1. Football today
  2. Primera Division
  3. Deportivo Municipal vs Deportivo San Martin

Rodriguez (49') Ascues (14')
Arroyo (75')

How to watch Deportivo Municipal vs Deportivo San Martin online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:


Deportivo Municipal
Deportivo San Martin
1Melian14Nunez8Perez Garcia11Rodriguez27Ascues9Ovelar2Saravia3Trejo21Yovera5Ciucci17Medina33Solis6Delgado4Gonzalez2Ampuero26Rios7Aranda10Oliva11Rojas14Moyano17Soto30Veron
Deportivo San Martin


Ball possession
Deportivo Municipal50%
50% Deportivo San Martin
3Off goal45On goal3

Shots blocked
Corner kicks
Yellow cards
Red cards

Deportivo Municipal vs Deportivo San Martin Betting tips

The most common result of matches between Deportivo Municipal and CDU San Martin is 1-0. 5 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 8 meetings with Deportivo Municipal playing at home, Deportivo Municipal have won 5 times, there have been 1 draws while CDU San Martin have won 2 times. The goal difference is 12-6 in favour of Deportivo Municipal.
During the last 20 meetings, Deportivo Municipal have won 9 times, there have been 5 draws while CDU San Martin have won 6 times. The goal difference is 22-18 in favour of Deportivo Municipal.
Deportivo Municipal have a losing streak of 5 matches in Primera Division.
Did you know that Deportivo Municipal scores 25% of their goals between the minutes 0-15?
Did you know that CDU San Martin scores 38% of their goals between the minutes 31-45?
Deportivo Municipal have lost 5 matches in a row.
Deportivo Municipal haven't won in their last 9 games.
Deportivo Municipal have a losing streak of 3 matches at home.
Deportivo Municipal have played 4 home matches in a row without winning.
CDU San Martin haven't won in their last 8 games.
CDU San Martin haven't won any of their last 25 away matches.
Deportivo Municipal haven't scored in 3 of their 6 home matches in Primera Division this season.
CDU San Martin haven't scored in 4 of their 8 away matches in Primera Division this season.
CDU San Martin's away record this season: 0-1-7.
Roberto Ovelar is Deportivo Municipal's top scorer with 15 goals. Alexis Rojas has scored 16 times for CDU San Martin.
Roberto Ovelar has assisted the most goals for Deportivo Municipal with 11. Gonzalo Veron is CDU San Martin's biggest assister (9).
Franco Medina has more yellow cards (12) than any other player at Deportivo Municipal. Axel Moyano has collected 18 for CDU San Martin.
Deportivo Municipal have conceded a goal in each of their last 9 matches.
CDU San Martin have conceded a goal in each of their last 8 matches.
Deportivo Municipal wins 1st half in 23% of their matches, CDU San Martin in 17% of their matches.
Deportivo Municipal wins 23% of halftimes, CDU San Martin wins 17%.
Their last meeting was a draw. (1-1)
When Deportivo Municipal leads 1-0 at home, they win in 71% of their matches.
When CDU San Martin leads 0-1 away, they win in 0% of their matches.
When Deportivo Municipal is down 0-1 home, they win 0% of their matches.
When CDU San Martin is down 1-0 away, they win 0% of their matches.
In Primera Division, CDU San Martin has better performance than Deportivo Municipal.
CDU San Martin's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Deportivo Municipal's.
In the last 5 meetings Deportivo Municipal won 2, CDU San Martin won 2, 1 draws.
Deportivo Municipal have lost just 1 of their last 5 Primera Division games against CDU San Martin.
CDU San Martin have won just 1 of their last 5 Primera Division games against Deportivo Municipal.
Deportivo Municipal scores 1 goals in a match against CDU San Martin and CDU San Martin scores 0.8 goals against Deportivo Municipal (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between Deportivo Municipal and CDU San Martin is 1.8.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Deportivo Municipal and CDU San Martin is 1.
Both teams haven't won their last match in Primera Division.
Deportivo Municipal scores 0.94 goals when playing at home and CDU San Martin scores 0.82 goals when playing away (on average).
CDU San Martin haven't won in their last 9 games.
CDU San Martin haven't won any of their last 26 away matches.
Deportivo Municipal haven't scored in 3 of their 7 home matches in Primera Division this season.
CDU San Martin haven't scored in 4 of their 9 away matches in Primera Division this season.
Roberto Ovelar is Deportivo Municipal's top scorer with 15 goals. Alexis Rojas has scored 17 times for CDU San Martin.
Franco Medina has more yellow cards (13) than any other player at Deportivo Municipal. Axel Moyano has collected 18 for CDU San Martin.
CDU San Martin have conceded a goal in each of their last 9 matches.
Deportivo Municipal wins 1st half in 22% of their matches, CDU San Martin in 17% of their matches.
Deportivo Municipal wins 22% of halftimes, CDU San Martin wins 17%.
When Deportivo Municipal leads 1-0 at home, they win in 75% of their matches.
Deportivo Municipal scores 0.94 goals when playing at home and CDU San Martin scores 0.83 goals when playing away (on average).
Deportivo Municipal have scored at least one goal for 5 consecutive matches.
In Primera Division, Deportivo Municipal has better performance than CDU San Martin.
Deportivo Municipal's performance of the last 5 matches is better than CDU San Martin's.
Did you know that Deportivo Municipal scores 31% of their goals between the minutes 61-75?
Did you know that CDU San Martin scores 33% of their goals between the minutes 31-45?
CDU San Martin haven't won in their last 10 games.
CDU San Martin's away record this season: 0-1-8.
CDU San Martin have conceded a goal in each of their last 10 matches.
Deportivo Municipal wins 1st half in 25% of their matches, CDU San Martin in 16% of their matches.
Deportivo Municipal wins 25% of halftimes, CDU San Martin wins 16%.
Deportivo Municipal have scored at least one goal for 6 consecutive matches.
Did you know that Deportivo Municipal scores 31% of their goals between the minutes 61-75? This is the highest percentage in the league.
If Marcos Delgado scores against Deportivo Municipal it will be his 5th goal for CDU San Martin this season.
The most common end-result when Deportivo Municipal leads 1-0 at home this season is 1-0.
Deportivo Municipal is undefeated this season when playing at home and taking the lead 1-0.
This was Carlos Arroyo's 5th goal for the season.
This was Roberto Ovelar's 10th yellow card for the season.

