How to watch FC Ingolstadt vs Erzgebirge Aue online & on TV, head to head and predictions
Match feed:
FC Ingolstadt
Erzgebirge Aue
Erzgebirge Aue
FC Ingolstadt
Wittmann, Sabrina
Decker, Elias 3 72' Out: Besuschkow, Max
Deichmann, Yannick 20 72' Out: Lorenz, Simon
Borkwoski, Dennis 7 83' Out: Zeitler, Deniz
Heike, Tim 9 87' Out: Gronning, Sebastian
Erzgebirge Aue
Dotchev, Pavel
Loune, Ali 30 57' Out: Majetschak, Erik
Seitz, Sean 7 75' Out: Jakob, Kilian
Bornschein, Ricky 9 88' Out: Sijaric, Omar
Ball possession
Yellow cards
Red cards
FC Ingolstadt vs Erzgebirge Aue Betting tips
The most common result of matches between FC Ingolstadt 04 and Erzgebirge Aue when FC Ingolstadt 04 is playing at home is 1-2. 4 matches have ended with this result.
The most common result of matches between FC Ingolstadt 04 and Erzgebirge Aue is 0-0. 5 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 12 meetings with FC Ingolstadt 04 playing at home, FC Ingolstadt 04 have won 4 times, there have been 4 draws while Erzgebirge Aue have won 4 times. The goal difference is 19-16 in favour of FC Ingolstadt 04.
During the last 24 meetings, FC Ingolstadt 04 have won 8 times, there have been 9 draws while Erzgebirge Aue have won 7 times. The goal difference is 31-21 in favour of FC Ingolstadt 04.
Last season's matches: 1-1 (FC Ingolstadt 04 at home) and 1-0 (Erzgebirge Aue at home).
Did you know that FC Ingolstadt 04 scores 22% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
Did you know that Erzgebirge Aue scores 35% of their goals between the minutes 0-15?
FC Ingolstadt 04 haven't lost in any of their last 6 home matches.
FC Ingolstadt 04 haven't scored in 0 of their 8 home matches in 3. Liga this season.
Erzgebirge Aue haven't scored in 2 of their 7 away matches in 3. Liga this season.
FC Ingolstadt 04's home record this season: 4-3-1.
Sebastian Gronning is FC Ingolstadt 04's top scorer with 10 goals. Marcel Bar has scored 6 times for Erzgebirge Aue.
Lukas Frode has more yellow cards (6) than any other player at FC Ingolstadt 04. Pascal Fallmann has collected 5 for Erzgebirge Aue.
Erzgebirge Aue have scored at least one goal for 6 consecutive matches.
FC Ingolstadt 04 wins 1st half in 32% of their matches, Erzgebirge Aue in 39% of their matches.
FC Ingolstadt 04 wins 32% of halftimes, Erzgebirge Aue wins 39%.
Their last meeting was a draw. (1-1)
When FC Ingolstadt 04 leads 1-0 at home, they win in 70% of their matches.
When Erzgebirge Aue leads 0-1 away, they win in 50% of their matches.
When FC Ingolstadt 04 is down 0-1 home, they win 15% of their matches.
When Erzgebirge Aue is down 1-0 away, they win 16% of their matches.
In 3. Liga, FC Ingolstadt 04 has better performance than Erzgebirge Aue.
FC Ingolstadt 04's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Erzgebirge Aue's.
In the last 5 meetings FC Ingolstadt 04 won 2, Erzgebirge Aue won 2, 1 draws.
FC Ingolstadt 04 scores 1.6 goals in a match against Erzgebirge Aue and Erzgebirge Aue scores 1.2 goals against FC Ingolstadt 04 (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between FC Ingolstadt 04 and Erzgebirge Aue is 2.8.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between FC Ingolstadt 04 and Erzgebirge Aue is 1.6.
Both teams haven't won their last match in 3. Liga.
Both teams lost their last match.
FC Ingolstadt 04 scores 1.96 goals when playing at home and Erzgebirge Aue scores 2.24 goals when playing away (on average).
Did you know that Erzgebirge Aue scores 32% of their goals between the minutes 0-15?
Sebastian Gronning is FC Ingolstadt 04's top scorer with 10 goals. Marcel Bar has scored 7 times for Erzgebirge Aue.
Marcel Costly has assisted the most goals for FC Ingolstadt 04 with 5. Marvin Stefaniak is Erzgebirge Aue's biggest assister (4).
The most common end-result when FC Ingolstadt 04 leads 1-0 at home this season is 2-1.
FC Ingolstadt 04 is undefeated this season when playing at home and taking the lead 1-0.