Holbaek B&I have won 5 home matches in a row.
Holbaek B&I haven't lost in any of their last 8 home matches.
Silkeborg IF haven't lost in their last 6 games.
Silkeborg IF have lost none of their last 5 away matches.
Holbaek B&I have scored at least one goal for 8 consecutive matches.
Silkeborg IF have conceded a goal in each of their last 10 matches.
Silkeborg IF have scored at least one goal for 21 consecutive matches.
Holbaek B&I wins 1st half in 16% of their matches, Silkeborg IF in 30% of their matches.
Holbaek B&I wins 16% of halftimes, Silkeborg IF wins 30%.
When Silkeborg IF leads 0-1 away, they win in 50% of their matches.
When Holbaek B&I is down 0-1 home, they win 0% of their matches.
When Silkeborg IF is down 1-0 away, they win 8% of their matches.
Holbaek B&I's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Silkeborg IF's.
Holbaek B&I scores 1.32 goals when playing at home and Silkeborg IF scores 1.5 goals when playing away (on average).
Silkeborg IF haven't lost in their last 7 games.
Silkeborg IF have conceded a goal in each of their last 11 matches.
Silkeborg IF have scored at least one goal for 22 consecutive matches.
Holbaek B&I have scored at least one goal for 9 consecutive matches.
Holbaek B&I wins 1st half in 15% of their matches, Silkeborg IF in 30% of their matches.
Holbaek B&I wins 15% of halftimes, Silkeborg IF wins 30%.