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  3. Oita Trinita vs Consadole Sapporo

Oita Trinita vs Consadole Sapporo en vivo online, en directo y predicciones y Head to Head

Eventos del partido:


Oita Trinita
Consadole Sapporo
1Takagi2Kagawa3Misao4Saka14Henrique Trevisan6Kobayashi8Machida11Shimoda39Masuyama13Isa33Goya1Sugeno50Okamura5Fukumori2Tanaka9Kaneko27Arano6Takamine14Komai28Aoki4Suga35Ogashiwa
Consadole Sapporo

Oita Trinita vs Consadole Sapporo Consejos para las apuestas

When playing at home, Oita Trinita have not lost to Consadole Sapporo in their last 4 encounters.
The most common result of matches between Oita Trinita and Consadole Sapporo is 1-1. 4 matches have ended with this result.
In the last 5 meetings Oita Trinita won 2, Consadole Sapporo won 1, 2 draws.
When Consadole Sapporo is down 1-0 away, they win 7% of their matches.
Yamato Machida is Oita Trinita's top scorer with 5 goals. Takuro Kaneko has scored 5 times for Consadole Sapporo.
Consadole Sapporo's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Oita Trinita's.
Oita Trinita scores 0.76 goals when playing at home and Consadole Sapporo scores 1.19 goals when playing away (on average).
Oita Trinita have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against Consadole Sapporo (in all competitions).
When Oita Trinita is down 0-1 home, they win 0% of their matches.
Oita Trinita wins 25% of halftimes, Consadole Sapporo wins 28%.
Oita Trinita scores 1.2 goals in a match against Consadole Sapporo and Consadole Sapporo scores 1.2 goals against Oita Trinita (on average).
Consadole Sapporo have won just 1 of their last 5 J.League games against Oita Trinita.
When Consadole Sapporo leads 0-1 away, they win in 72% of their matches.
Oita Trinita wins 1st half in 25% of their matches, Consadole Sapporo in 28% of their matches.
On their last meeting Consadole Sapporo won by 2 goals.
Oita Trinita have lost just 1 of their last 5 J.League games against Consadole Sapporo.
When Oita Trinita leads 1-0 at home, they win in 66% of their matches.
The winner of their last meeting was Consadole Sapporo.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Oita Trinita and Consadole Sapporo is 1.6.
Hokuto Shimoda has assisted the most goals for Oita Trinita with 3. Tsuyoshi Ogashiwa is Consadole Sapporo's biggest assister (5).
In J.League, Consadole Sapporo has better performance than Oita Trinita.
Average number of goals in meetings between Oita Trinita and Consadole Sapporo is 2.4.
Did you know that Oita Trinita scores 36% of their goals between the minutes 0-15? This is the highest percentage in the league.
Consadole Sapporo have conceded a goal in each of their last 5 matches.
Consadole Sapporo haven't scored in 5 of their 11 away matches in J.League this season.
Last season's matches: 1-1 (Oita Trinita at home) and 1-1 (Consadole Sapporo at home).
Oita Trinita haven't scored in 5 of their 12 home matches in J.League this season.
Consadole Sapporo's last away win against Oita Trinita was in 2011.
During the last 7 meetings with Oita Trinita playing at home, Oita Trinita have won 4 times, there have been 1 draws while Consadole Sapporo have won 2 times. The goal difference is 10-7 in favour of Oita Trinita.
During the last 15 meetings, Oita Trinita have won 5 times, there have been 6 draws while Consadole Sapporo have won 4 times. The goal difference is 17-17 in favour of Oita Trinita.
Did you know that Consadole Sapporo scores 28% of their goals between the minutes 46-60?
Oita Trinita have lost just 1 of their last 5 J.League games against Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo.
The winner of their last meeting was Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Oita Trinita and Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo is 1.6.
Oita Trinita have lost 3 matches in a row.
In J.League, Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo has better performance than Oita Trinita.
Average number of goals in meetings between Oita Trinita and Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo is 2.4.
The most common result of matches between Oita Trinita and Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo is 1-1. 4 matches have ended with this result.
In the last 5 meetings Oita Trinita won 2, Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo won 1, 2 draws.
When Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo is down 1-0 away, they win 7% of their matches.
A year ago, Oita Trinita were number 12 in the table with 29 points. Now they are number 19 with 16 points.
Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Oita Trinita's.
Oita Trinita scores 0.76 goals when playing at home and Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo scores 1.19 goals when playing away (on average).
Oita Trinita have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo (in all competitions).
Hokuto Shimoda has assisted the most goals for Oita Trinita with 3. Tsuyoshi Ogashiwa is Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo's biggest assister (5).
Oita Trinita wins 25% of halftimes, Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo wins 28%.
Oita Trinita scores 1.2 goals in a match against Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo and Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo scores 1.2 goals against Oita Trinita (on average).
When playing at home, Oita Trinita have not lost to Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo in their last 4 encounters.
Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo have won just 1 of their last 5 J.League games against Oita Trinita.
When Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo leads 0-1 away, they win in 72% of their matches.
Yamato Machida is Oita Trinita's top scorer with 5 goals. Takuro Kaneko has scored 5 times for Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo.
Oita Trinita wins 1st half in 25% of their matches, Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo in 28% of their matches.
On their last meeting Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo won by 2 goals.
Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo have conceded a goal in each of their last 5 matches.
Last season's matches: 1-1 (Oita Trinita at home) and 1-1 (Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo at home).
During the last 15 meetings, Oita Trinita have won 5 times, there have been 6 draws while Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo have won 4 times. The goal difference is 17-17 in favour of Oita Trinita.
Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo's last away win against Oita Trinita was in 2011.
Oita Trinita have a losing streak of 3 matches in J.League.
During the last 7 meetings with Oita Trinita playing at home, Oita Trinita have won 4 times, there have been 1 draws while Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo have won 2 times. The goal difference is 10-7 in favour of Oita Trinita.
Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo haven't scored in 5 of their 11 away matches in J.League this season.
Did you know that Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo scores 28% of their goals between the minutes 46-60?
Oita Trinita solo ha perdido 1 de su último 5 partidos contra Consadole Sapporo (en todas las competiciones).
Cuando Oita Trinita va perdiendo 0-1 como local, ganan el 0% de sus partidos.
Hokuto Shimoda ha dado el mayor número de asistencias para Oita Trinita con 4. Tsuyoshi Ogashiwa es el mayor asistidor de Consadole Sapporo (5).
Oita Trinita gana 25% de mitades, Consadole Sapporo gana 28%.
Oita Trinita marca 1.2 goles en un partido contra Consadole Sapporo y Consadole Sapporo marca 1.2 goles contra Oita Trinita (como promedio).
Jugando en casa, Oita Trinita no ha perdido contra Consadole Sapporo ninguno de los últimos 4 encuentros.
Consadole Sapporo solo ha ganado 1 de su último 5 partidos en Liga J contra Oita Trinita.
Cuando Consadole Sapporo se avanza 0-1 como visitante, ganan el 72% de sus partidos.
Yamato Machida es el máximo goleador de Oita Trinita con 5 goles. Takuro Kaneko ha marcado 5 veces para Consadole Sapporo.
Oita Trinita gana la 1º mitad en 25% de sus partidos, Consadole Sapporo en 28% de sus partidos.
En su último encuentro Consadole Sapporo ganó por 2 goles.
Oita Trinita solo ha perdido 1 de su último 5 partidos en Liga J contra Consadole Sapporo.
Cuando Oita Trinita se avanza 1-0 como local, ganan el 66% de sus partidos.
El ganador de su último encuentro fue Consadole Sapporo.
La media de goles en la primera mitad en los encuentros entre Oita Trinita y Consadole Sapporo es de 1.6.
Oita Trinita ha perdido 3 encuentros seguidos.
Los recientes resultados de Consadole SapporoLiga J en son mejores que los de Oita Trinita.
Número promedio de goles en los encuentros entre Oita Trinita y Consadole Sapporo es 2.4.
El resultado más común de encuentros entre Oita Trinita y Consadole Sapporo es 1 - 1. 4 encuentros han terminado con este resultado.
En el último 5 encuentros Oita Trinita ganó 2, Consadole Sapporo ganó 1, 2 empates.
Cuando Consadole Sapporo va perdiendo 1-0 como visitante, ganan el 7% de sus partidos.
Hace un año, Oita Trinita estaba en la posición 12 de la clasificación con 29 puntos. Ahora está en la posición 19 con 16 puntos.
El rendimiento de Consadole Sapporo de los últimos 5 partidos es mejor que el de Oita Trinita.
Oita Trinita marca 0.76 marca cuando juega en casa y Consadole Sapporo marca 1.19 goles cuando juega fuera (como promedio).
¿Sabías que Oita Trinita marca el 33% de sus goles entre los minutos 0-15? Este es el porcentaje más alto de la liga.
Consadole Sapporo ha recibido goles en cada uno de sus últimos 5 encuentros.
En los últimos 7 encuentros con Oita Trinita jugando en casa, Oita Trinita ha ganado 4 veces y ha empatado 1 veces, mientras que Consadole Sapporo ha ganado 2 veces. La diferencia de goles es de 10-7 goles a favor de Oita Trinita.
Consadole Sapporo no ha marcado en 5 de sus últimos 11 encuentros como visitante en Liga J esta temporada.
Oita Trinita no ha marcado en 5 de sus últimos 12 encuentros como local en Liga J esta temporada.
Encuentros de la temporada pasada: 1-1 (Oita Trinita como local) y 1-1 (Consadole Sapporo como local).
En los últimos 15 encuentros, Oita Trinita ha ganado 5 veces, ha habido 6 empates y Consadole Sapporo ha ganado 4 veces. La diferencia de goles es de 17-17 a favor de Oita Trinita.
La última victoria como visitante de Consadole Sapporo contra Oita Trinita fue en 2011.
Oita Trinita lleva una racha de 3 derrotas en Liga J
¿Sabías que Consadole Sapporo marca un 28% de sus goles entre los minutos 46-60?
El resultado final más común cuando Oita Trinita gana 1-0 en casa esta temporada es 1-0.
Este ha sido el gol número 5 de Tsuyoshi Ogashiwa esta temporada.
Este ha sido el gol número 5 de Hiroto Goya esta temporada.
Si Tsuyoshi Ogashiwa marca contra Oita Trinita, será su gol número 5 con Consadole Sapporo esta temporada.

