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  2. Bundesliga price index

The Bundesliga Index - The Cheapest Country To Watch The Bundesliga

The Bundesliga Price Index is a price comparison tool that tells you how much Bundesliga fans pay to watch matches in various countries worldwide. We hand-picked 20 nations spread across 6 continents and listed the cheapest price in each place to access as many Bundesliga games of the 2024/25 season as possible. Many of the countries on this list have a lasting football heritage based on the size of their domestic leagues, performances of their national teams in international tournaments, and co-efficient rankings. Other countries may have a low level of notoriety in the game but are very relevant to the sport right now. Then there are growing football markets with huge potential. This index is regularly updated to reflect economic changes, broadcasting rights changes, latest offers and other factors. However, if you feel there is anything we need to include with this data, please feel free to contact us with any tips or deals you are aware of. If you know of a way to watch the Bundesliga at a lower price where you are, drop us a line and tell us. We would be very happy to update the Bundesliga Price Index if any of this information is wrong or should change, and we would value your help in making those changes.

We have done our utmost to make this study as accurate as possible, but we aren't perfect. If you feel anything is amiss with this data, please get in touch and let us know. We would be happy to make changes. We plan to update the index all the time. Use the contact info here to reach out to us with your suggestions.

Price chart

CountryValueAnnual costCostProviders
Flag DEUGermany
Base Currency649.90 EUR542.26 GBP
Sky Deutschland
Flag SWESweden
3990.00 SEK307.40 GBP
Flag GBRUnited Kingdom
295.96 GBP295.96 GBP
Sky Sports
Flag ESPSpain
239.88 EUR200.15 GBP
Flag ITAItaly
197.80 EUR165.04 GBP
Sky Italia
Flag NLDNetherlands
179.90 EUR150.10 GBP
Flag MEXMexico
3690.00 MXN142.20 GBP
Sky Mexico
Flag FRAFrance
150.00 EUR125.16 GBP
Flag PRTPortugal
139.90 EUR116.73 GBP
Flag CANCanada
199.99 CAD108.13 GBP
Flag ZAFSouth Africa
2500.00 ZAR105.89 GBP
StarTimes Sports
Flag USAUnited States
109.90 USD84.90 GBP
Flag SGPSingapore
139.00 SGD80.36 GBP
Flag POLPoland
400.00 PLN80.14 GBP
Flag AUSAustralia
149.90 AUD73.02 GBP
Flag NZLNew Zealand
149.90 NZD66.40 GBP
Flag TURTurkey
1548.00 TRY31.47 GBP
Flag MARMorocco
275.00 MAD22.18 GBP
Flag ARGArgentina
19.19 USD14.83 GBP
Flag INDIndia
999.00 INR9.01 GBP
Sony Sports Ten

It is important to bear in mind that this is not a definitive list of all the countries in the world which air coverage of the Bundesliga, and that there are likely countries in the world where one could pay less or more to watch the Bundesliga than those listed here. It is a list of 20 noteworthy football-loving nations and the prices their citizens must pay to watch the Bundesliga. It takes into account the cheapest possible TV or live streaming options in each country which a fan can use to watch as many Bundesliga games as possible during the 2024/25 season.

This list provides the annual cost of gaining access to as many Bundesliga matches as possible in a given market. In some cases, it isn't possible to access every single Bundesliga match of the season. However, in the majority of countries, fans can pay to gain access to every match of the season and choose which ones they want to enjoy each game week.

The prices displayed in the index also represent the absolute cheapest possible approach to getting the most games. Fans living in countries where the rights space is dominated by big pay-TV broadcasters like Sky, beIN and Canal+ tend to get a rough deal, while those fortunate enough to live in places where the rights are owned by streamers like Viaplay, Star+ and other monthly subscription, OTT platforms usually enjoy much more competitive prices.

Some broadcasters, which hold exclusive rights to the Bundesliga, require the consumer to sign a 12-month or 24-month contract in order to sign up, while others - especially streamers - can often be cancelled anytime, meaning a fan only needs to pay for the 10-month Bundesliga season and then cancel their membership during the summer off-season to save money. However, it sometimes works out cheaper to sign a one-year contract than pay monthly for 10 months and cancel.

Some of the prices listed here are astronomically lower than others. It is important to take into account the average salary of people living in those places, and the availability of internet access and TV subscriptions. This index is purely designed to lay out the differences in price for comparison purposes. It does not suggest that watching Bundesliga football is necessarily easier from country to country. That would depend on the individual circumstances of the fan.

After determining the absolute cheapest route to take, involving the fewest subscriptions possible, to gain access to the maximum number of games possible in all 20 countries, our team did the calculations to come up with a per-season figure for watching the Bundesliga in each place.

Here's what we found:

It will come as little surprise to know that Germany is the most expensive country in the world to follow the Bundesliga season. As it is the domestic league, of course the German people are more keen to watch than any other fans, and with higher demand comes higher prices.

Unlike in the case of the Premier League, the price between the most expensive country (Germany) and everybody else is very drastic. Fans in the second and third most expensive countries, Sweden and the UK, are paying almost half the price as those in Germany. This is undoubtedly due to the difference in global popularity between the two leagues. The Premier League is arguably as important to fans around the world as it is to those in the UK, while the Bundesliga takes on a lot less importance for people living outside of Germany.

Beneath Sweden and the UK on the list are some predictable names. European countries with huge football-loving populations and high incomes are of course paying more to watch the Bundesliga, with Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, France and Portugal near the top of the table.

Wedged between them, somewhat surprisingly, is Mexico. This is likely just an unfortunate knock-on effect of pay-TV legacy giant Sky holdings the Bundesliga rights in Mexico. Fans are likely subscribing to the service to follow their beloved Liga MX, with Bundesliga rights being a happy add-on.

Wealthy nations like the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are paying around five times less than the Germans. While the sport may not be as popular in these countries as in Europe, the explanation also has a lot to do with the rights holders being live-streaming platforms which offer monthly subscriptions at a low cost.

Argentina, Turkey and Morocco are predictably near the list as more developing countries economically. Meanwhile, India is the cheapest country on our list for watching Bundesliga games, with an annual cost of less than £10 compared to Germany's roughly £550.

The Bundesliga Price Index is full of fascinating nuances and stories which might surprise you. If you found this interesting, check out our EPL Price Index and La Liga Price Index.

If you have any doubts or questions, please let us know. We are happy to change anything we may have got wrong, and add your country to the list. We want to grow this list year-on-year and it will constantly be evolving. It's not a finished product, but an evolving resource. We encourage our users to contribute to it and support its growth.

If you would like to use these findings in an article of your own, we only politely ask that you link to this page so your readers can see the full data and findings. Most importantly, if you found the Premier League Price Index useful or interesting, please share it far and wide.