1. Foot en direct
  2. Matchs amicaux, Clubs
  3. Inter Milan vs Dynamo Kiev

Inter Milan vs Dynamo Kiev Football en direct, pronostics et tête à tête

Événements du match:

Inter Milan vs Dynamo Kiev Conseils pour les paris

Quand Inter Milan gagne 1-0 à domicile, il gagne gagne 90% de leurs matches.
FC Dynamo Kiev n'a pas perdu lors de ses 4 derniers matches.
Inter Milan a remporté leur dernière comfrontation
Le nombre moyen de buts en première mi-temps entre Inter Milan et FC Dynamo Kiev est de 1.5.
Inter Milan gagne la 1ère mi-temps dans 35% de leurs matches, FC Dynamo Kiev dans 41% de leurs matches.
Le nombre moyen de buts entre Inter Milan et FC Dynamo Kiev est de 3.
Dans leurs 4 dernières rencontres Inter Milan gagna 2, FC Dynamo Kiev gagna 0, pour 2 nuls.
Quand FC Dynamo Kiev perd 1-0 à l'extérieur, il gagne gagne 22% de leurs matches.
Inter Milan marque 2.83 buts quand il joue à domicile et FC Dynamo Kiev marque 2.03 buts quand il joue à l'extérieur (en moyenne).
Inter Milan a perdu 0 de leurs 4 derniers matches contre FC Dynamo Kiev (toutes compétitions)
Quand Inter Milan perd 0-1 à domicile, il gagne 57% de leurs matches.
Inter Milan reste sur une série de victoires de 4 matches.
Inter Milan marque 1.75 buts contre FC Dynamo Kiev et FC Dynamo Kiev marque 1.25 buts contre Inter Milan (en moyenne).
Inter Milan's performance of the last 5 matches is better than FC Dynamo Kiev's.
Quand FC Dynamo Kiev gagne 0-1 à l'extérieur, il gagne gagne 71% de leurs matches.
Inter Milan a gagné 10 matches à domicile d'affilée.
Lors de la dernière rencontre Inter Milan gagna par 1 buts.
Inter Milan gagne 35% des mi-temps, FC Dynamo Kiev gagne 41%.
Inter Milan a marqué au moins un but lors de 20 matches consécutifs.
When FC Dynamo Kiev is down 1-0 away, they win 22% of their matches.
Inter Milano scores 2.83 goals when playing at home and FC Dynamo Kiev scores 2.03 goals when playing away (on average).
Inter Milano have lost just 0 of their last 4 games against FC Dynamo Kiev (in all competitions).
When Inter Milano is down 0-1 home, they win 57% of their matches.
Inter Milano scores 1.75 goals in a match against FC Dynamo Kiev and FC Dynamo Kiev scores 1.25 goals against Inter Milano (on average).
Inter Milano's performance of the last 5 matches is better than FC Dynamo Kiev's.
When FC Dynamo Kiev leads 0-1 away, they win in 71% of their matches.
Inter Milano have a winning streak of 4 matches.
On their last meeting Inter Milano won by 1 goals.
Both teams didn't concede on their last match.
Inter Milano wins 35% of halftimes, FC Dynamo Kiev wins 42%.
When Inter Milano leads 1-0 at home, they win in 90% of their matches.
Inter Milano have won 10 home matches in a row.
The winner of their last meeting was Inter Milano.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Inter Milano and FC Dynamo Kiev is 1.5.
Inter Milano wins 1st half in 35% of their matches, FC Dynamo Kiev in 42% of their matches.
Average number of goals in meetings between Inter Milano and FC Dynamo Kiev is 3.
FC Dynamo Kiev haven't lost in their last 5 games.
In the last 4 meetings Inter Milano won 2, FC Dynamo Kiev won 0, 2 draws.
FC Dynamo Kiev have scored at least one goal for 5 consecutive matches.
Inter Milano have scored at least one goal for 20 consecutive matches.
Inter Milan wins 1st half in 35% of their matches, FC Dynamo Kiev in 42% of their matches.
Average number of goals in meetings between Inter Milan and FC Dynamo Kiev is 3.
In the last 4 meetings Inter Milan won 2, FC Dynamo Kiev won 0, 2 draws.
Inter Milan scores 2.83 goals when playing at home and FC Dynamo Kiev scores 2.03 goals when playing away (on average).
Inter Milan have lost just 0 of their last 4 games against FC Dynamo Kiev (in all competitions).
When Inter Milan is down 0-1 home, they win 57% of their matches.
Inter Milan scores 1.75 goals in a match against FC Dynamo Kiev and FC Dynamo Kiev scores 1.25 goals against Inter Milan (on average).
Inter Milan have a winning streak of 4 matches.
On their last meeting Inter Milan won by 1 goals.
Inter Milan wins 35% of halftimes, FC Dynamo Kiev wins 42%.
When Inter Milan leads 1-0 at home, they win in 90% of their matches.
Inter Milan have won 10 home matches in a row.
The winner of their last meeting was Inter Milan.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Inter Milan and FC Dynamo Kiev is 1.5.
Inter Milan have scored at least one goal for 20 consecutive matches.

Inter Milan vs Dynamo Kiev Tête à Tête

Inter Milan
Dynamo Kiev
Gains: 1
Nul: 0
Gains: 0
Dernières confrontations
  1. Flag nullMatchs amicaux, Clubs
    13 août 2021
    Inter MilanInter Milan
    3 : 0
    Dynamo KievDynamo Kiev

Inter Milan vs Dynamo Kiev Forme

Inter MilanInter Milan
  1. Flag ITASerie A
    28 févr. 2025
    1 : 1
    Inter Milan
  2. Flag ITACoupe d'Italie
    24 févr. 2025
    Inter Milan
    2 : 0
  3. Flag ITASerie A
    21 févr. 2025
    Inter Milan
    1 : 0
  4. Flag ITASerie A
    15 févr. 2025
    1 : 0
    Inter Milan
  5. Flag ITASerie A
    9 févr. 2025
    Inter Milan
    2 : 1
Dynamo KievDynamo Kiev
  1. Flag UKRPremière division
    27 févr. 2025
    Vorskla Poltava
    1 : 1
    Dynamo Kiev
  2. Flag UKRPremière division
    22 févr. 2025
    Dynamo Kiev
    2 : 0
    Karpaty Lviv
  3. Flag nullMatchs amicaux, Clubs
    9 févr. 2025
    Dynamo Kiev
    2 : 0
  4. Flag nullMatchs amicaux, Clubs
    5 févr. 2025
    Dynamo Kiev
    3 : 2
    FC Shkëndija
  5. Flag nullUEFA Ligue Europa
    29 janv. 2025
    Dynamo Kiev
    1 : 0
    Rigas Futbola Skola

Informations sur le match