East Riffa haven't won in their last 9 games.
Hilal Al-Quds have a winning streak of 4 matches.
Hilal Al-Quds haven't lost in their last 9 games.
Hilal Al-Quds have conceded a goal in each of their last 11 matches.
Hilal Al-Quds have scored at least one goal for 9 consecutive matches.
East Riffa wins 1st half in 19% of their matches, Hilal Al-Quds in 0% of their matches.
East Riffa wins 19% of halftimes, Hilal Al-Quds wins 0%.
When East Riffa leads 1-0 at home, they win in 83% of their matches.
When Hilal Al-Quds leads 0-1 away, they win in 0% of their matches.
When East Riffa is down 0-1 home, they win 33% of their matches.
When Hilal Al-Quds is down 1-0 away, they win 50% of their matches.
Hilal Al-Quds's performance of the last 5 matches is better than East Riffa's.
East Riffa scores 1.68 goals when playing at home and Hilal Al-Quds scores 2.09 goals when playing away (on average).
East Riffa haven't won in their last 10 games.
Hilal Al-Quds haven't lost in their last 10 games.
East Riffa wins 1st half in 18% of their matches, Hilal Al-Quds in 0% of their matches.
East Riffa wins 18% of halftimes, Hilal Al-Quds wins 0%.
East Riffa scores 1.68 goals when playing at home and Hilal Al-Quds scores 1.92 goals when playing away (on average).
Both teams haven't won their last match in AFC Cup.
East Riffa wins 1st half in 21% of their matches, Hilal Al-Quds in 0% of their matches.
East Riffa wins 21% of halftimes, Hilal Al-Quds wins 0%.
When East Riffa leads 1-0 at home, they win in 85% of their matches.
East Riffa scores 1.7 goals when playing at home and Hilal Al-Quds scores 1.92 goals when playing away (on average).
Hilal Al-Quds has streak of 2 matches with 0 scored goals.
East Riffa have scored at least one goal for 5 consecutive matches.
East Riffa have received 3 red cards this season. This is the highest number in AFC Cup.