1. Football streams
  2. Liga I
  3. Universitatea Cluj vs CSM Politehnica Iasi

Nistor (77') Nistor (61')
Oum Gouet (90') Camara (90')

How to watch Universitatea Cluj vs CSM Politehnica Iasi online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:
  • Match Started

    The whistle has gone to start the match.

  • 90'
    Goal !
    • Camara, Sekou (Scorer)

    Sekou Camara puts the ball in the net and reduces the deficit to 2-1.

  • 90'
    • Nistor, Dan Nicolae
    • Mitrea, Bogdan Alexandru

    Bogdan Alexandru Mitrea is on a sub for Dan Nicolae Nistor for Uni Cluj.

  • 90'
    Goal !
    • Camara, Sekou (Scorer)

    Sekou Camara puts the ball in the net and reduces the deficit to 2-1.

  • 88'
    • Codrea, Dorin
    • Rata, Vadim

    Ovidiu Sabau is making the team's fourth substitution at Cluj Arena with Vadim Rata replacing Dorin Codrea.

  • 87'
    • Marchioni, Julian Augusto
    • Ciobanu, Denis-Andrei

    Politehnica Iasi make their third substitution with Denis-Andrei Ciobanu replacing Julian Augusto Marchioni.

  • 79'
    Yellow Card
    • Artean, Andrei

    Andrei Artean (Uni Cluj) has received a yellow card from Rares George Vidican.

  • 77'
    Goal !
    • Nistor, Dan Nicolae (Scorer)

    Goal! Uni Cluj extend their lead to 2-0 through Dan Nicolae Nistor.

  • 73'
    • Soares, Guilherme
    • Cret, Catalin Lucian

    The away team have replaced Guilherme Soares with Catalin Lucian Cret. This is the first substitution made today by Vasile Miriuta.

  • 73'
    • Soares, Guilherme
    • Cret, Catalin Lucian

    The away team have replaced Guilherme Soares with Catalin Lucian Cret. This is the first substitution made today by Vasile Miriuta.

  • 68'
    • Simion, Gabriel
    • Miranyan, Artur

    Artur Miranyan is on a sub for Gabriel Simion for Uni Cluj.

  • 68'
    • Simion, Gabriel
    • Miranyan, Artur

    Artur Miranyan is on a sub for Gabriel Simion for Uni Cluj.

  • 61'
    Goal !
    • Nistor, Dan Nicolae (Scorer)

    Goal! The home team take a 1-0 lead through Dan Nicolae Nistor.

  • 46'
    • Blanuta, Vladislav
    • Bettaieb, Adel

    Ovidiu Sabau (Uni Cluj) is making a first substitution, with Adel Bettaieb replacing Vladislav Blanuta.

  • 27'
    Yellow Card
    • Boboc, Radu

    At Cluj Arena, Radu Boboc has been yellow-carded for the home team.

  • Match Started

    The whistle has gone to start the match.


Universitatea Cluj Universitatea Cluj
CSM Politehnica Iasi CSM Politehnica Iasi
1Lefter24Boboc5Masoero16Van der Werff26Oancea98Simion18Artean94Bic10Nistor93Thiam77Blanuta1Ailenei42Soares3Samayoa4Silva27Ispas99Tailson5Oum Gouet24Marchioni20Stefanovici10Alin19Camara
1Lefter24Boboc5Masoero16Van der Werff26Oancea98Simion18Artean94Bic10Nistor93Thiam77Blanuta
Universitatea Cluj Universitatea Cluj
1Ailenei42Soares3Samayoa4Silva27Ispas99Tailson5Oum Gouet24Marchioni20Stefanovici10Alin19Camara
CSM Politehnica Iasi CSM Politehnica Iasi
Universitatea Cluj Universitatea Cluj
Sabau, Ovidiu
Adel Bettaieb 9
46' Out: Vladislav Blanuta

Artur Miranyan 11
68' Out: Gabriel Simion

Dorin Codrea 8
68' Out: Mamadou Thiam

Vadim Rata 22
88' Out: Dorin Codrea

Bogdan Alexandru Mitrea 3
90' Out: Dan Nicolae Nistor
CSM Politehnica Iasi CSM Politehnica Iasi
Miriuta, Vasile
Catalin Lucian Cret 13
73' Out: Guilherme Soares

