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  3. Levski Sofia vs Lokomotiv Plovdiv

Myslovic (71') Kolev (9')
Iliev (68')

How to watch Levski Sofia vs Lokomotiv Plovdiv online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:


Levski Sofia Levski Sofia
Lokomotiv Plovdiv Lokomotiv Plovdiv
4Makoun5Van der Kaap6De Freitas Soares8Ohene10Mitkov23Myslovic9Kolev17Everton21Paulo Faustino88Petkov44Markovic4Krasimirov Paskalev9Perea Sanchez10Petkov14Iliev5Pavlov6Ivanov21Medved22Ivanov44Lyaskov71Kamdem81Tomov
4Makoun5Van der Kaap6De Freitas Soares8Ohene10Mitkov23Myslovic9Kolev17Everton21Paulo Faustino88Petkov44Markovic
Levski Sofia Levski Sofia
4Krasimirov Paskalev9Perea Sanchez10Petkov14Iliev5Pavlov6Ivanov21Medved22Ivanov44Lyaskov71Kamdem81Tomov
Lokomotiv Plovdiv Lokomotiv Plovdiv
Levski Sofia Levski Sofia
Genchev, Stanislav
Kristian Dimitrov 50
53' Out: Asen Ivanov Mitkov

Preslav Bachev 16
69' Out: Everton

Iliyan Stefanov 14
69' Out: Aleksandar Kolev

Fabio De Lima Costa 7
78' Out: Patrik Myslovic
Lokomotiv Plovdiv Lokomotiv Plovdiv
Zlatinski, Hristo Evtimov
Kristiyan Peshov 16
35' Out: Oliver Kamdem

Julien Lamy 99
76' Out: Martin Detelinov Petkov

Marcilio Silva de Lima 80
76' Out: Vladimir Medved

Martin Haydarov 19
86' Out: Hristo Ivanov


Ball possession

Yellow cards
Red cards

Levski Sofia vs Lokomotiv Plovdiv Betting tips

The most common result of matches between PFC Levski Sofia and PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv when PFC Levski Sofia is playing at home is 1-0. 6 matches have ended with this result.
The most common result of matches between PFC Levski Sofia and PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv is 1-0. 9 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 26 meetings with PFC Levski Sofia playing at home, PFC Levski Sofia have won 17 times, there have been 4 draws while PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv have won 5 times. The goal difference is 52-21 in favour of PFC Levski Sofia.
During the last 56 meetings, PFC Levski Sofia have won 30 times, there have been 12 draws while PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv have won 14 times. The goal difference is 96-54 in favour of PFC Levski Sofia.
Last season's matches: 3-0 (PFC Levski Sofia at home) and 2-1 (PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv at home).
In Parva Liga, PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv have lost their last 3 away matches.
Did you know that PFC Levski Sofia scores 28% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
Did you know that PFC Levski Sofia scores 7% of their goals between the minutes 46-60? This is the lowest percentage in the league.
Did you know that PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv scores 28% of their goals between the minutes 46-60?
PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv haven't won any of their last 3 games against PFC Levski Sofia.
When playing at home, PFC Levski Sofia have not lost to PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv in their last 5 encounters.
PFC Levski Sofia haven't scored in 1 of their 8 home matches in Parva Liga this season.
PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv haven't scored in 3 of their 8 away matches in Parva Liga this season.
PFC Levski Sofia's home record this season: 6-0-2.
Carlos Ohene has more yellow cards (4) than any other player at PFC Levski Sofia. Jorge Segura has collected 6 for PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv.
A year ago, PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv were number 4 in the table with 32 points. Now they are number 13 with 14 points.
PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv have conceded a goal in each of their last 5 matches.
PFC Levski Sofia wins 1st half in 43% of their matches, PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv in 21% of their matches.
PFC Levski Sofia wins 43% of halftimes, PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv wins 21%.
The winner of their last meeting was PFC Levski Sofia.
On their last meeting PFC Levski Sofia won by 2 goals.
When PFC Levski Sofia leads 1-0 at home, they win in 93% of their matches.
When PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv leads 0-1 away, they win in 100% of their matches.
When PFC Levski Sofia is down 0-1 home, they win 16% of their matches.
When PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv is down 1-0 away, they win 14% of their matches.
In Parva Liga, PFC Levski Sofia has better performance than PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv.
PFC Levski Sofia's performance of the last 5 matches is better than PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv's.
PFC Levski Sofia have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings PFC Levski Sofia won 4, PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv won 1, 0 draws.
PFC Levski Sofia scores 2.2 goals in a match against PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv and PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv scores 0.6 goals against PFC Levski Sofia (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between PFC Levski Sofia and PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv is 2.8.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between PFC Levski Sofia and PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv is 2.2.
PFC Levski Sofia scores 1.7 goals when playing at home and PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv scores 1.3 goals when playing away (on average).
PFC Levski Sofia wins 1st half in 42% of their matches, PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv in 21% of their matches.
PFC Levski Sofia wins 42% of halftimes, PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv wins 21%.
PFC Levski Sofia have scored at least one goal for 5 consecutive matches.
Did you know that PFC Levski Sofia scores 32% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
Did you know that PFC Levski Sofia scores 6% of their goals between the minutes 46-60? This is the lowest percentage in the league.
PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv have conceded a goal in each of their last 6 matches.
PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv have a losing streak of 3 matches in Parva Liga.
PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv have lost 3 matches in a row.
PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv haven't won in their last 4 games.
A year ago, PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv were number 4 in the table with 35 points. Now they are number 13 with 14 points.
If Dimitar Iliev scores against PFC Levski Sofia it will be his 5th goal for PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv this season.
If Hristo Ivanov receives a yellow card in today's match, he will be suspended after collecting 5 yellow cards so far this season.
The most common end-result when PFC Levski Sofia leads 1-0 at home this season is 1-0.
This was Carlos Ohene's 5th yellow card for the season.
This was Hristo Ivanov's 5th yellow card for the season.

Head to head

Levski Sofia
Lokomotiv Plovdiv
Wins: 9
Draws: 4
Wins: 5
Recent meetings
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Levski SofiaLevski Sofia
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Levski Sofia vs Lokomotiv Plovdiv Standings

1Ludogorets Razgrad19412461
2Levski Sofia16352451
3Cherno More Varna13742446
13FC Krumovgrad58112423
14Lokomotiv Plovdiv65132423
15Botev Vratsa35162414

Match information