Did you know that Difaa Hassani d'el-Jadida scores 36% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
Did you know that Union Touarga scores 29% of their goals between the minutes 31-45?
Difaa Hassani d'el-Jadida haven't won in their last 6 games.
Union Touarga haven't won any of their last 7 away matches.
Difaa Hassani d'el-Jadida haven't scored in 2 of their 10 home matches in Botola Pro D1 this season.
Union Touarga haven't scored in 3 of their 11 away matches in Botola Pro D1 this season.
Difaa Hassani d'el-Jadida wins 1st half in 14% of their matches, Union Touarga in 14% of their matches.
Difaa Hassani d'el-Jadida wins 14% of halftimes, Union Touarga wins 14%.
Their last meeting was a draw. (2-2)
When Difaa Hassani d'el-Jadida leads 1-0 at home, they win in 100% of their matches.
When Union Touarga leads 0-1 away, they win in 42% of their matches.
When Difaa Hassani d'el-Jadida is down 0-1 home, they win 0% of their matches.
When Union Touarga is down 1-0 away, they win 16% of their matches.
In Botola Pro D1, Union Touarga has better performance than Difaa Hassani d'el-Jadida.
Union Touarga's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Difaa Hassani d'el-Jadida's.
In the last 3 meetings Difaa Hassani d'el-Jadida won 1, Union Touarga won 1, 1 draws.
Difaa Hassani d'el-Jadida scores 1.33 goals in a match against Union Touarga and Union Touarga scores 1.33 goals against Difaa Hassani d'el-Jadida (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between Difaa Hassani d'el-Jadida and Union Touarga is 2.67.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Difaa Hassani d'el-Jadida and Union Touarga is 1.
Both teams haven't won their last match in Botola Pro D1.
Difaa Hassani d'el-Jadida scores 1.19 goals when playing at home and Union Touarga scores 1.17 goals when playing away (on average).