1. Football streams
  2. 1st Division
  3. AEL Limassol vs Apoel Nicosia

Trickovski (75')
Sotiriou (39') Maioli da Silva (33')

How to watch AEL Limassol vs Apoel Nicosia online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:


AEL Limassol AEL Limassol
Apoel Nicosia Apoel Nicosia
1Braga2Frantzis5Ouedraogo6Stolnik42Neophytou17Singh20Strumia21Toku66Mamas71Gerolemou33Makris14Maioli da Silva79Sotiriou17Abagna21Pizzi44Sarfo99Alejo33Antoniou29Chebake43Cano5Dvali27Belec
AEL Limassol AEL Limassol
14Maioli da Silva79Sotiriou17Abagna21Pizzi44Sarfo99Alejo33Antoniou29Chebake43Cano5Dvali27Belec
Apoel Nicosia Apoel Nicosia
AEL Limassol AEL Limassol
Nikolaou, Marios
Ivan Trickovski 10
55' Out: Giannis Gerolemou

Ze Turbo 80
60' Out: Andreas Makris

Panagiotis Zachariou 11
60' Out: Emmanuel Toku

Nemanja Glavcic
80' Out: Rafail Mamas

Christodoulou Stylianos 74
80' Out: Luther Singh
Missing players
Denis Thomalla
Apoel Nicosia Apoel Nicosia
Jimenez, Manolo
Giannis Satsias 18
54' Out: Lasha Dvali

Marius Corbu 30
58' Out: Ivan Alejo

Youssef El Arabi 9
71' Out: Gabriel Maioli da Silva


Ball possession

Yellow cards
Red cards

AEL Limassol vs Apoel Nicosia Betting tips

The most common result of matches between AEL Limassol and APOEL Nikosia when AEL Limassol is playing at home is 0-1. 5 matches have ended with this result.
The most common result of matches between AEL Limassol and APOEL Nikosia is 0-1. 12 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 27 meetings with AEL Limassol playing at home, AEL Limassol have won 6 times, there have been 8 draws while APOEL Nikosia have won 13 times. The goal difference is 36-21 in favour of APOEL Nikosia.
During the last 62 meetings, AEL Limassol have won 10 times, there have been 14 draws while APOEL Nikosia have won 38 times. The goal difference is 100-36 in favour of APOEL Nikosia.
Last season's matches: 1-1 (AEL Limassol at home) and 1-0 (APOEL Nikosia at home).
Did you know that AEL Limassol scores 27% of their goals between the minutes 31-45? This is the highest percentage in the league.
Did you know that APOEL Nikosia scores 25% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
AEL Limassol have lost 3 matches in a row.
AEL Limassol haven't won in their last 10 games.
AEL Limassol have played 5 home matches in a row without winning.
AEL Limassol haven't scored in 5 of their 11 home matches in 1st Division this season.
APOEL Nikosia haven't scored in 2 of their 11 away matches in 1st Division this season.
APOEL Nikosia's away record this season: 3-6-2.
Andreas Makris is AEL Limassol's top scorer with 9 goals. El Arabi has scored 10 times for APOEL Nikosia.
Rafail Mamas has more yellow cards (6) than any other player at AEL Limassol. Sergio Tejera has collected 6 for APOEL Nikosia.
A year ago, APOEL Nikosia were number 1 in the table with 51 points. Now they are number 5 with 37 points.
AEL Limassol have not managed to score in their last 8 matches.
AEL Limassol wins 1st half in 24% of their matches, APOEL Nikosia in 32% of their matches.
AEL Limassol wins 24% of halftimes, APOEL Nikosia wins 32%.
The winner of their last meeting was APOEL Nikosia.
On their last meeting APOEL Nikosia won by 4 goals.
When AEL Limassol leads 1-0 at home, they win in 44% of their matches.
When APOEL Nikosia leads 0-1 away, they win in 72% of their matches.
When AEL Limassol is down 0-1 home, they win 50% of their matches.
When APOEL Nikosia is down 1-0 away, they win 8% of their matches.
In 1st Division, APOEL Nikosia has better performance than AEL Limassol.
APOEL Nikosia's performance of the last 5 matches is better than AEL Limassol's.
AEL Limassol has streak of 8 matches with 0 scored goals.
APOEL Nikosia have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against AEL Limassol (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings AEL Limassol won 1, APOEL Nikosia won 2, 2 draws.
APOEL Nikosia have lost just 1 of their last 5 1st Division games against AEL Limassol.
AEL Limassol have won just 1 of their last 5 1st Division games against APOEL Nikosia.
AEL Limassol scores 0.4 goals in a match against APOEL Nikosia and APOEL Nikosia scores 1.2 goals against AEL Limassol (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between AEL Limassol and APOEL Nikosia is 1.6.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between AEL Limassol and APOEL Nikosia is 0.8.
Both teams haven't won their last match in 1st Division.
Both teams didn't score on their last match.
AEL Limassol scores 1.63 goals when playing at home and APOEL Nikosia scores 1.44 goals when playing away (on average).
If Andreas Makris scores against APOEL Nikosia it will be his 10th goal for AEL Limassol this season.
If Kypros Neofytou receives a yellow card in today's match, he will be suspended after collecting 6 yellow cards so far this season.
APOEL Nikosia is undefeated this season when playing at home and taking the lead 1-0.

Head to head

AEL Limassol
Apoel Nicosia
Wins: 3
Draws: 2
Wins: 8
Recent meetings
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Match information