNK Sibenik haven't scored in 5 of their 10 home matches in HNL this season.
NK Lokomotiva Zagreb haven't scored in 2 of their 10 away matches in HNL this season.
Ivan Santini has more yellow cards (6) than any other player at HNK Sibenik. Feta Fetai has collected 9 for NK Lokomotiva Zagreb.
HNK Sibenik have conceded a goal in each of their last 7 matches.
NK Lokomotiva Zagreb have scored at least one goal for 5 consecutive matches.
HNK Sibenik wins 1st half in 14% of their matches, NK Lokomotiva Zagreb in 36% of their matches.
HNK Sibenik wins 14% of halftimes, NK Lokomotiva Zagreb wins 36%.
The winner of their last meeting was NK Lokomotiva Zagreb.
On their last meeting NK Lokomotiva Zagreb won by 3 goals.
When HNK Sibenik leads 1-0 at home, they win in 90% of their matches.
When NK Lokomotiva Zagreb leads 0-1 away, they win in 77% of their matches.
When HNK Sibenik is down 0-1 home, they win 25% of their matches.
When NK Lokomotiva Zagreb is down 1-0 away, they win 10% of their matches.
In HNL, NK Lokomotiva Zagreb has better performance than HNK Sibenik.
NK Lokomotiva Zagreb's performance of the last 5 matches is better than HNK Sibenik's.
NK Lokomotiva Zagreb have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against HNK Sibenik (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings HNK Sibenik won 1, NK Lokomotiva Zagreb won 3, 1 draws.
NK Lokomotiva Zagreb have lost just 1 of their last 5 HNL games against HNK Sibenik.
HNK Sibenik have won just 1 of their last 5 HNL games against NK Lokomotiva Zagreb.
HNK Sibenik scores 0.4 goals in a match against NK Lokomotiva Zagreb and NK Lokomotiva Zagreb scores 1.8 goals against HNK Sibenik (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between HNK Sibenik and NK Lokomotiva Zagreb is 2.2.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between HNK Sibenik and NK Lokomotiva Zagreb is 0.6.
HNK Sibenik scores 1.24 goals when playing at home and NK Lokomotiva Zagreb scores 1.55 goals when playing away (on average).
Did you know that NK Lokomotiva Zagreb scores 32% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
NK Lokomotiva Zagreb haven't scored in 2 of their 11 away matches in HNL this season.
NK Lokomotiva Zagreb have scored at least one goal for 6 consecutive matches.
HNK Sibenik wins 1st half in 14% of their matches, NK Lokomotiva Zagreb in 35% of their matches.
HNK Sibenik wins 14% of halftimes, NK Lokomotiva Zagreb wins 35%.
When NK Lokomotiva Zagreb is down 1-0 away, they win 9% of their matches.
HNK Sibenik scores 1.24 goals when playing at home and NK Lokomotiva Zagreb scores 1.52 goals when playing away (on average).
Both teams haven't won their last match in HNL.
Both teams lost their last match.
This was Silvio Gorican's 5th yellow card for the season.
The most common end-result when NK Lokomotiva Zagreb leads 1-0 away this season is 1-0.
NK Lokomotiva Zagreb is undefeated this season when playing at home and taking the lead 1-0.
This was Josip Majic's 5th yellow card for the season.


Head to head

HNK Sibenik
NK Lokomotiva Zagreb
Wins: 5
Draws: 3
Wins: 8
Recent meetings
  1. Flag HRV1. HNL
    13 Feb 2025
    HNK SibenikHNK Sibenik
    1 : 2
    NK Lokomotiva ZagrebNK Lokomotiva Zagreb
  2. Flag HRV1. HNL
    7 Nov 2024
    HNK SibenikHNK Sibenik
    0 : 3
    NK Lokomotiva ZagrebNK Lokomotiva Zagreb
  3. Flag HRV1. HNL
    22 Aug 2024
    NK Lokomotiva ZagrebNK Lokomotiva Zagreb
    0 : 1
    HNK SibenikHNK Sibenik
  4. Flag HRV1. HNL
    20 Apr 2023
    NK Lokomotiva ZagrebNK Lokomotiva Zagreb
    1 : 0
    HNK SibenikHNK Sibenik
  5. Flag HRV1. HNL
    11 Feb 2023
    HNK SibenikHNK Sibenik
    0 : 4
    NK Lokomotiva ZagrebNK Lokomotiva Zagreb


HNK SibenikHNK Sibenik
  1. Flag HRV1. HNL
    6 Mar 2025
    HNK Rijeka
    1 : 1
    HNK Sibenik
  2. Flag HRV1. HNL
    1 Mar 2025
    HNK Sibenik
    0 : 2
    NK Varazdin
  3. Flag HRV1. HNL
    22 Feb 2025
    HNK Gorica
    1 : 0
    HNK Sibenik
  4. Flag HRV1. HNL
    13 Feb 2025
    HNK Sibenik
    1 : 2
    NK Lokomotiva Zagreb
  5. Flag HRV1. HNL
    6 Feb 2025
    Dinamo Zagreb
    3 : 0
    HNK Sibenik
NK Lokomotiva ZagrebNK Lokomotiva Zagreb
  1. Flag HRV1. HNL
    7 Mar 2025
    NK Lokomotiva Zagreb
    3 : 0
    NK Osijek
  2. Flag HRVCroatian Cup
    3 Mar 2025
    Istra 1961
    3 : 0
    NK Lokomotiva Zagreb
  3. Flag HRV1. HNL
    27 Feb 2025
    Istra 1961
    3 : 2
    NK Lokomotiva Zagreb
  4. Flag HRV1. HNL
    20 Feb 2025
    NK Lokomotiva Zagreb
    1 : 0
    NK Varazdin
  5. Flag HRV1. HNL
    13 Feb 2025
    HNK Sibenik
    1 : 2
    NK Lokomotiva Zagreb

HNK Sibenik vs NK Lokomotiva Zagreb Standings

5NK Varazdin81072534
6NK Lokomotiva Zagreb94122531
7NK Osijek86112530
9HNK Gorica66142624
10HNK Sibenik47142519

Match information