Oita Trinita vs Consadole Sapporo Enfrentamientos

Oita Trinita
Consadole Sapporo
Gana: 2
Empate: 3
Gana: 1
Últimos encuentros
  1. Flag JPNLiga J
    21 ago 2021
    Oita TrinitaOita Trinita
    1 : 1
    Consadole SapporoConsadole Sapporo
  2. Flag JPNLiga J
    19 jun 2021
    Consadole SapporoConsadole Sapporo
    2 : 0
    Oita TrinitaOita Trinita
  3. Flag JPNLiga J
    12 dic 2020
    Oita TrinitaOita Trinita
    1 : 1
    Consadole SapporoConsadole Sapporo
  4. Flag JPNLiga J
    19 ago 2020
    Consadole SapporoConsadole Sapporo
    1 : 1
    Oita TrinitaOita Trinita
  5. Flag JPNLiga J
    13 jul 2019
    Oita TrinitaOita Trinita
    2 : 1
    Consadole SapporoConsadole Sapporo

Oita Trinita vs Consadole Sapporo Formulario

Oita TrinitaOita Trinita
  1. Flag JPNLiga J 2
    21 abr 2024
    Oita Trinita
    0 : 2
    Iwaki FC
  2. Flag JPNLiga J 2
    13 abr 2024
    JEF Utd Chiba
    1 : 1
    Oita Trinita
  3. Flag JPNLiga J 2
    7 abr 2024
    Oita Trinita
    1 : 3
    Blaublitz Akita
  4. Flag JPNLiga J 2
    3 abr 2024
    Thespa Kusatsu
    0 : 2
    Oita Trinita
  5. Flag JPNLiga J 2
    30 mar 2024
    Oita Trinita
    0 : 0
    Fagiano Okayama
Consadole SapporoConsadole Sapporo
  1. Flag JPNLiga J
    20 abr 2024
    Consadole Sapporo
    1 : 1
    Sanfrecce Hiroshima
  2. Flag JPNCopa Nabisco
    17 abr 2024
    Azul Claro Numazu
    1 : 3
    Consadole Sapporo
  3. Flag JPNLiga J
    13 abr 2024
    Niigata Albirex
    1 : 1
    Consadole Sapporo
  4. Flag JPNLiga J
    6 abr 2024
    Consadole Sapporo
    1 : 0
    Gamba Osaka
  5. Flag JPNLiga J
    3 abr 2024
    Consadole Sapporo
    1 : 2
    Nagoya Grampus

Oita Trinita vs Consadole Sapporo Clasificación

1Machida Zelvia612919
19Kyoto Sanga FC13596
20Consadole Sapporo13596

Información del partido