1. Football streams
  2. 1st Division
  3. Anorthosis Famagusta vs AEK Larnaca

Iliev (90') Iliev (58')
Cabrera (32') Cantalapiedra (14')

How to watch Anorthosis Famagusta vs AEK Larnaca online & on TV, head to head and predictions

Match feed:


Anorthosis Famagusta Anorthosis Famagusta
AEK Larnaca AEK Larnaca
12Zivkovic4Artymatas10Roguljic48Ioannou5Kiko6Kargas15Mugabi35Fernandes da Conceicao16Chrysopoulos21Lopes17Paroutis31Athanasiadis11Faraj18Chacon20Cantalapiedra7Ledes17Pons30Cabrera15Milicevic22Godswill27Roger Roberge93Gnali
12Zivkovic4Artymatas10Roguljic48Ioannou5Kiko6Kargas15Mugabi35Fernandes da Conceicao16Chrysopoulos21Lopes17Paroutis
Anorthosis Famagusta Anorthosis Famagusta
31Athanasiadis11Faraj18Chacon20Cantalapiedra7Ledes17Pons30Cabrera15Milicevic22Godswill27Roger Roberge93Gnali
AEK Larnaca AEK Larnaca
Anorthosis Famagusta Anorthosis Famagusta
Camoranesi, Mauro
Atanas Iliev 9
27' Out: Rafael Lopes

Dimitris Theodorou 7
37' Out: Ante Roguljic

Stefanos Charalambous 18
80' Out: Daniel Paroutis

Adam Gyurcso 25
80' Out: Dimitris Theodorou

Evagoras Charalampous 57
80' Out: Michalis Ioannou
AEK Larnaca AEK Larnaca
Berg, Henning
Jorge Miramon 89
82' Out: Yerson Chacon

