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Jack Wilshere takes shot at Jamie Carragher over Liverpool legend's claim on Arsene Wenger

Published: Updated: 07:48, 23 May 2024
Carragher recently said Jurgen Klopp is far better than Arsene Wenger

Former Arsenal midfielder, Jack Wilshere, has taken a swipe at Jamie Carragher following the Liverpool legend's claim that he would rank Jurgen Klopp above Arsene Wenger in all-time manager rankings.

The dispute began when Amazon Prime Video posted a quote from Carragher on their Stick to Football segment. In his statement, the ex-Reds star rated German manager Jurgen Klopp higher than Arsene Wenger. "I would put him (Jurgen Klopp) above Wenger," said Carragher.

This came after Jurgen Klopp ended his nine-year association with Liverpool last weekend, marking his final game of the season against Wolves in the Premier League from Anfield's dugout.

Wilshere's retort on social media

Wilshere was quick to disagree with Carragher's ranking. The former Arsenal midfielder responded to Amazon Prime’s post by challenging Carragher’s assertion and defending Wenger’s legacy.

Jack Wilshere, Former Arsenal midfielder, said:

"Klopp unbelievable how he transformed Liverpool but Arsene’s legacy in the premier league is second to none. Sorry Jamie but you are miles off it, please don’t be so biased and respect Arsene and what he done over a longer period, including leading the only team in the premier league to be invincible. Everyone appreciates what Pep has done and changed the way we see football in this country but don’t forget AW had a similar effect when he came in 96! You know that era better than me and witnessed it so let’s not forget that!"

Arsene Wenger vs Jurgen Klopp debate

Wenger is widely regarded as one of the greatest managers in Premier League history alongside luminaries such as Sir Alex Ferguson, Pep Guardiola and indeed, Jurgen Klopp himself. During his 22-year tenure with North London side Arsenal, he won every major trophy except for the Champions League and holds an unmatched record of winning a league title unbeaten.

Klopp too has had an impressive career so far but comparing him directly to Wenger may be premature given that he recently left Liverpool after nine years at helm during which he led them to several victories including a Champions League win.

Following his departure from Liverpool this season, it was revealed that Klopp plans on taking a sabbatical from coaching for at least a year. However, there have been speculations about what lies ahead for him; Gary Lineker recently stirred up excitement among fans by suggesting that the former Borussia Dortmund manager could return to the Bundesliga club, albeit in a different capacity.

While debates about who ranks higher in all-time manager rankings can be subjective and often influenced by personal biases, it's clear that both Arsene Wenger and Jurgen Klopp have made significant contributions to football. As fans eagerly await Klopp's next move, one thing is certain: his legacy at Liverpool has left an indelible mark on the world of football.

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