1. Football streams
  2. Brasileiro Serie B
  3. Vasco Da Gama RJ vs Nautico PE

How to watch Vasco Da Gama RJ vs Nautico PE online & on TV, head to head and predictions

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Ball possession

Corner kicks
Yellow cards

Vasco Da Gama RJ vs Nautico PE Betting tips

The most common result of matches between CR Vasco da Gama RJ and Nautico PE is 1-1. 3 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 8 meetings with CR Vasco da Gama RJ playing at home, CR Vasco da Gama RJ have won 5 times, there have been 2 draws while Nautico PE have won 1 times. The goal difference is 17-10 in favour of CR Vasco da Gama RJ.
During the last 17 meetings, CR Vasco da Gama RJ have won 9 times, there have been 6 draws while Nautico PE have won 2 times. The goal difference is 34-21 in favour of CR Vasco da Gama RJ.
Nautico PE's last away win against CR Vasco da Gama RJ was in 2008.
Last season's matches: 1-1 (CR Vasco da Gama RJ at home) and 2-2 (Nautico PE at home).
In Brasileiro Serie B, Nautico PE have lost their last 6 away matches.
Did you know that CR Vasco da Gama RJ scores 23% of their goals between the minutes 31-45?
Did you know that Nautico PE scores 33% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
CR Vasco da Gama RJ haven't lost in any of their last 20 home matches.
Nautico PE have lost 6 away matches in a row.
Nautico PE haven't won any of their last 8 away matches.
When playing at home, CR Vasco da Gama RJ have not lost to Nautico PE in their last 6 encounters.
CR Vasco da Gama RJ haven't scored in 3 of their 14 home matches in Brasileiro Serie B this season.
Nautico PE haven't scored in 10 of their 13 away matches in Brasileiro Serie B this season.
CR Vasco da Gama RJ's home record this season: 9-5-0.
CR Vasco da Gama RJ have conceded a goal in each of their last 6 matches.
CR Vasco da Gama RJ wins 1st half in 32% of their matches, Nautico PE in 28% of their matches.
CR Vasco da Gama RJ wins 32% of halftimes, Nautico PE wins 28%.
The winner of their last meeting was CR Vasco da Gama RJ.
On their last meeting CR Vasco da Gama RJ won by 1 goals.
When CR Vasco da Gama RJ leads 1-0 at home, they win in 78% of their matches.
When Nautico PE leads 0-1 away, they win in 50% of their matches.
When CR Vasco da Gama RJ is down 0-1 home, they win 0% of their matches.
When Nautico PE is down 1-0 away, they win 23% of their matches.
CR Vasco da Gama RJ have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against Nautico PE (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings CR Vasco da Gama RJ won 2, Nautico PE won 1, 2 draws.
CR Vasco da Gama RJ have lost just 1 of their last 5 Brasileiro Serie B games against Nautico PE.
Nautico PE have won just 1 of their last 5 Brasileiro Serie B games against CR Vasco da Gama RJ.
CR Vasco da Gama RJ scores 2 goals in a match against Nautico PE and Nautico PE scores 2 goals against CR Vasco da Gama RJ (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between CR Vasco da Gama RJ and Nautico PE is 4.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between CR Vasco da Gama RJ and Nautico PE is 1.8.
CR Vasco da Gama RJ scores 1.36 goals when playing at home and Nautico PE scores 0.94 goals when playing away (on average).
A year ago, Nautico PE were number 9 in the table with 41 points. Now they are number 20 with 27 points.
CR Vasco da Gama RJ have conceded a goal in each of their last 7 matches.
A year ago, CR Vasco da Gama RJ were number 8 in the table with 43 points. Now they are number 4 with 45 points.
In Brasileiro Serie B, Nautico PE has better performance than CR Vasco da Gama RJ.
Nautico PE's performance of the last 5 matches is better than CR Vasco da Gama RJ's.


Head to head

Vasco Da Gama RJ
Nautico PE
Wins: 2
Draws: 2
Wins: 0
Recent meetings
  1. Flag BRABrasileiro Serie B
    15 Sep 2022
    Vasco Da Gama RJVasco Da Gama RJ
    4 : 1
    Nautico PENautico PE
  2. Flag BRABrasileiro Serie B
    6 Jun 2022
    Nautico PENautico PE
    2 : 3
    Vasco Da Gama RJVasco Da Gama RJ
  3. Flag BRABrasileiro Serie B
    23 Oct 2021
    Nautico PENautico PE
    2 : 2
    Vasco Da Gama RJVasco Da Gama RJ
  4. Flag BRABrasileiro Serie B
    17 Jul 2021
    Vasco Da Gama RJVasco Da Gama RJ
    1 : 1
    Nautico PENautico PE


Vasco Da Gama RJVasco Da Gama RJ
  1. Flag BRABrasileiro Serie A
    7 Dec 2024
    Cuiaba MT
    1 : 2
    Vasco Da Gama RJ
  2. Flag BRABrasileiro Serie A
    3 Dec 2024
    Vasco Da Gama RJ
    2 : 0
    Atletico Mineiro
  3. Flag BRABrasileiro Serie A
    29 Nov 2024
    Vasco Da Gama RJ
    2 : 2
    Atletico GO
  4. Flag BRABrasileiro Serie A
    23 Nov 2024
    3 : 1
    Vasco Da Gama RJ
  5. Flag BRABrasileiro Serie A
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Nautico PENautico PE
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    Nautico PE
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    Nautico PE
    1 : 2

Match information