Mihai Adascalitei 26
73' Out: Tailson

Denis-Andrei Ciobanu 77
87' Out: Julian Augusto Marchioni


Ball possession
Universitatea Cluj68%
32% CSM Politehnica Iasi
4Off goal73On goal4

Shots blocked
Corner kicks
Yellow cards
Red cards

Universitatea Cluj vs CSM Politehnica Iasi Betting tips

The most common result of matches between FC Universitatea Cluj and CSM Politehnica Iasi is 0-2. 4 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 5 meetings with FC Universitatea Cluj playing at home, FC Universitatea Cluj have won 2 times, there have been 1 draws while CSM Politehnica Iasi have won 2 times. The goal difference is 5-4 in favour of CSM Politehnica Iasi.
During the last 12 meetings, FC Universitatea Cluj have won 2 times, there have been 1 draws while CSM Politehnica Iasi have won 9 times. The goal difference is 20-5 in favour of CSM Politehnica Iasi.
Last season CSM Politehnica Iasi won both games against FC Universitatea Cluj (1-0 at home and 2-0 away).
In Superliga, FC Universitatea Cluj have 4 successive home wins.
CSM Politehnica Iasi have a losing streak of 5 matches in Superliga.
In Superliga, CSM Politehnica Iasi have lost their last 4 away matches.
Did you know that FC Universitatea Cluj scores 25% of their goals between the minutes 61-75?
Did you know that CSM Politehnica Iasi scores 29% of their goals between the minutes 16-30?
FC Universitatea Cluj have won 4 home matches in a row.
CSM Politehnica Iasi have lost 5 matches in a row.
CSM Politehnica Iasi haven't won in their last 8 games.
CSM Politehnica Iasi have lost 4 away matches in a row.
FC Universitatea Cluj haven't scored in 1 of their 12 home matches in Superliga this season.
CSM Politehnica Iasi haven't scored in 5 of their 12 away matches in Superliga this season.
CSM Politehnica Iasi's away record this season: 1-2-9.
Vladislav Blanuta is FC Universitatea Cluj's top scorer with 9 goals. Mihai Bordeianu has scored 5 times for CSM Politehnica Iasi.
Alexandru Chipciu has more yellow cards (6) than any other player at FC Universitatea Cluj. Mihai Bordeianu has collected 8 for CSM Politehnica Iasi.
A year ago, FC Universitatea Cluj were number 8 in the table with 32 points. Now they are number 1 with 44 points.
FC Universitatea Cluj wins 1st half in 22% of their matches, CSM Politehnica Iasi in 28% of their matches.
FC Universitatea Cluj wins 22% of halftimes, CSM Politehnica Iasi wins 28%.
The winner of their last meeting was CSM Politehnica Iasi.
On their last meeting CSM Politehnica Iasi won by 1 goals.
When FC Universitatea Cluj leads 1-0 at home, they win in 73% of their matches.
When CSM Politehnica Iasi leads 0-1 away, they win in 42% of their matches.
When FC Universitatea Cluj is down 0-1 home, they win 42% of their matches.
When CSM Politehnica Iasi is down 1-0 away, they win 11% of their matches.
In Superliga, FC Universitatea Cluj has better performance than CSM Politehnica Iasi.
FC Universitatea Cluj's performance of the last 5 matches is better than CSM Politehnica Iasi's.
CSM Politehnica Iasi have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against FC Universitatea Cluj (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings FC Universitatea Cluj won 1, CSM Politehnica Iasi won 4, 0 draws.
CSM Politehnica Iasi have lost just 1 of their last 5 Superliga games against FC Universitatea Cluj.
FC Universitatea Cluj have won just 1 of their last 5 Superliga games against CSM Politehnica Iasi.
FC Universitatea Cluj scores 0.2 goals in a match against CSM Politehnica Iasi and CSM Politehnica Iasi scores 1.2 goals against FC Universitatea Cluj (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between FC Universitatea Cluj and CSM Politehnica Iasi is 1.4.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between FC Universitatea Cluj and CSM Politehnica Iasi is 0.2.
FC Universitatea Cluj scores 1.62 goals when playing at home and CSM Politehnica Iasi scores 0.81 goals when playing away (on average).
CSM Politehnica Iasi have conceded a goal in each of their last 5 matches.
Did you know that CSM Politehnica Iasi scores 27% of their goals between the minutes 16-30?
FC Universitatea Cluj wins 1st half in 21% of their matches, CSM Politehnica Iasi in 28% of their matches.
FC Universitatea Cluj wins 21% of halftimes, CSM Politehnica Iasi wins 28%.
Did you know that FC Universitatea Cluj scores 25% of their goals between the minutes 61-75? This is the highest percentage in the league.
Both teams haven't won their last match in Superliga.
Both teams lost their last match.
CSM Politehnica Iasi have a losing streak of 6 matches in Superliga.
CSM Politehnica Iasi have lost 6 matches in a row.
CSM Politehnica Iasi haven't won in their last 9 games.
Alexandru Chipciu has more yellow cards (7) than any other player at FC Universitatea Cluj. Mihai Bordeianu has collected 8 for CSM Politehnica Iasi.
FC Universitatea Cluj wins 1st half in 21% of their matches, CSM Politehnica Iasi in 27% of their matches.
FC Universitatea Cluj wins 21% of halftimes, CSM Politehnica Iasi wins 27%.
CSM Politehnica Iasi have conceded a goal in each of their last 6 matches.
Both teams didn't score on their last match.
If Vladislav Blanuta scores against CSM Politehnica Iasi it will be his 10th goal for FC Universitatea Cluj this season.
If Rares Ispas receives a yellow card in today's match, he will be suspended after collecting 7 yellow cards so far this season.
This was Radu Boboc's 5th yellow card for the season.
The most common end-result when FC Universitatea Cluj leads 1-0 at home this season is 1-1.
FC Universitatea Cluj is undefeated this season when playing at home and taking the lead 1-0.
This was Dan Nistor's 10th goal for the season.