Head to head

Deportivo Municipal
Deportivo San Martin
Wins: 3
Draws: 3
Wins: 3
Recent meetings
  1. Flag PERPrimera Division
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    Deportivo MunicipalDeportivo Municipal
    2 : 1
    Deportivo San MartinDeportivo San Martin
  2. Flag PERPrimera Division
    27 Jun 2022
    Deportivo San MartinDeportivo San Martin
    1 : 1
    Deportivo MunicipalDeportivo Municipal
  3. Flag PERPrimera Division
    29 Aug 2021
    Deportivo MunicipalDeportivo Municipal
    2 : 0
    Deportivo San MartinDeportivo San Martin
  4. Flag PERPrimera Division
    23 May 2021
    Deportivo San MartinDeportivo San Martin
    1 : 0
    Deportivo MunicipalDeportivo Municipal
  5. Flag PERPrimera Division
    18 Aug 2020
    Deportivo San MartinDeportivo San Martin
    0 : 1
    Deportivo MunicipalDeportivo Municipal


Deportivo MunicipalDeportivo Municipal
  1. Flag PERSegunda Division
    14 Apr 2024
    Ucv Moquegua
    2 : 0
    Deportivo Municipal
  2. Flag PERSegunda Division
    8 Apr 2024
    Deportivo Municipal
    3 : 2
    AD Cantolao
  3. Flag PERPrimera Division
    28 Oct 2023
    Deportivo Municipal
    1 : 2
    AD Cantolao
  4. Flag PERPrimera Division
    21 Oct 2023
    Alianza Atletico
    1 : 2
    Deportivo Municipal
  5. Flag PERPrimera Division
    7 Oct 2023
    Deportivo Municipal
    4 : 1
Deportivo San MartinDeportivo San Martin
  1. Flag PERSegunda Division
    14 Apr 2024
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    0 : 1
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    Em Deportivo Binacional
  3. Flag PERSegunda Division
    15 Oct 2023
    Alianza Universidad de Huanuco
    3 : 1
    Deportivo San Martin
  4. Flag PERSegunda Division
    10 Oct 2023
    Deportivo San Martin
    2 : 3
    Alianza Universidad de Huanuco
  5. Flag PERSegunda Division
    6 Oct 2023
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    1 : 0
    Deportivo San Martin

Match information