Marcus Rohden 8
82' Out: Aitor Cantalapiedra

Fran Sol 9
90' Out: Enzo Cabrera


Ball possession

Yellow cards
Red cards

Anorthosis Famagusta vs AEK Larnaca Betting tips

The most common result of matches between Anorthosis Famagusta and AEK Larnaca when Anorthosis Famagusta is playing at home is 1-1. 9 matches have ended with this result.
The most common result of matches between Anorthosis Famagusta and AEK Larnaca is 1-1. 14 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 34 meetings with Anorthosis Famagusta playing at home, Anorthosis Famagusta have won 9 times, there have been 14 draws while AEK Larnaca have won 11 times.
During the last 67 meetings, Anorthosis Famagusta have won 18 times, there have been 22 draws while AEK Larnaca have won 27 times.
Anorthosis Famagusta's last home win against AEK Larnaca was in 2020.
Last season's matches: 0-0 (Anorthosis Famagusta at home) and 1-0 (AEK Larnaca at home).
Did you know that Anorthosis Famagusta scores 27% of their goals between the minutes 31-45?
Did you know that AEK Larnaca scores 24% of their goals between the minutes 31-45?
AEK Larnaca have lost none of their last 7 away matches.
Anorthosis Famagusta haven't scored in 1 of their 9 home matches in 1st Division this season.
AEK Larnaca haven't scored in 2 of their 9 away matches in 1st Division this season.
Anorthosis Famagusta's home record this season: 7-0-2.
AEK Larnaca's away record this season: 5-3-1.
Rafa Lopes is Anorthosis Famagusta's top scorer with 9 goals. Enzo Cabrera has scored 5 times for AEK Larnaca.
A year ago, Anorthosis Famagusta were number 2 in the table with 37 points. Now they are number 7 with 27 points.
Anorthosis Famagusta wins 1st half in 39% of their matches, AEK Larnaca in 39% of their matches.
Anorthosis Famagusta wins 39% of halftimes, AEK Larnaca wins 39%.
The winner of their last meeting was AEK Larnaca.
On their last meeting AEK Larnaca won by 1 goals.
When Anorthosis Famagusta leads 1-0 at home, they win in 77% of their matches.
When AEK Larnaca leads 0-1 away, they win in 83% of their matches.
When Anorthosis Famagusta is down 0-1 home, they win 11% of their matches.
When AEK Larnaca is down 1-0 away, they win 10% of their matches.
In 1st Division, AEK Larnaca has better performance than Anorthosis Famagusta.
AEK Larnaca's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Anorthosis Famagusta's.
AEK Larnaca have lost just 0 of their last 5 games against Anorthosis Famagusta (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings Anorthosis Famagusta won 0, AEK Larnaca won 3, 2 draws.
AEK Larnaca have lost just 0 of their last 5 1st Division games against Anorthosis Famagusta.
Anorthosis Famagusta have won just 0 of their last 5 1st Division games against AEK Larnaca.
Anorthosis Famagusta scores 0.4 goals in a match against AEK Larnaca and AEK Larnaca scores 1 goals against Anorthosis Famagusta (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between Anorthosis Famagusta and AEK Larnaca is 1.4.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Anorthosis Famagusta and AEK Larnaca is 0.6.
Anorthosis Famagusta scores 1.32 goals when playing at home and AEK Larnaca scores 1.46 goals when playing away (on average).
Anorthosis Famagusta have a winning streak of 3 matches in 1st Division.
Anorthosis Famagusta have a winning streak of 3 matches.
Both teams didn't concede on their last match.
Did you know that Anorthosis Famagusta scores 23% of their goals between the minutes 31-45?
Rafa Lopes is Anorthosis Famagusta's top scorer with 11 goals. Enzo Cabrera has scored 5 times for AEK Larnaca.
Anorthosis Famagusta wins 1st half in 39% of their matches, AEK Larnaca in 40% of their matches.
Anorthosis Famagusta wins 39% of halftimes, AEK Larnaca wins 40%.
Did you know that AEK Larnaca scores 26% of their goals between the minutes 31-45?
Rafa Lopes is Anorthosis Famagusta's top scorer with 11 goals. Enzo Cabrera has scored 6 times for AEK Larnaca.
A year ago, Anorthosis Famagusta were number 2 in the table with 40 points. Now they are number 7 with 30 points.
If Aitor Cantalapiedra scores against Anorthosis Famagusta it will be his 5th goal for AEK Larnaca this season.
If Giannis Kargas receives a yellow card in today's match, he will be suspended after collecting 3 yellow cards so far this season.
AEK Larnaca is undefeated this season when playing at home and taking the lead 1-0.
This was Aitor Cantalapiedra's 5th goal for the season.

Head to head

Anorthosis Famagusta
AEK Larnaca
Wins: 3
Draws: 7
Wins: 10
Recent meetings
  1. Flag CYP1st Division
    24 Jan 2025
    Anorthosis FamagustaAnorthosis Famagusta
    2 : 2
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  2. Flag CYP1st Division
    19 Oct 2024
    AEK LarnacaAEK Larnaca
    1 : 0
    Anorthosis FamagustaAnorthosis Famagusta
  3. Flag nullClub Friendly Games
    10 Aug 2024
    Anorthosis FamagustaAnorthosis Famagusta
    1 : 1
    AEK LarnacaAEK Larnaca
  4. Flag CYP1st Division
    27 Apr 2024
    AEK LarnacaAEK Larnaca
    1 : 1
    Anorthosis FamagustaAnorthosis Famagusta
  5. Flag CYP1st Division
    16 Mar 2024
    Anorthosis FamagustaAnorthosis Famagusta
    0 : 1
    AEK LarnacaAEK Larnaca


Anorthosis FamagustaAnorthosis Famagusta
  1. Flag CYP1st Division
    7 Mar 2025
    Als Omonia
    0 : 0
    Anorthosis Famagusta
  2. Flag CYP1st Division
    27 Feb 2025
    Anorthosis Famagusta
    1 : 2
  3. Flag CYP1st Division
    23 Feb 2025
    Enosis Paralimni
    2 : 2
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  4. Flag CYP1st Division
    14 Feb 2025
    Anorthosis Famagusta
    0 : 3
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AEK LarnacaAEK Larnaca
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    2 : 0
    Als Omonia
  3. Flag CYP1st Division
    21 Feb 2025
    0 : 3
    AEK Larnaca
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  5. Flag CYP1st Division
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    Aris Limassol
    1 : 1
    AEK Larnaca

Match information