Head to head

Universitatea Cluj
CSM Politehnica Iasi
Wins: 1
Draws: 1
Wins: 4
Recent meetings
  1. Flag ROULiga I
    8 Feb 2025
    Universitatea ClujUniversitatea Cluj
    2 : 2
    CSM Politehnica IasiCSM Politehnica Iasi
  2. Flag ROULiga I
    27 Sep 2024
    CSM Politehnica IasiCSM Politehnica Iasi
    1 : 0
    Universitatea ClujUniversitatea Cluj
  3. Flag ROULiga I
    23 Apr 2024
    Universitatea ClujUniversitatea Cluj
    1 : 0
    CSM Politehnica IasiCSM Politehnica Iasi
  4. Flag ROULiga I
    27 Jan 2024
    CSM Politehnica IasiCSM Politehnica Iasi
    1 : 0
    Universitatea ClujUniversitatea Cluj
  5. Flag ROULiga I
    2 Sep 2023
    Universitatea ClujUniversitatea Cluj
    0 : 2
    CSM Politehnica IasiCSM Politehnica Iasi


Universitatea ClujUniversitatea Cluj
  1. Flag ROULiga I
    6 Mar 2025
    Farul Constanta
    1 : 1
    Universitatea Cluj
  2. Flag ROULiga I
    28 Feb 2025
    Universitatea Cluj
    0 : 1
    FC Botosani
  3. Flag ROULiga I
    20 Feb 2025
    Otelul Galati
    0 : 1
    Universitatea Cluj
  4. Flag ROULiga I
    16 Feb 2025
    Universitatea Cluj
    3 : 2
    FC Unirea 2004 Slobozia
  5. Flag ROULiga I
    8 Feb 2025
    Universitatea Cluj
    2 : 2
    CSM Politehnica Iasi
CSM Politehnica IasiCSM Politehnica Iasi
  1. Flag ROULiga I
    6 Mar 2025
    Otelul Galati
    2 : 3
    CSM Politehnica Iasi
  2. Flag ROULiga I
    1 Mar 2025
    CSM Politehnica Iasi
    1 : 0
    Petrolul Ploiesti
  3. Flag ROURomania Cup
    25 Feb 2025
    CSM Politehnica Iasi
    0 : 1
    AFC Hermannstadt
  4. Flag ROULiga I
    22 Feb 2025
    FC Unirea 2004 Slobozia
    0 : 0
    CSM Politehnica Iasi
  5. Flag ROULiga I
    15 Feb 2025
    CSM Politehnica Iasi
    1 : 1
    CFR Cluj

Match information