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  2. 1. Liga
  3. Dukla Praha vs MFK Karvina

How to watch Dukla Praha vs MFK Karvina online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:


Dukla Praha Dukla Praha
MFK Karvina MFK Karvina
28Hruska19Cermak23Hora8Mosquera Rebolledo7Peterka2Ludvicek22Milla21Spatenka33Pourzitidis25Svozil17Vondrasek30Lapes49Camara25Fleisman37Krcik29Tomic7Vallo28Cavos8Planka10Samko17Sigut18Guimaraes da Silva
28Hruska19Cermak23Hora8Mosquera Rebolledo7Peterka2Ludvicek22Milla21Spatenka33Pourzitidis25Svozil17Vondrasek
Dukla Praha Dukla Praha
30Lapes49Camara25Fleisman37Krcik29Tomic7Vallo28Cavos8Planka10Samko17Sigut18Guimaraes da Silva
MFK Karvina MFK Karvina
Dukla Praha Dukla Praha
Rada, Petr
Stepan Sebrle 15
74' Out: John Edison Mosquera Rebolledo

Daniel Kozma 39
74' Out: Marcel Cermak
MFK Karvina MFK Karvina
Hysky, Martin
Storman 77
46' Out: Kahuan Vinicius Guimaraes da Silva

Emmanuel Ayaosi 14
66' Out: Patrik Cavos

Sebastian Bohac 6
66' Out: Kristian Vallo

Filip Vecheta 13
83' Out: Samuel Sigut

Alexandr Buzek 21
90' Out: Denny Samko


Ball possession

Yellow cards
Red cards

Dukla Praha vs MFK Karvina Betting tips

The most common result of matches between Dukla Prague and MFK Karvina is 1-1. 3 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 7 meetings with Dukla Prague playing at home, Dukla Prague have won 4 times, there have been 1 draws while MFK Karvina have won 2 times. The goal difference is 10-8 in favour of Dukla Prague.
During the last 17 meetings, Dukla Prague have won 6 times, there have been 5 draws while MFK Karvina have won 6 times. The goal difference is 25-20 in favour of MFK Karvina.
Did you know that Dukla Prague scores 35% of their goals between the minutes 61-75? This is the highest percentage in the league.
Did you know that MFK Karvina scores 36% of their goals between the minutes 0-15?
Dukla Prague haven't won in their last 15 games.
Dukla Prague have a losing streak of 3 matches at home.
Dukla Prague have played 5 home matches in a row without winning.
MFK Karvina haven't won any of their last 8 away matches.
MFK Karvina have received 7 red cards this season. This is the highest number in 1. Liga.
Dukla Prague haven't scored in 2 of their 11 home matches in 1. Liga this season.
MFK Karvina haven't scored in 2 of their 10 away matches in 1. Liga this season.
Muris Mesanovic is Dukla Prague's top scorer with 4 goals. Filip Vecheta has scored 6 times for MFK Karvina.
Jakub Zeronik has assisted the most goals for Dukla Prague with 2. Denny Samko is MFK Karvina's biggest assister (4).
Jan Peterka has more yellow cards (5) than any other player at Dukla Prague. David Krcik has collected 5 for MFK Karvina.
Dukla Prague wins 1st half in 23% of their matches, MFK Karvina in 35% of their matches.
Dukla Prague wins 23% of halftimes, MFK Karvina wins 35%.
Their last meeting was a draw. (0-0)
When Dukla Prague leads 1-0 at home, they win in 75% of their matches.
When MFK Karvina leads 0-1 away, they win in 60% of their matches.
When Dukla Prague is down 0-1 home, they win 22% of their matches.
When MFK Karvina is down 1-0 away, they win 9% of their matches.
In 1. Liga, MFK Karvina has better performance than Dukla Prague.
MFK Karvina's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Dukla Prague's.
MFK Karvina have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against Dukla Prague (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings Dukla Prague won 1, MFK Karvina won 3, 1 draws.
Dukla Prague have lost just 0 of their last 5 1. Liga games against MFK Karvina.
MFK Karvina have won just 0 of their last 5 1. Liga games against Dukla Prague.
Dukla Prague scores 0.4 goals in a match against MFK Karvina and MFK Karvina scores 2.4 goals against Dukla Prague (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between Dukla Prague and MFK Karvina is 2.8.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Dukla Prague and MFK Karvina is 1.8.
Dukla Prague scores 1.71 goals when playing at home and MFK Karvina scores 1.32 goals when playing away (on average).
Dukla Prague haven't won in their last 16 games.
Dukla Prague have played 6 home matches in a row without winning.
Dukla Prague haven't scored in 2 of their 12 home matches in 1. Liga this season.
Dukla Prague wins 1st half in 25% of their matches, MFK Karvina in 35% of their matches.
Dukla Prague wins 25% of halftimes, MFK Karvina wins 35%.
When Dukla Prague leads 1-0 at home, they win in 69% of their matches.
Dukla Prague scores 1.68 goals when playing at home and MFK Karvina scores 1.32 goals when playing away (on average).
Did you know that Dukla Prague scores 33% of their goals between the minutes 61-75? This is the highest percentage in the league.
MFK Karvina haven't won any of their last 9 away matches.
MFK Karvina haven't scored in 2 of their 11 away matches in 1. Liga this season.
Dukla Prague wins 1st half in 25% of their matches, MFK Karvina in 34% of their matches.
Dukla Prague wins 25% of halftimes, MFK Karvina wins 34%.
When MFK Karvina leads 0-1 away, they win in 54% of their matches.
Dukla Prague scores 1.68 goals when playing at home and MFK Karvina scores 1.3 goals when playing away (on average).
Both teams haven't won their last match in 1. Liga.
Did you know that MFK Karvina scores 38% of their goals between the minutes 0-15?
MFK Karvina have received 8 red cards this season. This is the highest number in 1. Liga.

