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  2. First Professional League
  3. FK Spartak 1918 Varna vs Botev Plovdiv

How to watch FK Spartak 1918 Varna vs Botev Plovdiv online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:


FK Spartak 1918 Varna FK Spartak 1918 Varna
Botev Plovdiv Botev Plovdiv
3Petrasilo11Mitev19Stoev44Granchov5Baurenski7Berna8Lesniak20Lozev39Vutov76Velichkov14Ivey Belgrave52Amofa5Tamm88Korosec7Akere10Popov17Minkov28Karabelyov38Balogiannis1Bernat91Triboulet99Maras
3Petrasilo11Mitev19Stoev44Granchov5Baurenski7Berna8Lesniak20Lozev39Vutov76Velichkov14Ivey Belgrave
FK Spartak 1918 Varna FK Spartak 1918 Varna
Botev Plovdiv Botev Plovdiv
FK Spartak 1918 Varna FK Spartak 1918 Varna
Kirov, Nikolay
Dimitar Mitkov 9
69' Out: Berna

Aleksandar Tsvetkov 6
80' Out: Filip Lesniak

Daniel Ivanov 18
90' Out: Romeesh Nathaniel Ivey Belgrave

Pa Konate 21
90' Out: Antonio Vutov
Botev Plovdiv Botev Plovdiv
Kerkez, Dusan
Edgar Piloyan 13
64' Out: Yanis Karabelyov

Ehije Ukaki 4
64' Out: Aleksa Maras

Nikola Iliev 21
75' Out: Alen Korosec

Andrey Yordanov 6
86' Out: Samuel Akere

Christian Kassi 30
86' Out: Vinni Dugary Triboulet


Ball possession

Yellow cards
Red cards

FK Spartak 1918 Varna vs Botev Plovdiv Betting tips

The most common result of matches between FK Spartak 1918 Varna and Botev Plovdiv when FK Spartak 1918 Varna is playing at home is 1-0. 3 matches have ended with this result.
The most common result of matches between FK Spartak 1918 Varna and Botev Plovdiv is 1-0. 4 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 5 meetings with FK Spartak 1918 Varna playing at home, FK Spartak 1918 Varna have won 4 times, there have been 1 draws while Botev Plovdiv have won 0 times. The goal difference is 8-4 in favour of FK Spartak 1918 Varna.
During the last 13 meetings, FK Spartak 1918 Varna have won 5 times, there have been 4 draws while Botev Plovdiv have won 4 times. The goal difference is 16-13 in favour of Botev Plovdiv.
Did you know that FK Spartak 1918 Varna scores 22% of their goals between the minutes 61-75?
Did you know that Botev Plovdiv scores 32% of their goals between the minutes 46-60?
FK Spartak 1918 Varna haven't won in their last 6 games.
Botev Plovdiv have lost 5 matches in a row.
When playing at home, FK Spartak 1918 Varna have not lost to Botev Plovdiv in their last 5 encounters.
FK Spartak 1918 Varna haven't scored in 2 of their 10 home matches in Parva Liga this season.
Botev Plovdiv haven't scored in 3 of their 9 away matches in Parva Liga this season.
Botev Plovdiv's away record this season: 7-0-3.
Romeesh Ivey has assisted the most goals for FK Spartak 1918 Varna with 4. Ivelin Popov is Botev Plovdiv's biggest assister (4).
Romeesh Ivey has more yellow cards (7) than any other player at FK Spartak 1918 Varna. Konstantinos Balogiannis has collected 7 for Botev Plovdiv.
Botev Plovdiv have conceded a goal in each of their last 7 matches.
Botev Plovdiv have scored at least one goal for 6 consecutive matches.
FK Spartak 1918 Varna wins 1st half in 34% of their matches, Botev Plovdiv in 28% of their matches.
FK Spartak 1918 Varna wins 34% of halftimes, Botev Plovdiv wins 28%.
The winner of their last meeting was FK Spartak 1918 Varna.
On their last meeting FK Spartak 1918 Varna won by 1 goals.
When FK Spartak 1918 Varna leads 1-0 at home, they win in 87% of their matches.
When Botev Plovdiv leads 0-1 away, they win in 81% of their matches.
When FK Spartak 1918 Varna is down 0-1 home, they win 20% of their matches.
When Botev Plovdiv is down 1-0 away, they win 0% of their matches.
In Parva Liga, Botev Plovdiv has better performance than FK Spartak 1918 Varna.
FK Spartak 1918 Varna's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Botev Plovdiv's.
FK Spartak 1918 Varna have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against Botev Plovdiv (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings FK Spartak 1918 Varna won 3, Botev Plovdiv won 1, 1 draws.
FK Spartak 1918 Varna have lost just 1 of their last 5 Parva Liga games against Botev Plovdiv.
Botev Plovdiv have won just 1 of their last 5 Parva Liga games against FK Spartak 1918 Varna.
FK Spartak 1918 Varna scores 1.4 goals in a match against Botev Plovdiv and Botev Plovdiv scores 1 goals against FK Spartak 1918 Varna (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between FK Spartak 1918 Varna and Botev Plovdiv is 2.4.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between FK Spartak 1918 Varna and Botev Plovdiv is 0.6.
Both teams haven't won their last match in Parva Liga.
FK Spartak 1918 Varna scores 1.67 goals when playing at home and Botev Plovdiv scores 1.41 goals when playing away (on average).
Botev Plovdiv have conceded a goal in each of their last 8 matches.
Botev Plovdiv have scored at least one goal for 7 consecutive matches.
FK Spartak 1918 Varna wins 1st half in 34% of their matches, Botev Plovdiv in 27% of their matches.
FK Spartak 1918 Varna wins 34% of halftimes, Botev Plovdiv wins 27%.
Botev Plovdiv haven't won in their last 6 games.
A year ago, Botev Plovdiv were number 8 in the table with 29 points. Now they are number 2 with 41 points.
If Vinni Triboulet scores against FK Spartak 1918 Varna it will be his 5th goal for Botev Plovdiv this season.
The most common end-result when FK Spartak 1918 Varna leads 1-0 at home this season is 1-0.
FK Spartak 1918 Varna is undefeated this season when playing at home and taking the lead 1-0.