Dukla Praha vs MFK Karvina Predictions

Full-time result1x2
Correct Score1-02-12-0
Over/Under 2.5OverUnder
Odds data provided by: Bet365


Head to head

Dukla Praha
MFK Karvina
Wins: 0
Draws: 2
Wins: 2
Recent meetings
  1. Flag CZE1. Liga
    11 Mar 2025
    Dukla PrahaDukla Praha
    0 : 0
    MFK KarvinaMFK Karvina
  2. Flag CZE1. Liga
    31 Aug 2024
    MFK KarvinaMFK Karvina
    0 : 0
    Dukla PrahaDukla Praha
  3. Flag CZEFNL
    12 May 2023
    Dukla PrahaDukla Praha
    0 : 3
    MFK KarvinaMFK Karvina
  4. Flag CZEFNL
    21 Oct 2022
    MFK KarvinaMFK Karvina
    5 : 0
    Dukla PrahaDukla Praha


Dukla PrahaDukla Praha
  1. Flag CZE1. Liga
    14 Mar 2025
    0 : 1
    Dukla Praha
  2. Flag CZE1. Liga
    11 Mar 2025
    Dukla Praha
    0 : 0
    MFK Karvina
  3. Flag CZE1. Liga
    7 Mar 2025
    Dukla Praha
    1 : 1
    FK Teplice
  4. Flag CZE1. Liga
    1 Mar 2025
    Slovan Liberec
    1 : 1
    Dukla Praha
  5. Flag CZECup
    24 Feb 2025
    Sparta Prague
    3 : 0
    Dukla Praha
MFK KarvinaMFK Karvina
  1. Flag CZE1. Liga
    15 Mar 2025
    Ceske Budejovice
    2 : 3
    MFK Karvina
  2. Flag CZE1. Liga
    11 Mar 2025
    Dukla Praha
    0 : 0
    MFK Karvina
  3. Flag CZE1. Liga
    8 Mar 2025
    FC Hradec Kralove
    1 : 1
    MFK Karvina
  4. Flag CZE1. Liga
    1 Mar 2025
    MFK Karvina
    2 : 0
  5. Flag CZE1. Liga
    22 Feb 2025
    FK Baumit Jablonec
    5 : 0
    MFK Karvina

Dukla Praha vs MFK Karvina Standings

10Bohemians 19058992633
11MFK Karvina88102632
12FK Teplice85132629
14Dukla Praha48142620

Match information