Head to head

FK Spartak 1918 Varna
Botev Plovdiv
Wins: 5
Draws: 2
Wins: 1
Recent meetings
  1. Flag BGRFirst Professional League
    14 Feb 2025
    FK Spartak 1918 VarnaFK Spartak 1918 Varna
    1 : 0
    Botev PlovdivBotev Plovdiv
  2. Flag BGRFirst Professional League
    23 Aug 2024
    Botev PlovdivBotev Plovdiv
    0 : 1
    FK Spartak 1918 VarnaFK Spartak 1918 Varna
  3. Flag BGRBulgarian Cup
    26 Feb 2024
    Botev PlovdivBotev Plovdiv
    2 : 1
    FK Spartak 1918 VarnaFK Spartak 1918 Varna
  4. Flag BGRFirst Professional League
    16 Apr 2023
    Botev PlovdivBotev Plovdiv
    1 : 1
    FK Spartak 1918 VarnaFK Spartak 1918 Varna
  5. Flag BGRFirst Professional League
    15 Sep 2022
    FK Spartak 1918 VarnaFK Spartak 1918 Varna
    3 : 2
    Botev PlovdivBotev Plovdiv


FK Spartak 1918 VarnaFK Spartak 1918 Varna
  1. Flag BGRFirst Professional League
    7 Mar 2025
    Cherno More Varna
    1 : 1
    FK Spartak 1918 Varna
  2. Flag BGRFirst Professional League
    28 Feb 2025
    FK Spartak 1918 Varna
    0 : 3
    PFK Beroe Stara Zagora
  3. Flag BGRFirst Professional League
    20 Feb 2025
    Levski Sofia
    2 : 0
    FK Spartak 1918 Varna
  4. Flag BGRFirst Professional League
    14 Feb 2025
    FK Spartak 1918 Varna
    1 : 0
    Botev Plovdiv
  5. Flag BGRFirst Professional League
    6 Feb 2025
    FC Arda Kardzhali
    2 : 2
    FK Spartak 1918 Varna
Botev PlovdivBotev Plovdiv
  1. Flag BGRFirst Professional League
    8 Mar 2025
    Botev Plovdiv
    1 : 1
    FC Arda Kardzhali
  2. Flag BGRFirst Professional League
    2 Mar 2025
    Slavia Sofia
    3 : 2
    Botev Plovdiv
  3. Flag BGRBulgarian Cup
    26 Feb 2025
    Ludogorets Razgrad
    0 : 0
    Botev Plovdiv
  4. Flag BGRFirst Professional League
    21 Feb 2025
    Botev Plovdiv
    0 : 3
    PFC CSKA Sofia
  5. Flag BGRFirst Professional League
    14 Feb 2025
    FK Spartak 1918 Varna
    1 : 0
    Botev Plovdiv

FK Spartak 1918 Varna vs Botev Plovdiv Standings

3Cherno More Varna13742446
4Botev Plovdiv13382442
5FC Arda Kardzhali11762440
6PFK Beroe Stara Zagora11492437
7FK Spartak 1918 Varna10682436
8PFC CSKA Sofia10682436

Match information